Kit Kat Dessert Recipe

Looking for some sweets for your birthday? Well, in this article we have the solution, because we present you the easy recipe for Kit Kat dessert. We are sure that chocolate lovers will not be able to resist because the preparation is very simple: melt the condensed milk and cocoa powder in a pot and add the Kit Kat. Easy right? Check it out with this step by step the ingredients and step by step of the Kit Kat dessert.

Ingredients to make Kit Kat Dessert:

  1. 1 can of condensed milk
  2. 3 tablespoons of Cocoa powder
  3. 1 tablespoon butter
  4. 3 Kit Kat packages

How to make Kit Kat Dessert:

  • To prepare this easy Kit Kat dessert recipe we will start by gathering the ingredients, making sure that the Kit Kat is frozen.
  • Next, in a saucepan over medium heat, mix the condensed milk and cocoa. Stir well and, when it starts to boil, turn off the heat and do not stop stirring until you get a nice thick consistency.
  • Then transfer the Kit Kat dessert mix to a pre-buttered platter and allow to cool.
  • Now break the Kit Kat bars, reserve 1/3 and puree the rest in a blender or food processor. What we want is to be able to coat the chocolate with the crushed Kit Kat. Reserve in the refrigerator until the chocolate is at room temperature,
  • With your hands greased with butter, begin to model the Kit Kat dessert: To do this, take a bit of the chocolate mixture, flatten it, place a piece of Kit Kat inside, and close it in the shape of a ball.
  • Then coat each Kit Kat dessert with the crushed pieces and press it with your hands so that it sticks well.
  • Reserve Kit Kat desserts in the refrigerator until served and enjoy!

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