Italian Style Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe

In this recipe we are going to teach you how to make real Italian carbonara pasta. The word carbonara comes from “Carbone “, which in Italian means “on coal”, as it is said to have been the main course of the charcoal makers in the Apennine mountains. As you will see, many of the people believe or think that the authentic carbonara sauce contains cream or milk cream, but it is not so. In this recipe we will carry out the original process, so keep reading and discover the steps to learn how to prepare Italian-style spaghetti carbonara.

Ingredients to make Italian-style Spaghetti Carbonara:

  1. 400 grams of Spaghetti
  2. 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  3. 3 units of Eggs
  4. 100 grams of Parmesan cheese
  5. 150 grams of bacon or bacon
  6. 1 glass of pasta cooking water
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  8. 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Italian Style Spaghetti Carbonara:

  • The first step to make the Italian-style spaghetti recipe is to prepare the ingredients.
  • Cut the pork bacon into thin strips and take it to a hot pan to fry it for a few minutes until it is golden. Booking.
  • In a bowl, separate the yolks from the whites. What we are going to use to make the original carbonara is only the egg yolks, but if you want you can add a white so that the sauce is not so thick. The rest of the egg whites can be saved to use in another recipe, such as a sponge cake.
  • Add salt, black pepper, Parmesan cheese, and a pinch of garlic paste.
  • Mix well until the ingredients of the original carbonara sauce are integrated.
  • Cook the spaghetti until you get the desired cooking point. Remember that this can be al dente or softer, that is already to the taste of the diners.
  • Add half of the bacon to the Italian carbonara sauce and mix very well until the ingredients are integrated.
  • Remember that you must reserve half a glass of pasta cooking to finish the recipe.
  • Once the pasta reaches the desired cooking point, add it hot to the bowl where we have the carbonara sauce. We must let the heat of the pasta cook the sauce. In the same way, bring a frying pan to medium heat with the olive oil and cook the carbonara pasta for five minutes over medium heat. Turn off the heat and remove it.
  • Serve the Italian-style spaghetti by adding a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese to each of the plates and accompanying with a few basil leaves to give our recipe a touch of extra flavor. As you have seen, the carbonara sauce does not contain milk cream, so this is the original Italian version

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