Juices for the Thyroid

There is a whole discussion among experts about whether or not a special diet can influence the thyroid when it is affected by a disease. In the specific case of hypothyroidism, some believe that there is no eating plan in itself to control it, however, they recommend that you regulate some foods that inhibit the effectiveness of the drug for its treatment. While another group considers that diet has a great influence, but always in conjunction with the medical treatment indicated for these cases. In this article we think that food is essential to keep us healthy and, once we are sick, it greatly influences our improvement, for this reason we offer you our best juices for the thyroid, always to be consumed as part of a balanced diet and under medical supervision.

Likewise, in Free Recipes we teach you how to make juices for the thyroid. Keep reading!

Banana and oatmeal smoothie to lose weight

The oatmeal and thyroid relationship is excellent at a preventive level and as a treatment, since this cereal is involved in the processes of hormone secretion due to its significant content of iodine, selenium, manganese and vitamin B. However, when you have hypothyroidism, its high fiber content can interfere with the absorption of the medication intended for control of this disease, therefore, some health professionals recommend eating this and any other high-fiber food several hours before or after taking the medication. Other foods that have the same effect as fiber include: nuts, soy flour, iron supplements and multivitamins, calcium supplements, antacids (with aluminum, magnesium, or calcium), some ulcer medications, and some cholesterol medications.


  1. 1 banana or ripe banana.
  2. 1 cup Greek yogurt or plain skim yogurt.
  3. Nonfat rice milk.
  4. ½ cup whole grain oats.
  5. 4 tsp. flax seeds.
  6. 1 pinch of natural honey (to taste).

Do you have all the ingredients at home? Prepare this excellent juice to lose weight by following the step-by-step banana and oatmeal smoothie to lose weight.

Properties of the rest of the ingredients

  • Greek yogurt contains 9.7 micrograms of selenium per 100 grams, 14% of the recommended daily dose for an adult. In addition, it has 3.8 micrograms of iodine, essential to control hypothyroidism.
  • Flaxseed provides zinc with 29% of the recommended daily value for an adult individual.
  • The banana. It provides 38% of the daily requirement of vitamin A, 31% vitamin C, 6% vitamin B-9, 11% potassium, 3% phosphorus and 2% selenium.
  • Rice milk. Among its micronutrients it has manganese, selenium, magnesium, vitamin E, flavonoids and others.

Mango Almond Smoothie

When choosing shakes for hypothyroidism, always keep in mind the presence of vitamin A, selenium, zinc, iodine, and other micronutrients that are involved in thyroid function.


  1. 1 large mango
  2. 2 tablespoons of ground almonds.
  3. 250 ml of skimmed milk.
  4. 125 ml of skimmed natural yogurt.
  5. 1 tsp. vanilla extract.
  6. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  7. 2 tablespoons of honey.
  8. 1 handful of ice.

If you have already observed the ingredients you need for this recipe, all that remains is to put on your apron and follow the next step by step mango smoothie with almonds.

Properties of this smoothie

  • This fruit is very beneficial for hypothyroidism, as it provides 201 micrograms of vitamin A per 100 grams of fruit. In addition, it has vitamin B6, abundant vitamin C and a bit of iodine.
  • They provide zinc, approximately 20% of the recommended value for an average adult, 92% manganese, 5% selenium and 58% vitamin E.
  • It has selenium 4.9 micrograms per 100 grams, 7% of the recommended daily value. As well as a dose of iodine, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Liquid milk. It offers for every 100 grams of product, 2% of vitamin A, which is necessary on a daily basis, and selenium, approximately 5%.

Tip: These shakes are beneficial supplements to your diet, but are in no way a substitute for medical treatment.

Smoothie with pineapple and chia seeds to lose weight

People with hypothyroidism complain that it is very difficult to lose weight due to their disease, but this juice to lose weight can help a lot. Here bromine, a very popular compound for its slimming properties, and iodine, an essential compound for the thyroid, meet. In this sense, pineapple is one of the fruits with the most iodine that exists, providing about 30 micrograms per 100 grams of fruit, plus 201 micrograms of vitamin A, the micronutrient responsible for facilitating the absorption of iodine. A great combination in these cases!


