How to preserve bread

A food that is almost never missing from the table, without a doubt, is bread. Its versatility allows us to enjoy it as a meal companion, as a starter, dessert or as an appetizer in the form of sandwiches, sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. For this reason, sometimes, we may buy more bread; we accumulate pieces of bread and they get hard over time.  What is the solution? The answer is very simple and can be summed up in three words: conservation, recovery and use.

We have for you the infallible tricks to preserve bread, prevent it from getting hard, know where to store it, learn how to freeze it and avoid the most common mistakes when preserving it. Take note and discover how to preserve homemade bread.

How to prevent bread from going stale?

Once the bread is baked, after a few days, it begins to age. This happens because the starch molecules lose moisture and degrade. Although the process of deterioration of bread is irreversible and natural (even if it is vacuum packed, without exposure to air), it is also true that certain conditions accelerate its degradation and others slow it down. For this reason, you will surely find the following tips for storing bread very interesting and useful:

  • Keep the bread out of the refrigerator. Keeping bread in the fridge causes it to undergo a chemical process called starch retro gradation, consequently, it acquires a rubbery or soft texture, loses flavor and freshness. In the specific case of sliced ​​bread, it resists a bit in the fridge, however, its flavor and texture also change because they lose freshness.
  • Store the bread in a cloth bag or bread basket. Both forms represent classic ways of preserving bread (as well as Kraft paper bags, wooden boxes or a cloth), thus avoiding its direct and continuous exposure to the environment. In this way, the bread does not mold or dry out (it is protected from the air but breathes), which is why it is preserved better and longer. Therefore, this is the best way to preserve bread from one day to the next.
  • Wait until the bread cools down. Whether you make the bread at home or buy it, as long as the bread is hot, let it cool. You can place the piece of bread on a rack, preferably, until it cools and then immediately put it in the bag (if it is a paper bag) or store it in some suitable wrapper or container.
  • Avoid cutting extra slices of bread. The ideal is to keep the whole loaf of bread and only cut what is necessary, since the crust of the bread fulfills the function of protecting the crumb, preserving its freshness and softness for longer. So, when you store bread, place the cut side (where the crumb shows) down, thus minimizing its contact with the air.
  • Freeze bread. Why not refrigerated and frozen yes? Because the retro gradation of starch occurs at temperatures below 8 ºC, not below -8 ºC. However, when freezing the bread, do not forget to wrap it in a plastic bag, plastic wrap or aluminum foil (you should not freeze it directly).
  • Bake or toast bread. If for any reason you cannot apply any of the above options to keep the bread fresh or for some reason they do not work for you, you always have the option of heating the bread or using it as an ingredient (grated, chopped or sliced) for a recipe.

Where to store bread?

If you want to keep bread fresh for longer, it is essential to keep it in a suitable place. The worst place for bread is the refrigerator, without exception (including sliced ​​bread), as it speeds up its aging too much (two days in the fridge are equivalent to four in the bread bin).

The ideal conditions to preserve bread are the following: a clean, cool and dry place; avoid direct exposure to sunlight; protect it from prolonged and direct exposure to air (air must circulate but in a controlled manner). Remember that these conditions apply to any wrapper or container you choose for the bread.

That said, how about we review the best ways to preserve bread? Here’s where to save it:

In a cloth bag

This classic bread storage container is very efficient for two important reasons:

  1. Avoid direct contact of the bread with the air. Thus, it neither dries out nor hardens (ageing is delayed).
  2. Allow the bread to breathe. Thanks to this, it does not soften or develop mold (unlike plastic bags that are airtight).

If you want to enhance the effectiveness of this method, add a piece of potato or a stick of celery inside the bag (this recommendation also applies to Kraft paper and cloth bags).  Undoubtedly, the cloth bag is one of the most effective and recommended bread bins to preserve bread.

In a Kraft paper bag

Paper bags represent another emblematic resource if we want to protect bread from the environment, just like cloth bags. This type of wrapper is ideal, since the paper allows the release of moisture, so that the bread breathes and prevents the formation of fungi and, consequently, it stays fresh and crisp.

On a towel or cloth

It fulfills the same function as the cloth bag or Kraft paper bag, making it an ideal alternative if you do not have either of the two previous containers. You simply have to wrap the bread, store it in a suitable place and that’s it. The ideal materials are cotton or linen, always washed with a neutral detergent that does not leave a very strong or penetrating smell; since the fragrance can permeate the bread (this advice is also valid for the cloth bag).

In a pan

This type of container works the same as all the previous ones: reducing moisture loss and keeping the crust somewhat crispy. There are bread boxes of different designs, where the material (wood, enameled metal, tin, stainless steel or plastic) influences its functionality.  For example, indoor metal bread boxes retain the right level of humidity; however, in hot places they could favor the creation of mold. On the other hand, plastic bread boxes become the last option because plastic does not allow bread to breathe.

In a wooden box

Wood is considered an ideal material to create containers that preserve bread, because in practice it works very well because it allows the bread to breathe and protects it from the environment. However, like everything, it has a downside. If you don’t take good care of a drawer made of wood, it can trap a lot of moisture inside, which can affect the conservation of the bread, since it acquires the flavor of the wood or causes mold.

How to freeze bread?

