Ice cream, rum and raisin shake

Ingredients to make Ice Cream, Rum and Raisin Smoothie:

  • 500 ml of whole milk.
  • Half a cup of raisins.
  • 3 spoonful’s of sugar.
  • 400 grams of vanilla ice cream.
  • 1 cup of rum.
  • 200 grams of ice.

How to make Ice Cream, Rum and Raisins Smoothie:

  1. Prelist the ingredients.
  2. In a bowl add the ice and the rum. Blend until the ice is in small pieces.
  3. Add the sugar and blend again until mixed with all the ingredients.
  4. Add the ice cream and mix quickly with the blender or mixer (any of the two options are valid for this preparation)
  5. Finally add the whole milk and mix.
  6. Bring to a deep glass and serve, decorate each glass with a spoonful of raisins. Serve and enjoy.

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