  1. 1 pineapple.
  2. 5 dessert spoons of chia seeds.
  3. 3 green apples.
  4. 300 ml of orange juice or better water.
  5. 1 pinch of stevia or sweetener.

If you have already checked the ingredients that accompany the pineapple, then get down to work following the steps of the smoothie with pineapple and chia seeds to lose weight.

Other properties of this smoothie

  • It provides between 8-11 micrograms of iodine per 100 grams of fruit, 0.1 milligrams of zinc, 1.40 micrograms of selenium, 101 mg of potassium, 4 micrograms of vitamin A, and 5 mg of magnesium.
  • Although they provide some iodine and vitamin A, their use is highly regulated in hypothyroidism diets, as they contain coffee acids, which cause reduced thyroid activity.
  • Chia. It provides 2% of the required daily value of vitamin A for the average adult, zinc 31%, manganese 136%, and selenium 79% of the recommended daily value.

Tip: many specialists consider selenium and iodine essential to combat hypothyroidism.

Wild smoothie

Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are excellent for hypothyroidism due to their important contribution of iodine and vitamin B, in addition to their recognized antioxidant properties.


  1. 2 bananas.
  2. 2 boxes of blueberries.
  3. 2 boxes of blackberries.
  4. 500 ml of strawberry or strawberry yogurt.

If you can’t wait to try this delicious recipe, follow the step by step of the wild smoothie below.

Pineapple and guava smoothie

This combination is infallible, since the pineapple provides a good dose of iodine, while the guava provides abundant vitamin A, approximately 119 micrograms per 100 grams of fruit. In addition, vitamin A allows the body to more easily absorb iodine. As if that were not enough, guava and pineapple together provide abundant vitamin C and other micronutrients that reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism: fatigue, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, among others.


  1. 3 guavas.
  2. 2 thick pineapple slices.
  3. 1 tablespoon of honey.
  4. 1 cup of water.

When you try this recipe, you will surely have it reserved among the juices for hypothyroidism that you like the most. Also, prepare it by following the step-by-step pineapple and guava smoothie.

Advice: if you already use medication for hypothyroidism, consult with your nutritionist the iodine intake you need so as not to exceed it.

Natural energy juice

Here’s another drink with pure provitamin A and iodine! As you already know, in shakes for hypothyroidism this pairing is very important and, even better, if it is accompanied by other important micronutrients to facilitate thyroid functions or to alleviate its symptoms. In this case, we supplement with vitamin E, magnesium, tryptophan and vitamin C.

  1. 1 ripe mango.
  2. 50 gr of cucumber.
  3. 1 banana.
  4. 5 blueberries.

If you already have the kitchen board on the table and, on the other hand, you have all the ingredients ready, you just need to follow the next step by step of the natural energetic juice.

Properties of this smoothie

Well, we have already told you about the benefits of mango, banana and blueberries, we only need to tell you about cucumber. This ingredient provides fiber, vitamin C, provitamin a, vitamin E, iodine, magnesium and, above all, a lot of potassium and water.

Low Calorie Mango Strawberry Smoothie

In this smoothie, the strawberries provide 8 micrograms of iodine per 100 grams of fruit, add to this the iodine from the mango and milk. On the other hand, mango, as you already know, is also a food rich in vitamin A, this helps the body take advantage of all foods rich in iodine, for this reason, this fruit abounds in juice recipes for hypothyroidism.


  1. 500 grams of strawberries.
  2. 1 mango cut into squares.
  3. 2 dessert spoons of sweetener.
  4. 500 ml of skimmed milk.

If you already have all the ingredients, now you just need to follow the next easy step by step of the low-calorie strawberry and mango smoothie. Interesting fact about the relationship hypothyroidism and beer, because this question always arises among those interested. Can I take my thyroid medication while drinking alcoholic beverages? The answer is no, since this way you ensure that the medicine works correctly and you avoid any side effects.

