Is lemon a fruit or a vegetable?

Lemon is one of those foods that is essential to always have on hand, as it is very versatile and has many different uses. You can use it as a home remedy, as a culinary ingredient, as a natural beauty product and even use it to clean your home.

It is of daily use, but it is possible that you have ever wondered if the lemon is a fruit or a vegetable. What answer would you give to this question? Do you think you know? Dare to discover together if you are right, while you explore the well-known and not so well-known benefits of the lemon. Go for it!

Difference between Fruits and Vegetables

The biological difference between fruits and vegetables is very distinguishable and, if you take it into account, it will be very easy for you to decipher which foods are from one group or the other. Fruits contain seeds, as they are part of the reproductive organ of plants.  On the other hand, vegetables are everything that we extract from the plant and do not contain its seeds. This includes leaves, herbs, bulbs, roots, stems, flowers, buds, and more.

In this classification there are some small exceptions, such as strawberries, which do not belong to one group or the other, but in general, the rule is fulfilled: if it has seeds, it is a fruit.

Is lemon a fruit or vegetable?

It is true that the lemon is a blessing from nature, but… is it a fruit or a vegetable? The lemon is a fruit! If you thought it was a vegetable, it’s normal. It can confuse us, since it is used in both sweet and savory recipes, but have you seen that the lemon has seeds inside? It is more than enough to make sure that we have classified it correctly.

Many people think that the difference between fruits and vegetables lies in their culinary use, but although it is often true that fruits are sweet and vegetables are salty, this is not enough to classify them all within the same group. This type of label comes more from custom and cultures than from botanical differences.

Uses of lemon in the kitchen

Lemon is a food that not only serves to enhance the flavor of food, but also has other qualities and uses that we will see below:

  • Tenderize meats. If you mix lemon with some spices, you will achieve a tender and very tasty meat.
  • It is an excellent flavoring. If you grate the peel of a lemon for masses, juices or some coverage, it will give a delicious flavor to your recipes.
  • Keeps guacamole fresh and with good color. Add a good splash on the guacamole, do not worry about the flavor will remain intact.
  • Prevents vegetables and fruits from darkening. If you want to preserve the color of the cauliflower, add a teaspoon of lemon to the cooking water. On the other hand, if you need to stop the oxidation of a banana or apple, sprinkle them with lemon as soon as you cut or peel them. It is also excellent for preserving avocado.
  • Revives wilted lettuce. Fill a bowl with cold water and add the juice of half a lemon, submerge the leaves that you see brown and place the bowl in the refrigerator. You’ll be surprised!
  • Facilitates the absorption of iron. The vitamin C contained in the lemon favors a correct absorption of iron by the body. Thus, the iron in beans, spinach, eggs and other foods is better used.

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