Juices to Deflate the Colon

If you have symptoms such as stomach cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea, it may be a sign of intestinal inflammation. Sometimes this irregularity is temporary, but when it is not and the symptoms persist, deteriorating the quality of life, it is best to seek advice from a gastroenterologist. However, whatever your case, at Free Recipes we offer you our best shakes to cleanse the colon, all with antioxidants and some with enzymes, useful for fighting inflammatory diseases. In addition, some of these drinks have a plus, as they also serve to cleanse the colon and lose weight.

Tips to reduce inflammation of the colon

If you want effectiveness, you should follow an anti-inflammatory diet until you get better and change some lifestyle habits. However, if you have already been diagnosed, take these juices as a complement to your treatment. Next, we provide you with the tips to follow:

  1. Have a regular schedule for eating and going to the bathroom.
  2. Opt for smaller, but more frequent
  3. Eat slowly and chew your food slowly.
  4. Restrict the following foods: added sugar or salt, fried foods, highly processed products, unhealthy oils, alcohol, soft drinks, etc.
  5. Reduce while you improve: fiber, dairy and highly seasoned foods. Just make an exception with probiotic foods, like yogurt and milk kefir.
  6. Add healthy fats to your meals. For example: olive oil, olives and oily fish. Seeds and nuts, despite the fact that some studies indicate they may have an anti-inflammatory effect, the Cohn’s and Colitis Foundation recommends not including them.
  7. Eat lots of fresh produce. That is, green vegetables, vegetables, fruits, spices and some roots (turmeric, ginger, cloves, star anise, among others). Of course, avoid vegetables that cause gas and legumes in general.

Pineapple and guava smoothie

This home remedy is very effective to reduce inflammation of the colon and, in addition, you can give it even to children, because they will love its flavor, since it is an exquisite smoothie.


  • 3 ripe guavas.
  • 2 thick pineapple slices.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 1 cup of water or orange juice.

Do you already have all the ingredients on hand? So, prepare this smoothie by following the easy steps below for a pineapple and guava smoothie. Take it freshly made and on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, for one or two weeks.

Properties of the pineapple and guava smoothie

  1. The anti-inflammatory power of guava is not only in the pulp, but also in its leaves, due to its antioxidants: polyphenols, carotenoids, and flavonoids. In addition, it is said that green guava (i.e., unripe) is astringent, as it contains many tannins. These are compounds that help counteract diarrhea and inhibit microbial growth. As if that were not enough, its dietary fiber, called pectin, promotes cleansing of the intestine, keeping it healthy.
  2. Pineapple, for its part, contains bromeliad, an effective anti-inflammatory for the whole organism. This enzyme works, both in soft tissues and muscles, as it stops the production of inflammatory prostaglandins in our body. Brome lain is used not only as an anti-inflammatory, but also as an analgesic, and both properties are used in various industrial products, from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics.

Turmeric Banana Smoothie

Turmeric is a root that does wonders for digestion and is therefore very popular in Ayurveda food. For this reason, we want to recommend two infallible recipes that include it, so that you can easily learn how to reduce inflammation in the colon.


  • 2 bananas.
  • ½ dessert spoon of fresh ginger.
  • 1 pinch of turmeric.
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.
  • 1 dessert spoon of honey.
  • 300 ml of skimmed milk.
  • 4 ice cubes (optional)

If you have already taken note of the ingredients, you just need to check the following step by step banana and turmeric smoothie, so that you can enjoy its anti-inflammatory benefits. You can review the other proposal below, in our Golden Milk recipe or golden milk.

Properties of banana and turmeric juice

  1. Bananas can reduce the formation of a free radical directly linked to cell inflammation, according to what was expressed in the book “Platoon de Canarias y Salad”, presented by the association of banana producers from the Canary Islands (ASPROCAN) and carried out by health professionals. Health. In addition, the banana is a prebiotic food and rich in potassium, two factors that facilitate bowel movements.
  2. Turmeric improves digestion, reduces stomach heaviness, favors intestinal transit and reduces inflammation. All these benefits come from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  3. Cinnamon provides the body with many benefits and, among them, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect stands out.
  4. Ginger inhibits the formation of inflammatory compounds and possesses direct anti-inflammatory properties.

