Kidney Cream Recipe

Ingredients to make Kidneys a La Cream:

  1. 1kg kidneys
  2. 1 cup(s) fresh cream
  3. 200 g mushrooms sautéed in butter
  4. 2 tablespoon(s) butter
  5. Salt and pepper to taste
  6. 1 glass(s) of sherry

How to make Kidneys with Cream:

  • Wash the kidneys well and remove the membrane that surrounds them. Cut them into scallops or thin slices. Let them drain in water with vinegar for about 4 hours. Wash and drain. In a pan with an extended base, melt the butter and fry the kidney scallops in it.Let it cook slowly for about 5 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper to taste and the sherry. Remove the cooking juices from the kidneys and mix them with fresh cream. Cover the pan so that the kidneys do not cool. Heat the cream with the cooking juices, without letting it boil. Check the salt. In a previously heated dish, empty the kidney scallops and cover them with the very hot cream. Accompany with mashed potatoes and the mushrooms sautéed in butter.

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