Hungarian Rice Recipe

Ingredients to make Hungarian Rice:

  • 2 cups of rice
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 can of Tuna in water
  • ½ cup canned peas and carrots without broth
  • 1 jet of Oil to fry
  • 2 cups of Water (480 milliliters)

How to make Hungarian Rice:

  1. Place a little oil in a pan, add the rice and toast it until it takes on a golden color to start preparing the Hungarian recipe.
  2. Tip: Use a deep frying pan to cook the rice in the next step.
  3. Add the water and soy sauce, leave the pan on the heat until the rice is cooked and has absorbed the liquid.
  4. When the rice is ready, add the peas with the carrots and the tuna, and stir the mixture so that they are integrated. Leave the preparation on the fire for a few more minutes so that the Hungarian rice is impregnated with the flavors of these foods.
  5. Tip: In other countries peas are known as peas or peas.
  6. Clever! Accompany the Hungarian rice with meat in sauce, grilled fish or mashed potatoes. Bon Appetite!

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