Jamaica Flower Quesadillas Recipe

Did you know that you can use Jamaica flower not only for infusions? Although it is difficult for some to believe, the flower of Jamaica is totally edible and can be used in various recipes, many of them are found in the vegetarian or vegan diet, since it is an excellent substitute for meat. Now… What do you think if, in addition to enjoying an infusion with Jamaican flower, you also use it in a recipe?

If you think it’s a good idea, learn how to prepare this delicious and healthy recipe for quesadillas de Jamaican flower. Revolutionize the way of cooking without waste!

Ingredients to make Flour de Jamaica Quesadillas:

• 1½ cups of hibiscus flower

• 1 liter of water

• ½ onion filleted

• 1 tablespoon of oil

• Salt to taste

• 1 dessert spoon of chipotle chili marinade (optional)

• 8 flour or corn tortillas

• Manchego or oaxaca cheese to taste

How to make Flour de Jamaica Quesadillas:

To start making the Jamaican flower quesadillas recipe, infuse the flower in a liter of boiling water. You must let stand 20 minutes, then drain the water and reserve the flower.

Tip: you can use the water to prepare a rich Agua de Jamaica.

Now in a pan or pot, pour a tablespoon of oil and cook the chopped onion until golden brown. When it has changed its color slightly it will be ready.

Do you want to learn how to cook some delicious governor tacos? In this article we provide you with all the steps you must follow. Immediately add the previously hydrated Jamaica flower and add a little salt to taste. Then, add a teaspoon of chipotle chili marinade to provide a slight spicy flavor, mix and let everything cook for 5 minutes, then reserve. Using the chipotle pepper marinade is merely optional, you can leave it out for this recipe if you prefer.

To assemble the Jamaica flower quesadilla, heat the tortilla in a Comal and when it is slightly hot, add a little of the Jamaica flower stew. In addition, you must add the Manchego cheese or Oaxaca cheese to taste, fold the tortilla and let the cheese gratin. And ready! In a few minutes you will have some delicious and healthy Jamaican quesadillas. Accompany this dish with the sauce of your choice. To eat!

Jamaica flower quesadillas and other ingredients

Introducing the Jamaica flower is no longer exclusively for water and infusions, as you can see you can use the hydrated flower in dishes. We want to point out that in this recipe you can add more vegetables to the flower stew, such as carrots or zucchini, and if you prefer you can also substitute the chipotle chili marinade for guajillo chili paste. If you are brave and you like it spicy, you can add a little chopped habanero. In addition, you can choose between a flour or corn pancake, personally with a flour pancake it is much better. Now that you know that you can cook Jamaica flower, go ahead and prepare this and many more recipes!

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