Is it good to eat fruit at night?

Fruits delight us both by sight and taste: thanks to their natural shapes, delicious flavors, fragrant aromas and great color. However, behind their vibrant colors there is more than beauty, as they provide some important nutritional components that are much needed by our body.

Consuming fruits represents for the body an excellent supply of nutrients such as fructose, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and a lot of fiber. The benefits derived from these substances are very important for the body, which is why it is recommended to consume 3 to 5 servings daily. In short, fruits, as well as vegetables, should not be missing from the daily diet and should be the main protagonists.

However, despite how healthy fruits are, there are many controversies related to who can consume them, the time to eat them and if they can be allowed in slimming diets.

Perhaps the most widespread negative myth about fruit is the one referring to its consumption at night. For this reason, this time we clarify this controversy for you. Is it good to eat fruit at night? Does eating fruit at night make you fat or lose weight? Do citrus fruits affect sleep? Do fruits ferment in the stomach while you sleep? Find out if those myths are true or false below.

What is chrononutrition?

Chrononutrition tells us the right time to consume food. These times are regulated by our biological rhythm, thus food is metabolized (due to its nutrient composition) differently at different times of the day. In addition, this science studies how hormone secretions related to hunger, satiety, sleep, wakefulness, glucose tolerance, etc. affect us. Doctor Alain Delibes created this concept in 1986.

So far these studies conclude the following in summary:

  • Eating meals late can cause weight loss or promote excess weight.
  • Eating late meals can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Eating more at dinner than at breakfast can lead to excess weight gain and metabolic syndrome.

Surely at this point you are wondering, but… should you eat fruit at night? I encourage you to continue reading and find out quickly.

Is it good to eat fruit at night? Myths or truths?

There are several widespread myths about whether it is bad to eat fruit at night. Generally, this belief revolves around three key points that point to the disadvantages of this practice. But… how true are these theories?

Eating fruit at night makes you fat

First false myth. In reality, it all depends on the type of fruit, the way you consume it and the amount you eat; otherwise it makes you fat just like any other food. In other words, what really influences weight gain are the caloric intake, the proportion of carbohydrates and the amount you consume of each fruit at that time, in addition to the possible combinations with other foods and their caloric intake that you apply. In conclusion, being overweight from eating fruit at dinner is due to the consumption of calories that you eat but do not burn during the day, because during the night the body usually lowers its activity a lot and then goes to rest when sleeping, for this reason it is advisable to consume lower-calorie fruits if you are on a weight loss plan, but this food is never prohibited and it is not There are fruits that should not be eaten at night.

“The recommended amount of fruit ranges from 3 to 5 units of fruit a day. If you exceed the amount of calories you need, you will gain weight regardless of whether they are from fruit or another food,” adds nutritionist Sara Abu.

Raises blood sugar levels

Second false myth. Actually, any individual can consume fruits at any time, except for specific cases prescribed by the doctor, such as diabetics, but even so, they are not prohibited from any type of this food. However, what is true is that some fruits work better at certain times, they provide more calories than others, they have a higher percentage of fructose (or fruit sugar) or water than others, and if they are consumed squeezed, by not having fiber that counteracts insulin responses will make blood glucose levels rise more.  That is why it is always advisable to consume them whole.

Check this article of 20 fruit juices for diabetics to verify that there are no restrictions.

Eat fruit at night indigestible

Third false myth. The fruits do not in digest or ferment. That is, they do not rot in the stomach overnight and consequently do not cause discomfort. It is unlikely that a fruit will upset you given its natural characteristics. This living food contains always active enzymes that contribute to the ripening process of the fruit. If you eat the whole fruit, many of these enzymes make it easier for you to digest when consuming other foods. For example, papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which facilitates the digestion of meats. However, if you exceed the portion of any fruit, you can cause gastrointestinal discomfort due to its high fiber content and some due to the naturally present acids.

“Being a food that contains enzymes that are active to follow the ripening process of the fruit, it helps to process the food. Such is the case of the papain in papaya, which facilitates the digestion of meats,” adds licensed nutritionist Sara Abu Sabah.

Tip: The key is moderation in the portions of fruit or any other food per day.

The convenient way to eat fruit at night

Once these three widespread statements have collapsed and knowing the benefits of having fruit for dinner, another very important question arises: what is the proper way to consume fruit at night? Here are some practical tips on this topic:

Avoid sour fruits

Perhaps part of the myth that says that it is bad to eat sour fruits at night comes from the effects caused by citrus fruits during those hours. These foods during the night do affect gastric juices and some say that even sleep cycles. But why?

