Juices to detoxify the body

Our body constantly cleanses itself thanks to the work carried out by the lymphatic system, the kidneys, the liver, the intestine, the lungs and the skin. However, sometimes one or several of these purifying organs become overloaded with work, either due to internal or external causes. At that point, the body begins to show discomfort: moodiness, irritability, tiredness, headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, skin problems, cellulite, obesity, fluid retention and muscle pain.

If we feel this way, perhaps we need to support our body in its purification process, and without a doubt, this should include a medical opinion. But why does the body become intoxicated? There are many factors involved, although they can be summed up in three main ones: an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, excess drugs and inadequate lifestyle habits.

Within the framework of all of the above we offers you a list of juices to detoxify the body, considering all the organs involved in this process. In other words, this treatment should be done in stages, first cleaning the intestine, then the kidneys, liver, lungs and skin. Finally, we recommend that before starting any slimming diet, you always cleanse your body first.

Aloe Vera juice and honey, instant remedy for constipation

The first step to cleanse our body is to balance the intestinal flora and cleanse the entire digestive tract, freeing it of accumulated fecal matter. Thus, you help reduce the work of other purifying organs, mainly the kidneys, liver and skin.

In this sense, aloe Vera juice combats constipation and provides a laxative, anti-inflammatory, digestive and antacid effect. For all these reasons, it is a perfect juice to detoxify the body in 1 week. Prepare it as follows:


  • 6 teaspoons of aloe Vera gel
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


Scoop out the aloe Vera pulp with a spoon and pour it into the blender. Add the other ingredients and mix very well. Consume this juice on an empty stomach for a full week, no more.

To further enhance the effects of the juice, you can replace the water with juice from one of the best fruits to go to the bathroom, such as orange, lemon or pineapple. If you are interested in other drinks for constipation, we recommend you take a look at 10 laxative juices for constipation.

Makes 1 serving.

Apple and papaya juice for constipation

Apple and papaya juice is also considered a fairly powerful natural laxative, as it cleanses the intestines almost immediately after drinking it. For this reason, we propose it as a second alternative.

It could not be otherwise, because the apple and papaya provide the body with abundant fiber, thus improving its intestinal functions. Furthermore, both fruits have moisturizing and diuretic properties. With that said, prepare the apple and papaya juice for constipation by following these steps:


  • 1 green apple
  • 3 slices of ripe papaya
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


Chop the fruits and add them to the blender glass along with the rest of the ingredients. Mix until you see no lumps. If you prefer, you can add orange to the recipe, following these instructions from our recipe for papaya, apple and orange juice.

The apple is one of those fruits whose skin benefits the regulation of intestinal transit, so wash it very well and prepare the juice without removing it.

To know how to drink juices to detoxify the body, drink a glass daily on an empty stomach or integrate it with breakfast. Take this juice to detoxify the body for a minimum period of two weeks or until your intestine is regulated.

Makes 1 serving.

Watermelon and lemon diuretic juice

Another very important step to clean our body is to drain the retained liquids. In this sense, this juice contains a lot of water and potassium, perfect for enhancing the body’s diuretic functions. Likewise, and thanks to the lemon, it increases urinary citrate, a substance that helps prevent the formation of stone in the kidneys (calcium oxalate and phosphate). If you are interested, you can make this diuretic watermelon and lemon juice by following these easy steps:


  • 2 cups of watermelon cut into cubes of 300 gr
  • 1 lemon (the juice)


Cut the watermelon into cubes and squeeze the lemon. Reserve both.

Put all the ingredients in the blender. Mix until you get a liquid of even consistency. Straining it is optional, as the seeds also help eliminate kidney stones. Tip: consume it freshly prepared. Makes for 2 servings.

You can consume it with meals, but if you want to enhance its diuretic power, take it on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating, for 15-30 days and three times a week. If you are interested in other juices that are similar, we invite you to review 10 juices to cleanse the kidneys.

Grapefruit, lemon and orange juice, a home remedy to cleanse the liver

Now it’s time to cleanse the liver and, for this mission, citrus fruits are very useful, as they help us reduce inflammation and purify it. In addition, this drink also works as a mild natural laxative, helps you lose weight, and detoxifies the skin.

Drink 1 glass of this juice to cleanse fatty liver 2 times a day for 15 days. Follow the next step by step:


  • 2 grapefruits
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


Peel the fruits, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Squeeze all the ingredients, inside the blender and mix. If you want to sweeten it a bit, you can use honey or brown sugar.

Makes 2 servings.

Tip: The liver performs detoxifying, digestive, immunological, storage and hematopoietic functions.

Green juice to clean fatty liver

This green juice is prepared with artichoke, celery and parsley, recommended ingredients to purify the body in general and, especially, to cleanse the liver.

If you are interested in other juices for the liver, you can review our article juices to cleanse the liver and 20 natural juices to lower cholesterol. Without further ado, let’s go through this recipe step by step so you know how to make green juice to detoxify the body:


  • 1 artichoke
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 1 green apple
  • 500 ml of water


  1. Wash the artichoke and put the leaves closest to the heart, and the chopped heart, into the blender.
  2. Add the apple, peeled and chopped.
  3. Add the celery, parsley and water, and then process everything. If you use the artichoke water, even better.
  4. To enhance the depurative effect you can add the juice of half a lemon.
  5. Consume this juice to cleanse fatty liver 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and one hour before dinner.

