How to prepare meat for hamburgers

Ladies and gentlemen before you one of the most famous international snacks in the world…, the hamburger! Nobody can resist its juicy meat, its soft bread and the great variety of alternative fillings that, today, international gastronomes offer you. But what is the most important thing in a hamburger? What is the secret to a perfect burger? How is hamburger meat prepared? Are there cuts of meat better than others?

Wondering how to make homemade hamburger? Without a doubt, the secret of every good hamburger lies in the meat of its meat. For this reason, we teach you how to make meat for hamburgers and we show you everything you must take into account when seasoning meat for hamburgers.

History of the hamburger

The wonderful hamburger, an icon of today’s fast food, owes part of its origin to the German immigrants who introduced the minced meat fillet to America, just as it was made in Hamburg. Starting from this original recipe, this magnificent snack was created that evolved over time and in each place, until becoming what we know today.

Many gastronomic historians speculate, without being able to be sure yet, that the current hamburger was officially born in the United States during the year 1921, in the first fast food chain specialized in hamburgers called White Castle in Wichita, Kansas. It is said that in this place, Chef Walter A. Anderson put the burger bun for the first time in the modern hamburger, merit that he would credit him as his inventor and father.

Types of meat for hamburgers

You already know that meat is the star ingredient in the hamburger, for this reason it is very important to know all the details about how to get a juicy, tender and very tasty bite.  Definitely, we all like a Premium hamburger. For this, it is very important to consider the type of meat for hamburgers that you will use, since the texture, flavor and final quality of the preparation depend on this. So, let’s start by knowing the different types of meat that exist, before going shopping at the supermarket.

1. Beef (bovine)

The term beef or beef encompasses both females and males of the species, also including the names assigned to them based on their age. For example, the calf or calf is called the calf of the cow; until the time of weaning it is known as suckling calf; the male of childbearing age is called a bull, a castrated male an ox (because he is over 48 months old) and a female cow (also over 48 months old).

Among the most recommended beef cattle to prepare gourmet hamburger recipes are veal and ox. Both meats are considered gourmet due to their characteristics. In this section, we will talk specifically about beef, due to its exquisite texture that melts in the mouth and its powerful flavor, something definitely incomparable. But… why the ox and not the cow?  Some people may think that beef is much better than beef, perhaps because of its high cost, but this is not always the case, often the opposite is true. What does determine the quality of the product is the way of life of the animal (feeding, productivity, lifestyle and breed); this can improve or deteriorate the quality of its meat and its subsequent monetary value. In the case of the ox that lives a placid life after castration, the flavor of its meat is enhanced, since its intramuscular fat increases,

Before concluding, it is important to mention the wild cattle (buffalo or bison), also considered a true gastronomic delicacy. Buffalo cuts have a red color without white streaks (fat between the muscles), as well as a sweeter and more flavorful taste than beef. Nutritional benefits? This meat has fewer calories, contains less fat and is more nutritious. A buffalo burger, please!

2. Veal meat (bovine)

In the previous section we have mentioned this type as one of the most recommended for making hamburger meat, and now we are going to talk more in depth. Veal meat is the meat of cows or oxen raised for less than six months of age until slaughter. This type of meat provides a Premium hamburger, for this reason it is a classic within these preparations. The most distinctive features of this food are its tenderness and juiciness, undoubtedly essential characteristics for all gourmet hamburger recipes.

But if veal meat is already perfect in itself, try those that fall within the “gourmet” category, which come from certain “special” breeds, some of which are:

  • Angus hamburger: this type of meat is highly appreciated by experts due to its characteristics: very intense flavor, very juicy texture and a perfect level of fat. This breed of Scottish origin (municipality of Angus), spread to Latin America and the United States, where it is known as “Black Angus”.
  • Kagyu-Kobe hamburger: the preferred meat of certain chefs, both for its sweet and unique flavor and for its soft and refined texture, perfect characteristics for the elaboration of delicatessen hamburgers. The way is a bovine breed that comes from Japan, and more specifically from the city of Kobe. It is important to note that “way” defines all cattle that comes from Japan, for this reason not all way burgers are Kobe. In addition, the Kagyu-Kobe meets certain very strict quality standards (special diet, a placid way of life and other details), for example the females must be virgins and the males castrated. These animals are pampered excessively, as this will determine the quality of their meat and subsequent price (generally it can reach astronomical prices).

