Huitlacoche Tacos Recipe

Huitlacoche is a food recognized worldwide as a delicacy, it is also known as “the Mexican truffle” or “Aztec caviar”. This peculiar food is a kind of fungus that grows on corn and, although it is practically a parasite, it is not considered bad for consumption. On the contrary, it has various benefits that we will tell you about later.

Learn how to prepare this unique ingredient of its kind in a way that everyone will surely like, we are talking about a delicious recipe for huitlacoche tacos, a simple preparation but that will probably make you love this peculiar Mexican ingredient. Keep reading and discover the benefits of this ingredient while you learn how to make huitlacoche tacos.

Ingredients to make Huitlacoche Tacos:

• 2 cups of huitlacoche

• ½ onion

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 1 Serrano chili

• Salt and pepper to taste

• 1 shelled corn

• 5 leaves of chopped epazote

• Corn tortillas

• Grated lettuce

• Cheese

• 1 tablespoon of oil

How to make Huitlacoche Tacos:

Begin the huitlacoche tacos recipe by finely chopping the onion and garlic cloves. If you want to add a spicy touch, chop a Serrano pepper in the same way

In a pot or pan, heat a splash of oil, add the finely chopped onion and garlic, fry until lightly browned and until the onion has changed its color to a more transparent one. Next, add the clean huitlacoche, followed by the chopped chili. Mix very well, add a pinch of salt so that the huitlacoche begins to soften and release water, cook for 5 minutes. Later, you will notice that the huitlacoche is already softer and has become darker. At this time, add the chopped epazote and half a cup of shelled corn, season with a little more salt and pepper to taste and finish cooking everything for 5 minutes. To assemble the tacos, simply heat the corn tortillas, once hot fill with the huitlacoche stew. Add some lettuce and grated cheese and the huitlacoche tacos are more than ready to eat.

Huitlacoche tacos – Benefits and other preparations

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare the huitlacoche and enjoy it in some delicious tacos. If it is difficult for you to find fresh huitlacoche in the supermarket, they also sell canned huitlacoche, usually it comes already seasoned and even cooked, so it can save you time too.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this recipe, huitlacoche, despite being a fungus or pest in corn, has many benefits. Among the main benefits of huitlacoche are:

• Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

• Strengthens the immune system.

• High fiber content so it helps improve digestion.

• Keeps blood sugar levels in balance.

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