Makes 2 servings.

Tip: the artichoke helps fight hepatic-biliary dysfunction and digestive discomfort.

Brussels sprouts, celery and carrot smoothie

A non-alcoholic fatty liver can affect the normal function of the pancreas. For this reason, it is sometimes convenient to purify both organs at the same time. This Brussels sprouts, celery and carrot smoothie accomplishes this mission.

Cruciferous vegetables, in general, strengthen the liver and pancreas, as they contain sulfur and antioxidants. In addition, they also fulfill diuretic functions and, in the specific case of Brussels sprouts, help eliminate kidney stones. For its part, celery not only helps detoxify the liver, it also benefits the pancreas, stomach, kidneys and spleen. Likewise, the carrot has hepatoprotective and diuretic qualities.

Drink this juice at night, 30 minutes before dinner. Do it for 15 days and prepare it as follows:


  • 4 Brussels sprouts
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 glass of water


Wash the vegetables very well. Disinfect each one as appropriate, following the steps that we indicate in this article on how to disinfect vegetables.

Cut the vegetables into pieces and place them in the blender. Add the water and process. Drink the juice freshly prepared and without straining it. Makes 1 serving.

Carrot, orange and ginger juice

Although scientifically, no natural drink is known to work as a detoxifier for the lungs, there are juices that can strengthen them.

In this sense, orange provides vitamin C, which helps to increase the immune system.  While the carrot provides beta carotene, antioxidants associated with the prevention of lung cancer. As if that were not enough, ginger and turmeric have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. With that said, let’s see how carrot, orange and ginger juice is prepared:


  • 2 small carrots
  • 1 orange (juice)
  • 2 tsp. ginger
  • ½ tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1 pinch of honey
  • 1 glass of water


  1. Sanitizes all solid ingredients very well. Then, cut the carrot and ginger into pieces, both already peeled.
  2. Put everything in the blender and process. First, squeeze the orange through a strainer. Next step, add the carrot, ginger, turmeric and water.
  3. You can make another version of this recipe by substituting 1 tsp. cayenne pepper for the ginger and turmeric. In this case, we recommend grinding the spice first.

Makes 2 servings.

Apart from strengthening your lungs, this juice serves as a diuretic and to lose weight. Take it mid-morning and in the afternoon for 10 days.

Watercress and ginger juice

This drink is made up of ingredients traditionally associated with lung health. Watercress, for example, is widely used in home remedies to combat coughs, bronchitis and asthma.

We recommend you take watercress and ginger juice for 15 days at any time. If you want to make this drink, just follow the instructions below:


  • ½ cup watercress
  • 3 chopped turnips
  • 1 pinch of honey
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 lemon (the juice)
  • 1 glass of water


Once the herbs and vegetables have been disinfected, chop them and place them in the blender. Squeeze the lemon directly into the blender using a strainer. Then add the water, honey and the rest of the ingredients. Process until they are integrated. Makes 1 serving.

Tip: use only the leaves of the herbs.

Melon and strawberry juice to detoxify the skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body and its functions include the expulsion of toxins secreted by other organs, mainly through sweat. This melon and strawberry juice helps fight cellulite and acne, as it detoxifies the skin. Its three main ingredients are responsible for its properties, as they provide water, potassium, iron, vitamin C and A.

This purifying drink can be consumed on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before the first meal of the day for 15 days. Also, it works very well as a moisturizer after exercising.  Prepare melon and strawberry juice to detoxify the skin by following these simple steps:


  • 500 grams of melon
  • 500 grams of strawberries
  • 4 oranges
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  1. Sanitize the fruits very well and chop them. First, peel the melon and remove the seeds. Also, remove the stems from the strawberries. Leave the oranges as they are, and save them for later.
  2. Process the chopped fruits in the blender until you get a puree. Add the oranges by squeezing them over a strainer to prevent seeds from falling out.
  3. Add honey and process again, until you get a homogeneous consistency. If it feels too thick, you can add a little water or lemon juice.

Makes 3 servings.

Mango Kiwi Detox Smoothie

If you want to reduce sodium in your body, this mango and kiwi detox smoothie will do the trick. In addition, it provides you with its diuretic action and stimulates intestinal movement. If you want to check the properties of this easy drink, prepare it following this step by step:


  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1 green apple


Process the fruits in the blender. Start with the peeled and chopped mango in the blender until you get a homogeneous texture. Next step, crush the kiwis peeled and cut in half. Finally, it ends by blending the apple with the skin.

Makes 2 servings.

Tips to detoxify the body

Finally, remember that juices are complementary and only work if you take care of the following aspects:

  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Consume a wide variety of fresh products, and preferably organic. Also, avoid processed foods of any kind.
  • Drink 2 liters of water daily. He prefers water over any drink and only consumes natural juices.
  • Keep stress at bay.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Reduce alcohol, coffee and black tea.
  • Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
  • Try to reduce contact with environmental pollutants, also known as external toxins: carbon monoxide, factory smoke, cleaning products, dust, aerosols, hair spray, lubricants, paint, processed foods, drugs, etc. Replace, as far as possible, chemical products with natural ones.

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