3. Pork (swine)

Pork as a hamburger is very soft and juicy, depending on the cut you choose. Its flavor is very distinctive, for this reason many cooks also use it to enrich even beef burgers ( 50% beef and 50% pork) or take advantage of the bacon fat to fry the meat there, enhancing its flavor. Perfect for original burger recipes!

If you want a gourmet hamburger with pork, we recommend the Iberian pork, a very select piece of meat extracted from the head of the pork loin. You can also opt for this piece in a standard pig (it is cheaper). Another exquisite alternative is Jab go ham (Iberian pigs raised in Jab go), for anyone who admires the quality of the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean burger and Oleo!

On the other hand, if you prefer a more humble cut, you will have a lot of fun preparing the fig tell. This small hamburger (considered by some to be almost a sausage) originally from Valencia and Mallorca, is made with lean bacon and pork liver. The fig tells can be considered the unknown grandfather of the hamburger. A true delicacy!

Finally, it is interesting to mention that pork can be considered both red and white meat, given its nutritional qualities, for this reason it is considered a very versatile food, since it adapts to different diets and tastes. Depending on the part of the body of this animal, it can be distinguished if it is white or red meat. For example, sirloin is red meat and tenderloin is white meat. In addition to these distinctions, there are other classifications based on the animal’s age and diet (as is the case with other farm animals) that influence the quality of the meat, both in taste and texture. In this way, when establishing how to make meat for pork hamburgers, it is important to select the piece beforehand depending on our needs.

5. Game meats

The so-called game meat generally comes from wild animals such as venison, Corsican, elk, reindeer, deer, duck, rabbit, wild boar, hare , partridge, quail, among others. The benefits?  This type of meat has less fat than others and a high nutritional value (it contains large amounts of protein, vitamins and iron). Perhaps the main difference between game meat and other meats is its organoleptic characteristics: firm meat, darker red color (intensified by age), game smell (field) and very pronounced flavor.

For a unique and top-quality hamburger, deer meat (in this case farm-raised) is recommended, whose appearance is red, it contains little fat, its texture is incredibly smooth (you can even prepare tartar or Carpaccio with it) and it has a taste very similar to beef or veal. Plus it’s cheap! The best part of venison for burger? A piece of rage, from the leg part. For marinades, avoid using ketchup or mustard, which mask its delicious flavor. Other delicious alternatives? Duck and wild goose burger… in the best gourmet style!

Remember: although game meat is healthy, it is not exempt from food risks, such as biological contaminants, toxic substances or improper handling (including poor conservation). Also, taste can change dramatically if the animal became too exhausted (stressed) during the hunt or was in heat. In both cases the meat will acquire an unpleasant taste.

5. Poultry meat

Light burgers! If you wonder how to prepare meat for healthier hamburgers, this is the section that interests you. Poultry-based burgers are very versatile, low in fat (particularly chicken and turkey), very nutritious and… They are extremely tasty! An excellent alternative for people who are on a diet or prefer a healthy lifestyle… also for the little ones!

Chicken meat and other poultry (chicken, hen, turkey, duck, goose and others) are very healthy (more so than beef and pork) if you choose carefully. The most important thing, in this case, will be to select very good quality meat (the leaner the better) but with a minimum of 30% fat. If you are wondering how to make a homemade hamburger, this detail is very important because, although we want a healthier homemade hamburger, the juiciness and good flavor must be preserved. Otherwise… it won’t be a hamburger!

In the case of dietary regimens, there are certain important distinctions to mention.  Although duck meat is not lean, it is ideal for losing weight, as long as the skin is removed, thus removing most of its saturated fat. On the other hand, goose meat, whether with skin or without skin, has a high fat content, although few calories. If the skin is removed, its fat content decreases noticeably, however, it is not recommended for those who want to lose weight. The most recommended burgers to lose weight? The classic “light” chicken and turkey burgers.

