Jar cake recipe

On this occasion, this article brings you a dessert that is widely consumed in America, jar cake or jar cake in its Latin version. Currently, it can be found dressing sweet tables at events and on birthdays, a whole trend that you cannot miss!

It is a very practical dessert, since it can be eaten at the moment, although what makes it even more interesting is that we can take it wherever we want to taste it whenever we want, isn’t it great?

This cake in a jar is economical and very tasty, it is made with a sponge cake together with those ingredients that are of your choice or that you have at home. So, how about we start with the jar cake recipe step by step?

Ingredients to make Jar cake:

  1. 2 small pieces of cake
  2. 1 small apple
  3. 4 tablespoons of strawberry jam
  4. 300 grams of Cream
  5. 1 dessert spoon of coffee
  6. 2 tablespoons of Dulce de leche
  7. 3 tablespoons of Sugar
  8. 2 empty jars

How to make jar cake:

  • To make our delicious jar cake, we are going to start by making the whipped cream and the coffee cream. To do this, we are going to place the cream in equal amounts in 2 bags. Then, we will have to add 2 tablespoons of sugar in one of them and beat for approximately 2 minutes or until we notice that our cream is ready.
  • In the other bowl, add the remaining sugar along with the coffee and beat for 2 minutes or until the cream reaches its optimal point. Once both creams are ready, we will take them to the refrigerator until the moment of using them.
  • Cut 2 portions of a cake that we have at home. For this, the flavor does not matter as long as it is one to our liking, so we can opt for a vanilla, orange cake … Then, we will take the jar that we will use for our jar cake and we will place it on top of the cake to mark the circles the size of the jar. Reserve the remaining pieces of cake when cutting, since we will later take advantage of them and use them in our cakes.

Tip: I used plastic jars with lids (similar to honey ones), since they were an economical and lightweight option, but you can use disused candy jars or whatever you like.

  • Wash and cut the apple that we will use for the jar cake into small pieces. It must be used at the moment, otherwise we must place it in a bowl with a little lemon juice to prevent it from oxidizing.
  • Now yes! With the rest of the ingredients ready and the creams out of the fridge, we can begin to assemble our dessert in a glass. To do this, we place 2 well-filled tablespoons of whipped cream in each of the 2 jars, then a slice of the cake in each jar, a handful of apple and 3 tablespoons of the coffee cream.
  • Add a tablespoon of dulce de lecheto each jar cake and spread with a spoon. If we want to give a touch of color, we can add baked and chopped meringue or crushed colored cookies. Next, we lightly shake our jar cakes, tapping both down to fit the ingredients into the jar spaces
  • To continue with the jar cake recipe, add the bits of cake that were left over from cutting the circles (previously crushed), 2 tablespoons of the strawberry jam in each jar and finish with cream to taste. If you apply the cream at the end with a sleeve to decorate the cake in a jar will be more sophisticated and beautiful.

Tip: If you want to close the jars to give them as a gift, do not add the cream in the pastry bag jar cake, just place one or two tablespoons with a spatula or spoon and place the lid.

  • Take to the fridge until the time to consume. And voila! You already have these delicious jar cake ready in just a few steps to taste and decorate as you want. You can decorate with grated chocolate, remaining meringue or your favorite candy, you choose!

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