Ice cream contessa, comtessa or viennetta cake recipe

This viennetta cake is very easy to prepare, it looks great and reminds me of my childhood. And if you don’t mind the time, I recommend it for now!

Do you dare? Believe me, there is nothing that tastes better than a good Comtessa ice cream in the middle of winter. In front of the TV and with a blanket, there is no better plan! 🙂

Ingredients to make contessa, comtessa or viennetta frozen cake:

  • 500 milliliters of whipping cream (35% fat)
  • 3 egg whites (mine pasteurized)
  • 200 grams of icing sugar (or equivalent sweetener)
  • 200 grams of Dark Chocolate for desserts (mine without added sugar)
  • ½ dessert spoon of vanilla essence (optional. I did not put it)

How to make contessa, comtessa or viennetta ice cream cake:

  1. We start making this homemade Contessa cake by melting the chocolate in the microwave.
  2. When we have it ready, we put a layer on the bottom of our mold, which we will have previously lined with plastic wrap (so it will be easier to unmold later).
  3. With the rest of the chocolate we paint thin sheets of the width and length, or a little less, of the mould, to make the layers that we will later place between the Comtessa’s ice cream. Let them cool and harden while we continue with the rest of the viennetta cake.
  4. In a bowl we beat the whites and almost when they are about to snow, we add half of the icing sugar and continue beating until we obtain a creamy meringue.
  5. On the other hand, in another bowl, we mount the cream with the other half of the icing sugar.
  6. We mix both mixtures and stir gently until we have a homogeneous, soft and creamy mass, which will become our Comtessa ice cream.
  7. Now we go on to assemble the easy ice cream cake. To do this, when the chocolate layer that we had put in the mold has hardened, add a quantity of the cream ice cream mass. Next we place a sheet of chocolate. Then we added more ice cream, then another layer of chocolate… and so on until we finished with all the ingredients for the ice cream, Countess.
  8. I finished the homemade tarte comtessa with a layer of chocolate. We put the mold in the freezer and leave at least 6 hours, so that it freezes well. To serve, we will take the comtessa ice cream cake out of the freezer with enough time because it does take a long time to warm up.
  9. Tip: If you have it for a whole day or more in the freezer like me, take it out at least 1 hour in advance, since it is a fairly large block.
  10. You will see what a delicious homemade ice cream cake remains. Insuperable!

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