Juice Burns Fat

In this video recipe that we present we are going to teach you how to prepare a cleansing and detoxifying fat burning juice, especially to eliminate abdominal fat. This diuretic citrus smoothie is indicated to combat fluid retention and reduce waist and abdomen measurements, and also provides a lot of minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium, and vitamins A, B and C, thanks to the combination of different fruits and vegetables. If you want to burn abdominal fat and lose weight, we recommend that you drink this fat-burning juice every morning on an empty stomach for a month to notice its effects, and follow a varied and balanced diet, according to your needs.

Don’t waste any more time! Press play and start burning fat from the first minute.

As you will see in the video, the amounts of the fruits are not indicated because to make this fat burning juice you can use the amount of fruit that we indicate in the ingredients that you want.

If you make this cleansing shake, the flavor may be a bit strong at first due to the spinach leaves, but we still advise you not to add any type of sugar or sweetener to the green and detox juice, because you will reduce its diuretic effect and slimming.

And remember that you cannot keep part of the fat-burning juice in the fridge if you have a little left over, because by the time you go to drink it, it will have lost all its beneficial properties, such as the vitamins in fruits.

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