Ice Cream Cake Recipe

Easy homemade frozen cakes are one of the best options we have to make when preparing a delicious frozen dessert at home. For example, this easy recipe that I share with this article today for a homemade ice cream cake or ice cream cake.

In this case, I used a chocolate ice cream and berries, but you can use the flavor of the ice cream that you like best, you can even mix two flavors and put them in the ice cream cake. I used cookies with honey for the base of the ice cream cake but you can use other types of cookies such as Oreos or Maria cookies to make it very tasty. What do you think?

Ingredients to make Ice Cream Cake:

  1. 20 units of large Polvor ones or honey cookies
  2. ¼ Ice cream (in my case chocolate and forest fruits)
  3. strawberries
  4. 50 grams of Butter
  5. 1 splash of milk

How to make Ice Cream Cake:

  • For the base of the ice cream cake we take the cookies, here I use some honey, and we pass them through the processor together with the butter and the splash of milk. They have to form a paste that they can compact to make the frozen cake well.
  • When the base of the frozen cake is ready, little by little they put it in the mold of their choice (in this case I used a round cake mold) squashing well. Put in the cold to solidify.
  • Once cold, 5 minutes in the freezer is enough, we put the ice cream of the flavor you prefer, which I recommend is soft to make it easier for you, on top of the ice cream cake base.
  • Once this is finished, we decorate with the well-washed and clean strawberries and that’s it! A while in the freezer and our ice cream cake will be ready to eat.

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