Huitlacoche and pumpkin flower quesadillas recipe

Huitlacoche is a food that has a pre-Hispanic origin in Mexican culture. It is a type of fungus whose main food is corn grains, which invade like the good parasite that it is and dyes them a dark color, completely deforming them. For many this food can be very strange, however in ancient times it was called “the food of the gods”, that is why in Mexico it is a very common and widely consumed food. It has a somewhat earthy flavor but at the same time very delicious. Internationally it is served in the finest restaurants as an extremely expensive and glamorous dish.

For all this, we are going to show you an exquisite recipe for huitlacoche and pumpkin flower quesadillas based on these parasitic corn fungi, a combination that you will see has a delicious touch. Keep reading this step by step and discover these delicious pumpkin flower quesadillas with huitlacoche, you will see that you will love them.

Ingredients to make huitlacoche and pumpkin flower quesadillas:

  • 3 cups of fresh Huitlacoche
  • 300 grams of string cheese
  • 4 units of fresh pumpkin flower
  • ½ piece of white onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 16 pieces of corn tortilla

How to make huitlacoche and pumpkin flower quesadillas:

We will start making these huitlacoche and pumpkin flower quesadillas having all the ingredients that we are going to use at hand. To start, we take the onion and garlic, chop them very finely, and once ready, fry them in a pan with a little hot oil adding a pinch of salt and pepper. Once the onion is transparent, add the huitlacoche and the pumpkin flower, stir very well to integrate everything and let it all cook together for approximately 8 minutes. After this time we take the hot corn tortillas and in the center, we place a little of our huitlacoche stew with pumpkin flower, and we also add a little string cheese. Now we take our squash flower quesadillas, place them in a pan with a little hot oil and let the cheese inside melt and brown slightly on the outside. Once the cheese is melted, our delicious huitlacoche and pumpkin flower quesadillas will be ready. You can accompany them with your favorite sauce. And also try if you like these pumpkin flower stuffed chicken breasts. Delicious!

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