Italian Pizza Dough Recipe

Although it may not seem like it, preparing Italian pizza dough at home is quite easy and it turns out much better. We like this recipe that we bring you and, if you cook it finitely, you will have thin and crunchy Italian pizza dough as a result.

The good thing about preparing homemade pizza is that we can fill it with everything we like and make a dish to our exact measure. The base of any pizza is the dough, because if it turns out good, the final result is a guaranteed success. Stay with us and learn how to make Italian pizza dough just like the Italians do! Prepare it as a family and have fun with the recipe.

Ingredients to make Italian Pizza Dough:

  1. 500 grams of strength flour
  2. 18 grams of fresh yeast
  3. 1 dessert spoon of salt
  4. 4 tablespoons olive oil
  5. 250 milliliters of lukewarm water

How to make Italian Pizza Dough:

  • Put the warm water in a glass, crumble the yeast and add it to the water. Stir very well until dissolved. Put the flour in a large bowl with the teaspoon of salt, mix. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the oil and yeast mixture into it. Strength flour is one of the key ingredients to achieve fluffy pizza dough, click on the link to find out what strength flour is and what it is used for.
  • Tip: Italians use 00 flour to prepare pizza dough. You can use that (and leave it fermenting longer) or 000 flour.
  • Remove everything and mix, go kneading until all the ingredients are integrated in the form of dough. Remove the dough to the counter (previously floured) and continue kneading for 8-10 minutes. There must be a compact mass that no longer sticks to the hands.
  • Trick: Knead by taking the two ends of the dough, stretching it and folding it in on itself several times so that it fills with air.
  • Form a ball with the pizza dough and let it rest for about 45 minutes or an hour, covered with a cloth.
  • Tip: If you have time, the ideal is to let this pizza dough rest with fresh yeast for at least 24 hours in the refrigerator.
  • When the time has passed, remove the cloth. You will see that the easy pizza dough will have doubled in volume.
  • Take the homemade pizza dough out of the bowl and knead it for a few minutes folding it in on itself making creases with it.
  • With this amount of dough, you will have to prepare two homemade pizzas. Cut it in half, take one of the halves and knead it. Go stretching the Italian pizza dough on the counter until it is as thick as you like. Bake it with the oven preheated to the maximum for about 6-15 minutes (or until golden). Take it out and add the ingredients so you can finish baking it. Enjoy!

Italian Pizza Dough – How to make it crispy and fluffy?

  • As we said at the beginning, the secret to knowing how to make a quality pizza dough is often in the kneading. How can we achieve this crunchy, fluffy and soft texture that will give the perfect touch to our pizza? The secret is to knead it very well, with patience and with love, since the dough needs air.
  • Also, when you go to stretch it to make your Italian pizza, you need to stretch the dough carefully and slowly. If you don’t want a thin pizza crust and want to give it those famous thick edges, roll it out from the center and don’t flatten the edge of the circumference.

 Italian Pizza Recipes – The Best Ingredients

One of the things you have to keep in mind is that if you put too many ingredients on the pizza, the dough will not cook as it should. On the other hand, we recommend using fresh mozzarella cheese, not grated, so that the flavors are more enhanced.

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