Juices for the Skin

The skin is part of the integumentary system along with hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. The main mission of the skin is to wrap the body in order to protect it from external factors, although it also helps in internal purifying processes. For this reason, taking care of the largest organ we have is not only a matter of aesthetics, but of health. If you have dull, dry skin, with blemishes or very marked expression lines, as well as other problems, it is time to take proper care of it, and considering that the skin cell regeneration process occurs every 28 to 35 days, the most logical thing to do is that you put a remedy.

Antioxidant carrot juice

This drink tops our list of juices for the skin and hair, as it brings together practically all the nutrients necessary for skin health. With only 3 ingredients! The apple, celery, and carrot together provide abundant potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C, A, and E. It seems very important to us that you know each of these compounds, which is why we will detail the steps of this recipe below.

  • Vitamin A:softens the skin, facilitates healing, prevents and smoothest wrinkles. In addition, it provides skin firmness, promotes natural tanning, fights acne, has antioxidant action, improves the scalp (controls sebum, improves texture and stops hair loss).
  • Vitamin C:is responsible for protecting the skin from free radicals along with flavonoids. In addition, it stimulates collagen, thus keeping the skin firm, preventing and attenuating wrinkles. As if that were not enough, it prevents the appearance of spots and also attenuates them.
  • Vitamin E:inhibits the attacks of free radicals, which is why the fruits that contain this vitamin are widely used in smoothies for flaccid skin.
  • Vitamin B12:prevents the attacks of free radicals and helps prevent and reduce spots, thanks to the regulation of dermis pigment. The rest of the B vitamins also benefit and protect the skin, hair and nails.
  • Potassium: Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, contributes to the regulation of osmosis, water balance, prevents the formation of free radicals and regulates the transfer of nutrients through the cell membrane.
  • Magnesium: maintains skin hydration, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, helps detoxify the epidermis, fights allergies and acne.
  • Flavonoids: have an antibacterial effect, enhance the synthesis of natural collagen, combat flaccidity and increase elasticity. It’s an anti-aging compound!
  • Water: it is excellent for hydrating, cleaning toxins and giving light to the face. The apple contains 80% water, the celery more than 90% and the carrot 89%.


  1. Wash the ingredients.
  2. Chop 1 peeled carrot, 1 peeled apple and 2 celery sticks.
  3. Crush everything in the blender along with 2 glasses of water.
  4. When there are no lumps, add 1 tbsp. lemon dessert.
  5. Beat again until all the flavors are integrated.

Yield for 2 diners.

Tip: this juice is used for facial blemishes, to rejuvenate, lighten and combat flaccidity.

Antioxidant orange juice

If you want to get the most out of your orange juice for facial blemishes, it is best to reinforce it with other fruits to make it more effective. We add blueberries and pineapple. Surely you will wonder why these three fruits together are so effective:

  • Blueberries: provides anthocyanin’s, which are plant pigments that delay skin aging, as they have antioxidant properties. On the other hand, it contains vitamins K and C, favorable in the healing of superficial wounds. In addition, the consumption of this fruit also helps in acne and psoriasis treatments.
  • Pineapple: Contains abundant antioxidants, bromeliad, and vitamins C and E. Brome lain in the world of cosmetics is used in skin whitening and smoothing, as well as freckle removal. In addition, the diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple help reduce dark circles.
  • Orange: the pulp contains vitamin A, C, B1, B2, potassium, magnesium, among others, and the peel has riboflavin, potassium, protein, and beta-carotene. The peel is widely used in home remedies for liver spots on the face.


  1. Sanitize the fruits.
  2. Chop 1 small or medium pineapple, previously peeled. To remove the skin, stand it upright and cut from top to bottom all the way around.
  3. Squeeze the juice of 2 oranges.
  4. Put all the above ingredients in the blender and add 1 cup of blueberries.
  5. If you want a lighter consistency, add more liquid. In this case, the juice of another orange is great.
  6. Serve and add ice. You can also include this drink in your smoothies for flaccid skin.

Yield for 1 diner.

Tip: shakes with vitamins C, E and B12 help to eliminate stains.