  • They cause heartburn: during the day acidic foods do not produce side effects after consumption; however, if we suffer from some type of stomach problem, the most common thing is that during the night they cause burning in the digestive system, reflux or slower digestion. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid some acidic fruits such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, pommel, tangerine, kiwi and others.
  • They cause insomnia: This point presents some controversy since some studies say that consuming foods rich in vitamin C during the night can cause insomnia, similar to what happens with caffeine, while others point out that it is the best time to eat them.  In the case of those who defend that consuming citrus fruits does not cause insomnia, they assure that vitamin C fulfills its functions better on an empty stomach, for which reason, the night hours are ideal to consume it, just before sleeping. In addition, other studies show that the tangerine peel prepared in infusion favors sleep. However, each organism has its particularities. Which theory do you stay with?
  • They cause digestive problems: the repeated consumption of citrus fruits during the night can cause stomach pains, diarrhea and other secondary reactions related to metabolism and digestion.

In conclusion, it is advisable to consume citrus fruits from the time you wake up until two in the afternoon, hours when the body takes full advantage of these foods, thus avoiding contraindications. However, if you consume it once at night, in a moderate way, nothing happens.

Eat low-sugar fruits

  • Although fruits in general have fructose, there are some with a greater or lesser portion of sugars, and it is advisable if you are on a diet or want to lose weight is to select those with less quantity (if you are on a maintenance plan or already have healthy lifestyle habits). Healthy this is not necessary). Remember that during the night it is advisable to reduce the amount of sugar in food and drinks to a minimum since this is a stimulant and thus the body relaxes more easily and unnecessary calories are not provided to your body.
  • Eat fruits rich in water: maintaining hydration while you sleep is very important, as it ensures good rest and relaxation. If you consume fruits during the night, especially those abundant in percentage of water, the body will remain hydrated during the long hours of sleep. This effect is also achieved if you eat broths or soups.

Does eating fruit at night lose weight?

Is it good to eat fruit at night to lose weight?

At night is when our body is supposed to expend less energy than during the day. For this reason, it is convenient to eat fruit at night because it is low in calories and more digestible than other foods. However, this statement only works if you choose the right fruit, consume it in moderation and appropriately, accompany it with another (light) complementary food, and eat three hours before bedtime.

  • Choose fruits with fewer calories and/or carbohydrates: it is logical that if you are about to sleep, consuming calories that you will not burn will make you fat. For this reason, the most recommended fruits for the night are pear and apple. In addition, both have a lot of fiber.
  • Satiating fruits: nothing worse than going to bed hungry because this will affect your rest and your appetite. Prepare a balanced and light dinner, with the 3 groups of macronutrients that the body needs (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and close with a flourish with a piece of fruit. The most satiating fruits are those with the highest percentage of fiber.
  • Fruits rich in water: these types of fruits improve digestion, keep the body hydrated throughout the night, purify the body and allow you to rest better (they relax you).  Some recommended are watermelon, melon, papaya, apple and pear.

Accompany fruits with suitable foods

Dinner is very important even if it doesn’t seem like it. Why? Because the body will remain immobile for hours, carrying out regenerative processes and needs some light food so as not to spend a lot of energy on digestion and maintain basic processes. Otherwise, you will probably wake up hungry, perhaps before dawn, and you will surely eat anything in abundance. What to do to avoid this? Choose fruits and other light foods. Why is it not good to eat only fruit at night? If you only eat fruit for dinner, you may not be satisfied and, consequently, you will wake up before dawn and raid the fridge. Options? A fish and shrimp broth and a fruit or grilled salmon with salad and fruit for example. Remember that to lose weight, the secret lies in how much you eat and not so much in what you eat.

So, does eating fruit at night lose weight? Yes, if you only consume this type of food and consume it moderately and following the guidelines that I mentioned before, you will surely be successful. But it must be said, it is not healthy because they are only part of 1 or 3 groups of macronutrients that the body needs in each main meal.

Check out this article on 10 fruit juices for aide

Tip: It is always advisable to eat 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep so that you are not in full digestion just when you go to bed.


You know, the myth about whether it is bad to eat fruit at night is false. The 3-5 servings of fruit daily recommended by nutritionists can be distributed throughout the day, you just need to respect the recommendations of the experts. In short, there are fruits that provide us with more benefits at certain times and others that you can eat throughout the day. In addition, knowing the particularities of each one, you can get more out of their attributes.

On the other hand, we can all consume all fruits, unless we suffer from an allergy or intolerance towards one in particular. In the case of diabetics, they can also consume all the fruits but in moderation, respecting the schedules and any other medical indication.

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