Believe it or not, freezing bread can be an interesting option if you don’t want to waste food or don’t have time to go shopping. In addition, you will invest very little time in this procedure and the steps are very simple, here you can check it:

  • Choose good quality bread. If you want an optimal result when freezing bread, prefer a good quality one. A good bread, during its preparation, goes through a long fermentation period, a fact that makes it healthier (lowers its glycemic index), digestible and prolongs its freshness. This type of bread benefits from freezing because not only does it extend its life, but it also enhances these benefits. For this reason, in addition to knowing how to preserve bread at home, we encourage you to prepare your own bread by following these recipes: “How to make homemade bread “.
  • Cut it into slices. This step is optional in the case of loaves of bread and highly recommended for sliced ​​or round loaves. What is the advantage of freezing slices and not the whole piece? 1. You don’t need to defrost the entire piece, just what you want to eat. 2. Bread defrosts faster because it’s a slice. In addition, you can even directly toast the bread without defrosting.

Now yes, let’s see how to freeze bread:

  1. Wrap the piece in paper towels and then aluminum foil. In this way, the bread is isolated from the smells of the fridge and the humidity, and it does not burn with the cold. Make sure that the aluminum foil is very well closed when wrapping the bread. This procedure works for both loaves of bread and sliced ​​bread (in this case you must wrap each slice).
  2. Put it in a hermetically sealed plastic bag. This step reinforces the previous one and ensures that the bread will remain completely isolated from the outside.
  3. Label the bag. It is important to specify the type of bread and the date you froze it, so you will know the deadline to consume it.
  4. Use the bread in the course of a month or 15 days. Although some claim that frozen bread can last up to three months, the common thing is a month or less (depending on the type of bread).

How long does frozen bread last?

The only drawback of this method is that the smaller pieces should last less time frozen, 15 days maximum, as they lose quality. In contrast, a large, thick-crusted slice of bread can last up to a month in the freezer.

As a summary, the duration of frozen bread by type is as follows:

  • Farmhouse bread, rolls, loaves and the like: 15 days.
  • Sliced ​​bread: 1 month.

How to defrost bread?

Thawing bread without an oven is very easy, as you simply remove the frozen bread from the freezer and allow it to thaw at room temperature. So let the bread thaw naturally  and then heat it up (toasted, baked, etc.). In the case of sliced ​​bread and country bread, you can toast the slices even frozen.

Once the bread is defrosted, consume it immediately. Remember that any food after defrosting suffers the acceleration of its aging and, consequently, the loss of its organoleptic qualities (taste, texture, smell, etc.). So, as soon as you hear it, you should eat it, because in a short time it will be tasteless and harder than before.

Can you defrost bread in the microwave?

If possible! You simply have to remove the bread from the wrapper, put it in the microwave, activate the defrost function and leave it for a few seconds. Depending on the size of the piece, you will need more or less time, but the truth is that defrosting bread in the microwave is a very fast process. Once defrosted, we recommend toasting it.

How to defrost baked bread?

As we have mentioned, to defrost baked bread, simply insert the piece into this appliance and heat it to 180ºC until it is toasted to your liking. The time will depend on whether you want it to be more or less toasty, but we recommend that you pay attention to prevent it from burning.

Mistakes when preserving bread

Because we always learn from our mistakes, even more than with our successes, it is very useful to know what the most common mistakes are when preserving bread:

  • Select poor quality bread. The consequence of an inappropriate choice is bread that molds or hardens quickly. What is the difference between a good quality one and a poor quality one? Good bread has high fermentation and is prepared from sourdough. In this sense, industrial breads are not the most recommended for freezing. Physically, you can also detect quality bread by looking at two characteristics: a dark brown crust and a honeycombed crumb. On the other hand, the not so good ones are yellow or straw-colored breads.
  • Not checking the type of flour used to prepare the bread. Some flours contain more moisture than others; therefore, their derived products are preserved for less time. So, based on this information, you can get an idea of ​​how long fresh bread can last. Some of the flours with the highest percentage of moisture are made from legumes.
  • Put it in the fridge. For what we discussed earlier about the retro gradation of starch, it is advisable not to keep the bread in the fridge.
  • Place it in a plastic bag. This type of bag does not allow the bread to breathe, so its moisture condenses and produces fungi.
  • Improper freezing. If you do not follow the recommendations for freezing bread, it will probably last less than planned or lose its properties.
  • Defrost it incorrectly. Not defrosting bread correctly causes the loss of its organoleptic characteristics (smell, taste, etc.).
  • Do not use bread from the day before. If you buy more bread than necessary, it will pile up and end up going stale. Calculate how much they consume in your house per day and buy based on that. Thus, if there is something left over, you can taste it the next day, during breakfast, still in good condition.
  • Leave the bread exposed to the environment. If you leave it exposed, it accelerates its aging (it becomes hard and dries before its time).
  • Buy small bread. Many baking professionals share the opinion that a loaf or roll dries out faster than a loaf, as it has less hydration and loses more moisture (because it is narrower).
  • Miss the bread. This food can always be recovered (unless it gets moist), so don’t even think about throwing it away. Hard bread can be recovered by toasting or using it in some recipe, such as the popular bread pudding or micas from Extremadura.

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