Keto Microwave Brownie Recipe

The keto microwave brownie is a quick and easy treat for those craving days. However, you should know that this preparation that we offer you is healthy and, in addition, it is delicious. On the other hand, this recipe contains cocoa, so if you don’t like the chocolate flavor, you can add less. You can also modify the nuts and, if you don’t like nuts, you can put pieces of almonds, hazelnuts, etc. They must be keto-friendly nuts. This dessert can stay in the fridge for several days.

In this article we teach you how to make keto brownie in the microwave easily and quickly. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make keto brownie in the microwave:

  • 50 grams of ground almond
  • 20 grams of cocoa powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 grams of butter or coconut oil
  • 25 grams of erythritol
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 handful of chocolate chips
  • 1 handful of walnuts

How to make keto brownies in the microwave:

  1. To start with the keto microwave brownie recipe, you must first add the dry ingredients in a bowl: the ground almonds, cocoa powder, erythritol or any sugar you like, also the teaspoon of baking powder.
  2. Also add the eggs and mix everything. Next, put the butter in the microwave for a few seconds and, once melted, add it to the other ingredients.
  3. Mix with a whisk or a spatula.
  4. Trick: if you wish, you can change the butter for coconut oil, this will give more flavor if you like coconut. You can also add coconut flour and make a delicious brownie with coconut flour.
  5. Peel and chop the walnuts into small pieces.
  6. Next, prepare the chocolate chips, if you don’t have them, you can chop pieces of 85% sugar-free chocolate.
  7. Trick: chop all the ingredients into small pieces to add it to the brownie.
  8. Add the chopped chocolate pieces to the dough and a few chopped walnuts.
  9.  Leave some nuts to add on top of the cake. Mix everything.
  10. Get a microwave-safe pan. Next, grease the mold with butter and incorporate theketo chocolate cake dough, add the rest of the nuts on top of the dough.
  11. Tip: the mold we have used is made of glass and measures 10×10 cm. You can also use a silicone mold.
  12. Put the chocolate brownie in the microwave at 900W. About 90 secondsThen, remove it and, if you notice that it is not there yet, add it every 20 seconds.
  13.  Times may vary depending on the microwave. The cake should be a little moist, since when it cools it will be drier.
  14. Let the brownie cool inside the mold and serve when it is cold. Then, remove and serve it in a source. Now you can eat the delicious easy keto brownie!


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