How to whip cream by hand

Liquid cream has a wide variety of uses in the kitchen, both in confectionery and in the culinary world in general. This ingredient is so versatile that you can use it in savory and sweet preparations, obtaining exceptional results. Everything that touches the cream gives it a special twist, both in texture and flavor.

Whipped cream, on the other hand, is the same milk cream to which you add air and then sugar to stabilize the captured air. The final result is a cream with a firm and foamy texture. Surely, many times you enjoyed its incredible caressing texture and its sweet but not cloying taste. For this reason, we share with you the secrets of whipped cream and, if you don’t have an electric mixer, we’ll tell you how to whip cream by hand so that it’s perfect. Go for it!

How to whip cream by hand without rods?

If you don’t have whisks or don’t have enough time to whip the cream, don’t worry. You can enjoy that fluffy texture of whipped cream with this super easy solution. For this trick, you only need a glass jar with a lid and 45 seconds of your time:

  1. The cream needs to be very cold, so refrigerate it before using.
  2. Put the can of cream in the freezer for 5 minutes. This step will help you, especially if you live in a country with a hot climate.
  3. Pour the cream into a glass jar with a lid. It must have at least double the capacity that the cream needs.
  4. Add any essence or sweetener you like to the cream. You can add vanilla or icing sugar.
  5. Close the jar with the lid and shake it for 45 seconds. Do it vigorously.

What is the best thing about whipping cream by hand? You avoid over-whipping and therefore lessen the chance of the whipped cream curdling. In addition, it acquires greater volume. However, you have to encourage it, because the energy you put into beating does count. Other alternatives to beating by hand are manual rods and the minimizer (immersion blender).

How to whip cream and not go down?

Whipping cream is very simple, but it has certain tricks that can determine the success or failure of the preparation. So that you know how to whip cream and that it does not go down, you just have to pay attention to these simple and easy steps to follow:

  1. Prepare the stabilizer you will use.
  2. Beat the cream.
  3. As soon as you notice that the cream is slightly whipped, add icing sugar to taste. Continue with the shake.
  4. Increase the speed, whip the cream and add the stabilizer of your choice.
  5. Stop beating the cream as soon as you feel it firm.

Beyond these steps, one of the most common fears when preparing whipped cream is the possibility that it will go down, either during the process or after it. There are very effective tricks to avoid this unpleasantness, so check these tips so that the cream does not go down:

  • Buy cream with a high percentage of fat. The more fat the cream contains, the better.  The ideal is 40% but 35% is acceptable (with less percentage it will not mount). Remember that the higher the percentage of fat, the more stable the cream will be while you whip it and after whipping it.
  • The cream must be very cold. The ideal temperature would be between 5 and 10º, otherwise it will not mount. Remember hot cream is runnier so if you whip it hot it could run out quickly.
  • Make sure all utensils are very cold. Place the bowl and sticks in the freezer. Thus, when using them, they will be sufficiently cold. If you have to improvise, prepare an inverted bain-marie to place the bowl where you will beat the mixture and the rods. You can also submerge them in ice.
  • You should never beat more. If you over-whip, the cream will curdle and turn into butter, so as soon as the cream is whipped, stop whipping!
  • Control the speed. Start beating at medium speed and, as soon as the cream looks foamy, add the sugar. At that point, increase your speed and keep a close eye on the changes. When it thickens, stop. A second can be decisive.
  • Don’t stop beating. When you whip up whipped cream, you have to pay full attention to it, as it won’t work if you’re doing something else at the same time. Likewise, you shouldn’t whip in one direction and then another.
  • Stabilizes the cream. Wait until you have the semi-whipped cream to add the sugar and the stabilizer (first incorporate one well and then the other). There is a wide variety of stabilizers that you can use: powdered milk, gelatin powder (grenadine), gelatin sheets, cream cheese, cornstarch, instant pudding, meringue powder (sold in specialty confectionery stores), marshmallows, and chemical stabilizers, among others.
  • Use clean utensils. If any utensil is wet, oily or dirty from any food (even from the same recipe), the cream will not mount.

How to make whipping cream by hand?

If you’re craving whipped cream but you don’t have cream, and you also don’t have any electric wands, that’s okay. Here you will learn how to make whipping cream and whip it by hand. It is a very simple recipe in which you will not spend more than 15 minutes. Plus, it’s a light recipe!


  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tsp. light white cheese (spreadable)
  • 1 tsp. sweetener
  • 1 tsp. vanilla essence


  1. Beat the egg white until stiff.
  2. In another bowl, beat the cheese until it is a smooth paste.
  3. Add the sweetener and vanilla. Beat again to integrate the incorporated ingredients.
  4. Add the cheese to the egg whites until stiff, applying enveloping movements.
  5. Serve to taste. If you want to use it to decorate a cake or cupcakes, fill the bag with the cream and let it cool for a while.

Makes 2 servings.

Do you already have your homemade whipping cream ready? Take advantage of it in one of these recipes with cream:

  • Peach cream with cream
  • Lemon mousse with cream
  • Homemade cream cake
  • Strawberry cream birthday cake

How to make whipped cream without liquid cream?

There are several ways to prepare homemade whipping cream, this time we will show you a very good recipe based on butter and milk that you can whip with electric rods. If you want to prepare a special sauce, this recipe will also work if you don’t assemble it. As cream is fat and from it comes butter, we can use it to prepare whipping cream.


  • 200g whole milk
  • 200 g of butter (about 80% fat)


  1. Pour the milk into a cauldron and add the butter. Cook over low heat. Wait until the butter melts and both ingredients are mixed.
  2. Pour the preparation into a bowl (preferably metal) and put it in the freezer. Wait 15 minutes.
  3. Whip the cream as you would any other.

How to whip cream without sugar?

You may want to whip cream without sugar to avoid consuming it or because you need the cream for a savory dish. It is important that you keep in mind that, if you need it for savory recipes, you can add a little icing or caster sugar to stabilize the cream. If you don’t want to use sugar at all, here are two ways to go without it:

If you need the cream for a sweet recipe, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the sugar with some powdered sweetener.
  2. Add some chemical stabilizer (you can also try another type of stabilizer).
  3. Add them just when the cream is semi-whipped.
  4. Use 20 g of powdered sweetener for every liter of whipping cream, as well as 1 teaspoon of cream stabilizer.

If, on the other hand, you need to whip cream for savory preparations, replace the sugar with a chemical stabilizer. Add it when the cream is semi-whipped.

Tip: It is not possible to use vegetable butter for this recipe.

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