Ingredients to make Baked Anise Donuts:

Ingredients to make Baked Anise Donuts:

  1. Anise donut dough:
  2. 375 grams of all-purpose flour
  3. 1 egg
  4. 75 grams of sugar
  5. 100 milliliters of anise liqueur
  6. 60 milliliters of olive oil
  7. 80 milliliters of whole milk
  8. 8 grams of dry baker’s yeast
  9. ½ unit of orange (the zest)
  10. 1 pinch of salt
  11. For the glaze:
  12. 100 grams of icing sugar to decorate
  13. 4 tablespoons lemon or orange (juice)

How to make Baked Anise Donuts:

  • Beat the egg with the sugar until you achieve a fluffy consistency.
  • Trick: Prepare a tray or fountain with parchment paper (of oven). If you do not have grease the source.
  • Add the liquid ingredients: milk, oil and anise liqueur. Stir the preparation very well until fully incorporated.
  • Tip: If you don’t have anise liqueur on hand, you can prepare an anise infusion, the result is almost the same.
  • Add the orange zest and continue stirring. Once integrated, reserve.
  • Tip: You can also use the zest of a lemon or combine both; it will be a very aromatic and refreshing combination.
  • On the other hand, sift the dry ingredients: flour, salt and yeast. Mix very well until fully integrated.
  • It’s time to combine the dry ingredients with the liquid ingredients! Add the mixed flour to the liquids very slowly. Stir with a wooden tablespoon until you can no longer stir. Make sure that the dough for the homemade anise donuts is compact and without lumps.
  • It’s time to work! Add little flour on the counter. Place the dough and work until you achieve a very smooth texture that does not stick to the table. Otherwise you should add more flour but do it cautiously, a little at a time until you achieve the right consistency. Going too far with the flour will affect the final texture of the baked anise donuts.
  • Knead a ball, place it in a bowl and cover it. She let it rest for 20 minutes. Remember to previously sprinkle flour in the bowl.
  • After the rest time, take out the ball of dough and place it back on the counter. Work the dough again for a few minutes.
  • Tip: Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Cut the ball into small pieces of dough. The amount varies depending on the size you provide to the pieces.
  • Create small balls with the pieces of anise doughnuts.
  • Arrange the balls on top of the reserved tray or platter, arranged with enough space between them, so the fluffy baked donuts won’t stick together as they rise. Stick your finger in the center of each ball and shape it.
  • Trick: Try to make the hole in the center large.
  • Bake the anise donuts in the oven at 180 degrees for approximately 20 or 25 minutes or until they look slightly golden. After the time has elapsed, take the tray out of the oven and sprinkle the donuts with icing sugar.
  • This time I preferred to prepare a simple glaze to cover these tasty homemade donuts. The preparation is very simple: 4 tablespoons of lemon juice mixed with 100 grams of powdered sugar and… Let’s taste it!
  • Trick: The icing is optional. Remember that while they are still hot (warm-hot) the powdered sugar will stick more easily.
  • These exquisite baked anise donuts are perfect for dunking in coffee or a cup of hot chocolate. Watching television, having a snack or during a rainy afternoon. Delicious for any occasion!

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