Green apple smoothie with kiwi

Acidic substances such as hydrochloric acid taken in conjunction with levothyroxine are believed to facilitate the absorption of this drug into the bloodstream. Well, this smoothie is full of vitamin C! In addition, this drink contains abundant potassium and, to a lesser extent, iodine and vitamin E.


  1. 2 kiwis.
  2. 1 green apple.
  3. ½ lemon.
  4. 500 ml of water.

When you have the ingredients arranged and well washed, just follow the following instructions for the apple smoothie with kiwi. Lemon is not recommended in diets for hypothyroidism, but it is considered that in moderate doses and under medication it can be included without problem, although you could substitute it in this recipe with 1-2 slices of pineapple.

Foods for hypothyroidism

There are several substances that reduce thyroid activity, which is why some doctors suggest a special diet for hypothyroidism where the doses of the following anti-nutrients are decreased:

  1. Foods with coffee and chromogenic acid: cruciferous (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, turnips, radishes and others) and peanuts.
  2. Foods with only coffee acid: celery, orange, lemon, carrot, avocado, plum, eggplant, peach, chestnuts, walnuts, soybeans, chickpeas, among others.
  3. Foods with pelagic acid: we find the grape and the pomegranate.
  4. Foods with lithium: onion, asparagus, endive, melon, parsley and potato.
  5. Others: flax seeds (contains cyanogen and goitrogens), mustard seeds, pine nuts, millet, wheat, cinnamon, carrots and spinach. In the case of cinnamon, carrot and spinach. There are mixed opinions on whether or not they should be found on this list.

If it is about the most advisable foods for hypothyroidism they are: garlic, tomato, beans, peas, corn, sunflower, lentils, oats, mango, apple, dates, coconut, strawberries, apricots, Brazil nuts, pineapple, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, fennel, hyssop, ground ivy, ginseng, basil, seaweed, shellfish, iodized salt, among others. Now, if we talk about the proper functioning of a healthy thyroid, we find the following micronutrients involved:

  • It is essential in the production of thyroid hormones, it helps in the functioning of this gland. Its decrease causes hypothyroidism, its increase causes hyperthyroidism. We find it in shellfish, eggs, milk and dairy products.
  • Its presence is very important in the function of the thyroid gland, it is related to the improvement of various thyroid diseases. This micronutrient is found in red meat, fish, vegetables, pine nuts, eggs, mushrooms, wheat and others.
  • It deals with the process that converts the inactive hormone T4 into the active T3 and is the second mineral with the highest concentration in the body. It is found in wheat germ, rye, nuts, some seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), red meat, oysters, chicken, some legumes, and cereals.
  • Vitamin A facilitates the absorption of iodine in our body. In vegetables you will find it in the form of Pro-vitamin A, that is, beta-carotene. You can find it in pears, pumpkins, pineapples, tomatoes, papayas, and many others.
  • Its function is to stimulate the synthesis of thyroid hormones and, in addition, it is the mineral with the highest concentration in the body. In their bioavailable form they are in meat and fish.
  • Participates in the production of thyroxin, favoring the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. It’s in nuts, seeds (linseed, chia) and whole grains.
  • Its main function is to provide T3 to the plasma, if it increases it can cause hyperthyroidism and, if it decreases, it causes hypothyroidism. The recommendation in adults is 900 micrograms per day. You can find it in products of animal origin (seafood, offal and meat), nuts, cereals and legumes.
  • Vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D have been reported in hypothyroidism, Grave’s disease, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Some sources include fortified cereals, milk, and oily fish.
  • L-carnitine. In cases of hyperthyroidism, the body’s reserves are depleted.
  • B complex vitamins. People with Grave’s disease tend to be deficient in vitamin B12.
  • It is an amino acid that is obtained from another called phenylalanine. It is present in fish, meat, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sesame.
  • Vitamin E. It acts synergistically with selenium, expanding its antioxidant capacity.
  • Vitamin C. Facilitates the absorption of levothyroxine.

Tip: You should not consume the water from foods that are iatrogenic

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