Juice with Fiber

Have you ever wondered if you can improve your digestion and/or constipation naturally with a high-fiber shake? Well, the answer is yes, and with this video recipe that we teach you have it very easy, because it has never been so easy to prepare a juice with fiber step by step.

This natural juice with fiber is indicated to purify the digestive tract, which will help you eliminate a good amount of toxins. To feel the effects of the fiber smoothie, a nutrient that promotes digestion and combats constipation, we recommend that you drink this fiber-rich juice after breakfast or meals, and freshly made, so that it does not lose any of its properties..

If you want to improve digestion with a natural laxative shake, don’t miss this fiber juice video!

As you will see in the fiber juice video, the amounts of vegetables and fruits are not specified in detail, but ideally, when doing so, put a little more of the vegetables and fruits that contain more fiber, such as celery. Or the carrot.

The best thing you can do so that the juice with fiber does not come out too thick or lumpy is to strain it all once you have crushed it, because vegetables such as carrots or celery, which are so fibrous, will make the smoothie rich in fiber come out very pasty and compact if you don’t strain it, although it all depends on how you like it.

What we do not recommend is that you add sugar, in the event that the fiber smoothie tastes slightly sweet or strong in flavor. Instead, you can add a little agave syrup or honey, which are much healthier ingredients for the body.

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