How to tenderize meat

Learn about all the reasons and tricks to make the meat tender before cooking it that we explain in this article on how to tenderize meat, whether it is pork, beef, goat, duck, chicken or any other animal.

Here we are going to show you more than 10 different ways to know how to soften meat if you still do not know any way and need to apply it in your preparation. In addition, there is also a section that explains more specifically how to soften meat that is already hard cooked so, either before or after cooking, do not miss this article with several tips and advice that you can easily put into practice so that you always have juicy meat.

Hit the meat

To discharge energy! After chopping the meat into thin fillets, give it a few good poundings before preparing it. For this you can use a tenderizer (meat mallet or spatula), the edge of a small wooden board or a rolling pin. What do you get with this? Break down some fibers and connective tissues. The result? A succulent thin and tender meat.

You can also use a ground or powdered meat tenderizer that you can find processed to buy, which contains the same enzymes that papaya or pineapple have to tenderize the meat since they help break down the muscle fibers but do not add any additional flavor.

Grid or cut the meat into pieces

If the fillet is very thick, make a few shallow cuts on the meat. How does this benefit the preparation? Thanks to this procedure, the heat penetrates inside the cut quickly, and thus it cooks before. The result? A tenderer piece.

The procedure of cutting the meat into pieces consists of cutting it into smaller pieces, but without overdoing it or they will be dry. Keep in mind that small cuts always make cooking easier.

Use milk or yogurt

Grandma’s trick! If you want to soften a cut, do it the traditional way and that is to soften meat with milk or yogurt. How is it the procedure? Very simple, make small indentations in the cut, submerge it in milk or yogurt, and let the meat rest for at least 2 hours. This technique is also used to soften the chicken breasts and give them a whiter color, for example, in this recipe for chicken breasts in mushroom sauce or this other breaded chicken breast with oatmeal.

Marinate the piece or pieces of meat

Preparing it this way is an infallible classic so that the meat is tender. The technique is very easy and consists of using a natural softener: acid. The acid component can be apple cider vinegar, wine, beer, tomato juice, wine vinegar, cider, sherry, lemon juice, or any citrus fruit. And additionally, you can add some aromatic herb such as thyme, basil, oregano or rosemary. Then submerge the cut in the marinade for a minimum of 30 minutes or a maximum of 12 hours. Remember, the resting time of the meat depends on its hardness: the harder it is, the longer it will need to marinate.

After the time, drain the meat and cook. On the other hand, if you need to marinate the meat for two hours or more, prepare the same base (acid plus aromatic herb) and add some chopped vegetables to the mixture (onion, garlic, carrot, celery, etc.), to give it more flavor. . Finally, you can add a portion of the marinade to the cooking as in this lemon chicken thighs recipe, but remember that it adds a very strong flavor.

You can also add beer to the cut, but this trick is reserved for game, lamb, or beef. Beer, in addition to softness, gives the meat a lot of flavor.

Marinate the cut

Both marinating and marinating facilitate the cooking of the meat and provide it with a very juicy texture. As if that were not enough, both techniques enhance the flavor and aroma.  Marinating is very easy; simply prepare a mixture with the aromatic herb of your choice, garlic, oil, vinegar and salt, paprika or curry (or other spices).

Pour the preparation into a large bowl and add the meat, proceed to spread the piece with the mixture. Let the marinated cut rest for at least 1 hour. Once the time has passed, cook the piece as you prefer, be it roasted or fried. This style of marinade is ideal for drier meats, with little streaky fat such as the central loin. Perfect for this recipe for pork tenderloin with caramelized onions for example! Another interesting method is to spread or smear the meat with a mixture of oil and vinegar in equal parts, and let it rest for a couple of hours (the meat will not taste like vinegar so don’t be afraid to try it).

Bread or pack the meat

A classic fry! Another interesting alternative to obtain a tender and delicious meat is breading. What does it consist of? Simply cut the meat into very thin fillets and coat them with a preparation. The procedure? As simple as making a base mixes with: flour, breadcrumbs and egg (beaten).

To enhance the flavor of the mixture, you can add garlic, parsley, pepper, and oregano and/or lemon zest. Then, you cover the cut with the preparation and cook it. What’s the secret? The breading, because it protects the fillet during cooking; providing a final crunchy texture and a juicy interior. Do not miss this recipe for breaded pork fillets and check it out.

Another way to tenderize meat is by wrapping the meat in bacon or bacon, technically known as a saddle. A delicious trick! Wrap a few thin layers of bacon around the cut. As the pork fat melts during cooking, it gives the meat moisture, softness and… a delicious flavor!

Water and cornstarch mixture or fruit puree

Another technique to soften tough meat is this: use a tablespoon of cornstarch and two glasses of water for every 500 grams of meat approximately. Place the meat in a bowl and pour the mixture. Wait 10-15 minutes to drain and seal in the pan. Later, you can cook it according to the recipe.

Soft and exquisite meat with fruit puree! This alternative is tasty and effective. Prepare a fruit puree with kiwi, pineapple or papaya, and spread it generously on the cut. Reserve for 15 minutes. Over time, the meat will acquire a tender texture thanks to the enzymes in these fruits, as they break down the collagen and help break down the muscle fibers, as we mentioned in a previous section.

Another way that you will find interesting to know how to use pineapple to tenderize meat is by macerating it in papaya juice or pineapple juice. Like fruit puree, papaya or pineapple juices are excellent natural softeners for any cut. Wait a couple of hours and voila. This trick is great, because it gives an original and exquisite point.

Use baking soda

Why does baking soda tenderize meat? Because this ingredient breaks down the proteins (chains of amino acids) in the meat of any type of meat, providing it with more tenderness. What is the technique? Well, you can apply two ways. The first alternative is to sprinkle the bicarbonate on the meat, without leaving empty spaces and let it rest for 3 hours. The second, create a mixture of baking soda with water, spread it on the cut and reserve in the fridge for 2 hours.

Add refined sugar

Sugar is a natural softener, as is acid. So if you want very tender roast beef, add a little sweetness. How does this happen? As the meat bakes, the sugar competes with other ingredients for water, softening the cut. In addition to sugar, you can also use many other things such as brown paper or honey to soften the meat.

This method is perfect for roast beef with teriyaki sauce, for example, which is already a little sweet.

Seal and/or cook previously

It is a very professional alternative when it comes to preparing very juicy meats. Cook the cut by searing or browning the outsides, which will preserve the natural internal juices  of the meat during subsequent cooking. Avoid burning them, otherwise the effect will be the opposite and you will get a tough and dry steak.

In special cases, to soften very tough meat, it is ideal to pre-cook it before stewing. Keep it at least 30 minutes on the fire (the time will also depend on how hard the piece is). Remove from heat and drain.

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