Tip: Drink this drink after breakfast and lunch for two weeks.

Cranberry juice to lose weight

Many smoothies to cleanse the colon also help to lose a few extra kilos and reduce inflammation in the intestine, as well as this one that we propose:


  • 1 orange.
  • 1 slice of pineapple.
  • 1 small glass of red fruits or blueberries.
  • 1 dessert spoon of honey (optional).

Order all the ingredients on the work table and follow the step by step of our blueberry recipe for weight loss. Ingest it with breakfast, specifically for a month.

Blueberry juice properties

  1. Blueberries: Like strawberries, these berries have anti-inflammatory qualities that are especially beneficial for the intestine. In addition, blueberries stimulate the growth of favorable bacteria in the intestinal flora and counteract harmful bacteria.
  2. Oranges: contain naringerin, a substance attributed to many benefits, including its anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer and antioxidant power. This compound is present not only in this fruit, but also in grapefruit (the fruit with the highest amount), lemons, limes, tomatoes, kiwis, and strawberries.

Apple Mango Smoothie

This juice to clean the intestine has very good results, as it improves intestinal mobility while reducing inflammation. In addition, as if that were not enough, its flavor is extremely tasty and it provides many nutrients. An unforgettable and healthy cocktail!


  • 1 handle.
  • 2 green apples.
  • 1 can of coconut milk.
  • 2 brown sugar.

Before putting all the ingredients in the blender, first take a look at the next step by step of this apple and mango smoothie recipe. To make the most of its benefits, consume it during breakfast, specifically, within two weeks.

Properties of the apple and mango smoothie:

  1. The mango has polyphenols in the pulp and in the leaves, these provide its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Specifically, Gallic acid and pyrogallol.
  2. The green apple is the fruit that, after the quince, contains the highest amount of tannins, antioxidants known for their astringent and anti-inflammatory qualities.
  3. Coconut milk contains a lipid called auric acid, which makes up more than 40% of the total fat content. It is said to support the immune system, thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Wild smoothie

If, in addition to an effective anti-inflammatory, you are looking for a way to clean the intestine of feces and gas, you have hit the nail on the head, because in this smoothie all its ingredients fulfill that double function, since almost all of them contain fiber. One of them is probiotic and the rest prebiotic.


  • 2 bananas.
  • 2 boxes of blueberries.
  • 2 boxes of blackberries.
  • 500 ml of strawberry or strawberry yogurt.

Have you checked the ingredient list yet? If you have them all at hand, don’t wait any longer, follow the steps and try this exquisite wild smoothie. Eat it during breakfast, for two weeks.

Properties of the wild milkshake

  1. Blackberries contain resveratrol, just like grapes, a substance with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol present in numerous plants and fruits, such as peanuts, blackberries, blueberries and, above all, in grapes and red wine.
  2. Yogurt is a probiotic that helps reduce inflammation, especially those located in the intestinal lining, but this is still being investigated, as there is no definitive evidence to confirm it.
  3. Banana is a prebiotic food and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Coconut and papaya smoothie

This smoothie is very refreshing and a mild colon cleansing laxative with valuable anti-inflammatory properties.


  • ½ papaya.
  • 1 banana.
  • 200 ml of coconut water.
  • ½ lime.
  • 350 ml of water.
  • 2 carrots.

If you want to test its effectiveness, gather the ingredients that we mentioned above and follow the easy steps of this coconut and papaya smoothie. Take it on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, for two weeks.

Coconut and papaya smoothie properties

  1. Papaya contains a proteolysis enzyme called papain, which has digestive, antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Proteolysis enzymes help us digest proteins, some are produced by our body and others are found in food, for example: in papaya it is papain and in pineapple it is bromeliad. For this reason, pineapple and papaya are used in the kitchen to tenderize meats.
  2. Carrot is the vegetable that contains the most beta-carotene and antioxidants, well known for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Coconut water is found in greater quantity in green coconut. That liquid is rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds. Its consumption is very beneficial for the digestive system, since it offers the following benefits: it favors intestinal movement and facilitates the absorption of nutrients, prevents indigestion and prevents reflux, has an antibacterial and antioxidant effect.
  4. Lemon contains bioactive compounds, such as limonene’s and flavonoids, notable for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.
  5. Bananas also have great anti – inflammatory power.