Green avocado smoothie

Avocado is widely used in home beauty treatments, since it is essential for acne, hair, blemishes and wrinkles, but ingested it can benefit you even more, since it acts from the inside keeping the skin healthy. This fruit contains oleic acid, folic acid, and vitamins C, E, D, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B12. For this reason, we prepared this green smoothie, but we decided to complement it with other very nutritious ingredients to make it more powerful and effective. The banana is rich in antioxidants and vitamins C, B6 and potassium. Coconut water for its moisturizing power and vitamins A, B and E. Finally, we add a touch of ginger for being a good source of potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and antioxidants. If you are interested in smoothies to rejuvenate the skin try this delicious proposal first by following these steps:


  1. Add in the blender glass: 1 chopped banana, ½ teaspoon of finely chopped fresh ginger, 1 avocado cut into 4 parts, plus 100 ml of coconut water. Everything must be previously washed and peeled.
  2. Blend everything until it has a fine, lump-free texture.
  3. Serve and taste. Remember, nothing like juices for porcelain skin.

Yield for 2 diners.

Tip: If you want to soften the flavor of the coconut water, remove half of it and replace it with water.

Strawberry smoothie with banana and oats

Strawberries provide antioxidants, salicylic acid, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins C, E, B1, and B2. Salicylic acid soothes acne and other skin conditions, opens clogged pores, and smoothest flaky skin. On the other hand, oats provide vitamin E, potassium, silicon, and group B vitamins. Silicon keeps skin healthy and hair strong. Add to these fruits the properties of the banana and you will get some of the best juices to rejuvenate. Would you like to try this smoothie? Then follow the next easy step by step:


  1. Disinfect 8 strawberries and reserve.
  2. Soak 2 tablespoons of oats in 200 ml of warm water for 10 minutes.
  3. If you leave it twice as long or a little longer, the flakes will be tenderer and it will be easier to crush them. Then strain and discard the water.
  4. Blend 1 banana and the reserved strawberries in a blender together with 1 tablespoon of orange blossom honey or the sweetener of your choice. Have everything previously chopped.
  5. Add the drained oats and blend until a completely homogeneous mixture is left.
  6. Pass the preparation through a strainer, if you prefer.
  7. Serve and go. Enjoy one of the best anticaking juices!

Yield for 2 diners.

Tip: This smoothie helps soften the skin and fight sagging.

Melon and kiwi smoothie

One of the main characteristics of moisturizing juices for the skin is its important contribution in water. In this recipe, the kiwi contains 83.07% water and the melon 80%. Not bad, right? Add to that the key nutrients for the skin provided by both fruits: potassium, antioxidants, folic acid, and vitamins A, C, and E. Finally, there is the touch of lemon that gives this drink an extra dose of vitamin C and potassium., plus a flavor that balances the mix. Follow the easy steps:


  1. Wash, peel and chop ½ melon and 3 kiwis. Remember to remove the seeds from the melon.
  2. Deposit everything in a blender or any other processor.
  3. Add 3 teaspoons of the lemon juice and 500 ml of water little by little. As you blend you will know if you need all the water or not, that will depend on the texture you want to achieve.
  4. Beat until you achieve a smooth, lump-free consistency.
  5. Serve and treat yourself to our juices for beautiful skin.

Yields for 4 diners.

Tip: this drink also lightens spots and improves hair health.

Guava and orange juice

If you are looking for easy smoothie recipes to rejuvenate the skin, this is the one for you. Also, this drink only needs two ingredients and is prepared in no time. Guavas and oranges provide important nutrients to show off radiant skin: abundant potassium, magnesium, antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E and D. As if that were not enough, nothing is wasted here, since the guava leaves prepared in infusion they can be applied to the skin to relieve acne. Don’t miss the easy directions:


  1. Wash 3 pieces of guava and 4 oranges.
  2. Peel both fruits. Then, she leaves the guavas without stems or tails and cut them, while the oranges are divided into wedges. Remove the seeds from each one and eliminate the white parts as much as possible, as they make the preparation bitter.
  3. Put all the fruits in a blender together with 1 liter of water.
  4. Process until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Strain the juice and serve it.

Yields for 4 diners.

