Huitlacoche Crepes Recipe

It is known by the name of huitlacoche, or cuitlacoche, the fungus that is generated in the ears of corn. At this article, we teach you how to cook it and use it to fill crepes. So don’t think about it anymore and discover how to make huitlacoche crepes step by step.

Ingredients to make Huitlacoche Crepes:

• 1 cup of milk (240 milliliters)

• 1 cup of flour (140 grams)

• 2 units of Eggs

• 1 teaspoon salt

• ½ teaspoon ground tarragon

• 2 tablespoons of melted butter

For the filling

• 1 kilogram of Huitlacoche

• 3 tablespoons finely chopped onion

• 1 garlic clove finely chopped

• 3 tablespoons of chopped Epazote

• 3 tablespoons of oil or butter

• 1 piece of cooked and shredded chicken breast

• 1 pound sour cream

• ¼ kilogram of grated Manchego cheese

• Butter cubes

How to make Huitlacoche Crepes:

To make the crepes, beat all the ingredients except the butter to form a dough that is left to rest for half an hour. If you prefer, you can use corn tortillas and prepare Mexican tacos.

The crepes are made in a pan the size of a crepe, previously melting the butter to prevent them from sticking. The first crepe often spoils, as it absorbs the rest of the butter from the pan. In this way, it can be said that it cures it, and from then on no more fat should be added, since the dough already has it and the crepes will not stick. The crepes are cooked over low heat, the pan should not be too hot. To make them, empty out some of the batter and turn the pan upside down to cover the bottom completely in a thin layer. Leave it on the fire for about two minutes, or until it bubbles, turn it over and leave it for half a minute more. The crepes should not be golden, but transparent.

Once cold, the crepes can be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to a week. For the filling: the mushroom is separated from the rest of the corn, discarding the latter. Chop the fungus very finely.

Trick: Huitlacoche is the black fungus of corn, and two cans of this ingredient can be used.

In a large frying pan, fry the garlic and onion in the fat until translucent. Then, add the epazote and the huitlacoche, give it its point of salt and pepper and, after frying for five minutes, cover it and leave it over low heat to release its juice for another 10 minutes. The crepes are filled with the shredded chicken and a little huitlacoche, pouring out the juice. They are accommodated in a refractory dish greased with butter. The crepes are covered with the sour cream, adding a little more salt. Finally, add the grated cheese and bits of butter spread over it, bake for 20 minutes until gratin (the cheese melts and browns). The huitlacoche crepes are served immediately. You can also accompany them with a poblano sauce and refried beans.

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