Apple and Pear Smoothie

If you are looking for a smoothie to cleanse the colon and lose weight, try our nutritious and refreshing recipe. Its secret is to combine ingredients with a double function, rich in fiber, but also with anti-inflammatory action.


  • 1 green apple.
  • 2 kiwis.
  • 4 glasses of orange juice.
  • 1 pear.
  • 4 stalks of celery.
  • 1 pineapple.

All these ingredients must be fresh for the recipe to be effective. That said, we only have to carefully follow the next steps of the apple and pear smoothie.

Apple and pear smoothie properties

  1. Pears have a large amount of flavonoids and antioxidants that are attributed to anti-inflammatory properties (among them are: beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin). In addition, because it is a prebiotic fruit, it feeds the intestinal flora with its soluble fiber, favoring the cultivation of benign microorganisms for the body.
  2. Celery is wonderful for the health of the digestive system, due to its abundant fiber and its high content of antioxidants. Among its benefits are the reduction of acidity and gastric secretion. In addition, it improves intestinal transit, reduces abdominal swelling, among others. Regarding its anti-inflammatory power, it is said that it comes from luteolin as a COX-2 inhibitor, however there is little reliable information in this regard.
  3. Kiwi is another prebiotic fruit, rich in antioxidants and fiber, a perfect combination to keep the digestive system healthy, especially the intestines. Of course, it also has beneficial anti-inflammatory properties for the intestine.

Tip: drink this drink on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast for two weeks.

Purifying juice of pomegranate and grapefruit

Among many other causes, the colon can be inflamed due to the accumulation of waste or due to an imbalance in the bacterial flora. In the first case, that is, if it is constipation, it is best to choose juices to clean the colon that also act as anti-inflammatories, similar to the one that we propose below.


  • 2 grapefruits.
  • 2 grenades.
  • 1 jet of water.
  • 1 orange.

Just squeeze and mix, as we explain in the following step by step purifying pomegranate and grapefruit juice, so you can enjoy its antioxidants. An anti-inflammatory, cleansing and immune protective shake!

Properties of purifying juice of pomegranate and grapefruit

  1. Grapefruit contains antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, lycopene, flavones, and naringerin, all of which have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it has a lot of fiber, a perfect compound to cleanse the colon.
  2. The pomegranate, for its part, has many antioxidants that can be very beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases and for digestion. In addition, it is especially rich in tannins, therefore, it favors the absorption of water and, consequently, counteracts various types of digestive system problems. If you have diarrhea, avoid it, as studies on its use in these cases are contradictory.

Tip: Take this drink at breakfast, 30 minutes before breakfast, for two weeks or more.

Strawberry and ginger smoothie to lose weight

According to the Royal Academy of Medicine of England, a dirty colon is sometimes associated with certain organic diseases or disorders, including being overweight and intestinal inflammation. Do you need a smoothie to combat those three aspects? Next, try our juice to cleanse the colon, very exquisite and healthy.


  • 8 strawberries.
  • 1 tsp. grated ginger.
  • 200 ml of oat milk.
  • 1 jet of honey.

When you have all the products to clean the colon at hand, simply check out the following step by step of the strawberry and ginger smoothie to lose weight. Take it with breakfast.

Properties of the strawberry and ginger smoothie:

  1. Strawberries and blueberries have an important anti-inflammatory effect in the intestines and, in addition, they stimulate the growth of favorable bacteria in it, while fighting harmful bacteria.
  2. Oats are a source of dietary fiber and essential minerals that improve intestinal function. It also acts as a prebiotic thanks to its fiber called beta-glycan. As for its anti-inflammatory potential, it comes from antioxidants called avenanthramides.

Celery juice

Before finishing our list, a green juice could not be missing to cleanse the colon and lose weight in 5 days, because if you accompany it with healthy meals and exercises, you will surely get good results. You will need only 3 ingredients!


  • 1 stalk of celery.
  • 50 grams of pineapple.
  • 1 glass of water.

If you already have everything you need at your disposal, you just need to check the following steps of celery juice. Remember, some home remedies to reduce inflammation in the colon work better on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, as well as in this case.

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