Keto Garlic Bread Recipe

If you want to eliminate or reduce carbohydrates as much as possible and bet on fats and proteins, this recipe is perfect for you. In addition, it is easy and delicious, you can take it alone, as a starter, as an accompaniment to other dishes, or you can also enjoy it as an appetizer. However, if you think that it is a bread as we know it today, it is not, but it is ideal to provide that energy that the body needs, with protein and healthy fats.

Ingredients to make Keto Garlic Bread:

• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives

• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

• 1 clove garlic

• 125 grams of mozzarella (1 fresh ball)

• 50 grams of ground almond

• 2 tablespoons of cream cheese

• 2 dessert spoons of garlic powder

• 1 pinch of chemical yeast

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 egg

• 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese

• 2 tablespoons of olive oil

How to make Keto Garlic Bread:

To get started with the keto garlic bread recipe, first prepare the herbs. Wash both the chives and parsley, pat dry and chop with a sharp knife. Also peel the garlic clove and slice it. Save all the ingredients for later.

Grate the mozzarella ball (you can also use pre-shredded mozzarella) and place it in a microwave-safe bowl. Add the ground almonds, the cream cheese, the garlic powder, the pinch of chemical yeast and the pinch of salt. Stir well, take to the microwave and heat for 1 minute at maximum power. Remove from microwave and stir.

Tip: if you notice that the cheese is not yet melted, put it in the microwave for a few more seconds.

Beat the egg like for an omelet and quickly add to the keto garlic bread mix. Stir to integrate well. Preheat the oven to 190ºC and line a tray with parchment paper, place the keto garlic bread dough on it. With a spatula, provide a rectangular shape, approximately 18×12 cm and one finger thick.

Put the herbs and minced garlic that you had reserved in a bowl, add the grated Parmesan and the two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well.

With the help of a teaspoon, add this mixture on top of the keto garlic bread, covering the entire surface. Bake the bread at 190ºC with heat up and down for 15 minutes, until golden brown. The time is indicative, it will depend on your oven. Let cool for a few minutes and cut the homemade garlic bread into squares. You can serve the bread right away or you can eat it later. Once cool, you can toast it in the toaster if you like it crunchier. You can eat keto bread on its own or with yogurt or mayonnaise sauce

Keto version garlic bread

If you do not know what the keto diet is, we will explain that it is a type of eating plan that has become fashionable today to lose weight quickly, although it is not suitable for everyone. However, this type of bread can still be consumed if you are not following the keto diet, since this particular recipe is very healthy.

In addition to this bread that we offer you, there are other equally delicious versions, such as:

• Garlic cheese bread

• Baked garlic bread

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