If you are interested in other smoothies for sagging skin, check out the antioxidant fruit smoothie video below. Healthy and delicious!

Tip: drink orange juice at least once a day, it increases collagen production.

Spinach green smoothie

This detox juice for the skin contains spinach s that provide 90% water, plus potassium, magnesium and vitamins K, A, E and C. For its part, almond milk provides potassium, vitamin E and B2. On the other hand, the remaining fruits in this recipe reinforce the portions of potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, C and E. A true elixir for the skin! Don’t think about it anymore and start taking care of yourself by complementing your daily diet with some green smoothies for your skin. Follow these steps:


  1. Disinfects vegetables and fruits.
  2. Blend 2 cups of chopped strawberries (without stems), 2 chopped plantains or bananas (previously peeled) together with 1 cup of almond milk.
  3. Add 1 diced apple and 1 cup fresh spinach leaves (chop them lightly with your hands as you add), along with 1 cup orange juice.
  4. Process everything again and do not stop until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  5. You can serve this skin smoothie with ice.

Yields for 4 diners.

Tip: softens the skin, minimizes blemishes and favors hair.

Cucumber, Celery, and Green Apple Smoothie

Cucumber is a powerful moisturizer thanks to its 97% water. In addition, it contains potassium, silicon, folic acid and vitamins A, BC and E. Ingested it is a powerful anti-cellulite and applied in slices on the skin it serves to reduce bags, dark circles, scars, inflammation, etc. The pear, for its part, is a fruit rich in antioxidants (beta-carotenes that are provitamin A), has 80% water, selenium, zinc and vitamins C and E. Dates provide vitamins C and D. For Finally, apple and ginger reinforce the vitamin C load and complement the shake with other nutrients. Enjoy the power of our smoothies for healthy skin by guiding you with the following step by step of this recipe:


  1. Peel the 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 1 pear and 1 piece of ginger. Then finely chop the ginger and cut the rest of the fruits into medium pieces. Reserve everything.
  2. Chop ½ celery and 4 pitted dates.
  3. Place all the previous ingredients in the blender, plus 1 glass of water and process them.
  4. Serve and taste this smoothie for the skin.

Yield for 1 diner.

Beetroot, carrot and apple smoothie

Beetroot provides 89% water, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C and E. On the other hand, papaya provides 90% water, antioxidants, papain that promotes collagen growth, and vitamins A, E, and C. The rest of the ingredients (apple, carrot, celery and ginger) reinforce these vitamins and enrich this natural formula with other additional compounds. As if that were not enough, our juice recipes that rejuvenate acquire delicious flavors, check it out by taking note of the steps that we provide below:


  1. Clean 1 beetroot, 2 apples, 1/2 papaya, 2 carrots, 1 piece of ginger and 1 stalk of celery. Remember, another way to use carrots for blemished skin is to use the juice directly on the skin (without sugar).
  2. Peel all the ingredients and then cut them into medium pieces.
  3. Immediately put them in the blender and add 1 cup of water (240 ml).
  4. Blend until it acquires a smooth, lump-free consistency.
  5. Strain if you prefer a lighter texture.
  6. Serve in a glass or glass jar.

Yield for 2 diners.

Cucumber and Blueberry Smoothie

Cucumber, blueberries and spinach provide good doses of potassium, silicon, folic acid and vitamins A, B, C and E. On the other hand, Greek yogurt complements this nutritional picture, providing vitamins E, D, B2, B6 and B12. It is interesting to mention that this last ingredient, used as a home remedy on the skin, helps to alleviate problems such as acne, puffy eyes and dark circles. Write down this recipe for green juices for the skin and apply the following steps:


  1. Sanitize 1 cucumber, 1 cup of blueberries, and 1 cup of spinach leaves.
  2. Slice the cucumber and leave the skin on (this part is rich in fiber).
  3. Place all the above ingredients in a blender.
  4. Add 350 g of Greek yogurt and 1 cup of water (240 ml).
  5. Blend until you get a homogeneous drink.
  6. Serve with ice and enjoy all the benefits of green juices for the skin.

Yield for 2 diners.

Tip: Probiotic and probiotic foods are beneficial for the colon, this is also reflected in the skin.

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