Humitas de choclo recipe

Humitas are a typical dish from Peru, although they have now become popular in other countries such as Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador, among others. Each country has its own recipe for humitas and even in Venezuela, there is a very similar recipe but known by the name of hallaquitas de jojoto or corn.

This time we show you the Peruvian version to learn how to prepare some delicious homemade corn humitas. Corn humitas can be eaten at any time and are perfect for making stuffed with anything.

Ingredients to make Humitas de choclo:

• ½ dozen corn

• ½ unit of grated onion

• 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce

• 2 tablespoons ground chili panda

• 1 cup of fresh milk

• 1 sprig of Basil

• 1 unit of corn pancakes soaked in water

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 pinch of pepper to taste

How to make Humitas de choclo:

Put oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, once it has browned, add the tomato sauce and the grated corn and the chili, the ground basil and the salt. Then add the milk little by little until it takes on a somewhat thick consistency.

At the same time, assemble the humitas in pancas de choclo soaked beforehand in boiled water and tie them with a thread or wick. At the bottom of a large pot, place the corn pancas and put the humitas on top, covering them with boiling water; then put more pancas on top and, immediately afterwards, cover the pot, letting it boil for 30 minutes.

Serve the corn humitas accompanied by a Creole sauce made with chili, vinegar, onion, salt and pepper to taste or a guasacaca.

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