Definitely, the burgers with poultry meat are an excellent choice, as they guarantee us a gourmet bite of extraordinary quality (well prepared), very healthy and generally at a very good price. Can you imagine a duck, goose or turkey burger? Add to this a marinade with mild and light flavors… An elite burger! So if you’re wondering what the best meat mix for burgers is, this is undoubtedly one of them.

Tip: You can also take advantage of the chicken liver, grind it and prepare an exquisite and very original hamburger.

6. Fish and seafood meat

Another great meat for original burger recipes! The fish burger provides a light bite and even something exotic to the palate. Its greatest attraction lies in its low caloric intake, low content of unhealthy fats and numerous nutrients (such as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids), all in favor of weight loss and a healthier life. Plus it’s cheap!

This light version of the hamburger (similar to the chicken and turkey option) has become very popular in recent years. Its fresh and distinctive flavor is an excellent alternative for lovers of healthy living and the little ones in the house, as they will learn to taste fish. Some maritime burgers are prepared with tuna, salmon, hake and other fish. There are even…, there are octopus, crab or shrimp burgers!

Tip: Remember that this type of meat must be very fresh; otherwise it can be very harmful to health.

7. Sheep, goat and came lid meat

These types of hamburger meats are the most exotic on our list, along with fish (also other seafood), some birds and game animals. A goat (goat), goat (goat) or lamb (sheep) burger can be classified as gourmet because it is unusual in its flavor (generally intense) and accessibility.

However, as lamb is the most popular meat, within the group of “most exotic meats”, it is important to highlight its virtues to represent “the ideal hamburger”. Sheep meat is classified according to its age and body weight, so if you want a less fatty hamburger, opt for young meat, because the fat is superficial and its flavor is milder. On the other hand, if you want more fat and an intense flavor, opt for meat from older sheep, as they have a greater amount located intramuscularly. In any case, remember that to make the perfect hamburger, it must contain a minimum of 30% fat, so it will be soft and juicy. If you exceed this average too much, your health may suffer, and if you lower it too much, it will be dry and unappetizing. More original burger recipes? The camel or llama burger (both came lids), whose meat is bright red and its flavor is slightly spicy. A unique burger!

Tips for buying hamburger meat

Minced or ground meat is highly appreciated in world gastronomy, since there are millions of exceptional dishes made from this preparation. Surely, the culinary secret of this food lies in its flavor and texture, both intimately related, since minced meat better absorbs the flavors of sauces and dressings, which is why it also intensifies its taste.

When we talk about tasty hamburgers or gourmet hamburger recipes, the quality of the meat is essential, however, it is not the only issue to consider, since the way in which the meat is handled, the type of cut and others are also essential. Essential details. So take note of the following tips:

  1. Do not buy meat already minced in the supermarket (packaged). Why? The minced and packaged meat that is sold in supermarkets is handled too much. You will never know which cut was used. You don’t know how much fat meat contains. Ground meat deteriorates faster than in a piece, since it is more exposed, for this reason it is healthier to ask for it to be cut at the moment. You don’t know exactly how fresh the product is.
  2. Choose the meat and cut of your preference. The most advisable pieces for beef hamburgers are the neck, flat, rib, neck, loin and, especially, the chest (something similar in other cattle, sheep, and goats). Above all, the breast is excellent for preparing homemade hamburgers due to its fat content and hardness, ideal characteristics for grinding it. In the case of poultry, you can mix thigh with breast to make the burger juicer. If you use another type of meat (for example, game meat), consult your trusted butcher about the ideal type of cut for hamburgers.
  3. Select a top quality product. Choosing the right meat, the precise cut and a product of excellent quality guarantees you an exquisite bite. The Premium Burger!
  4. Check that the meat is as fresh as possible. This is why it is essential that you choose it. Then, shred the meat at home or have it minced at the butcher’s, on the spot.
  5. Make sure that the meat contains between 20-30% fat content. Remember that the fat provides flavor, juiciness and helps to obtain a more tender texture, yes, it should never be added, but must be from the meat, so you will get the ideal hamburger. He warns that if too lean a cut is used, the burger will be dry and unappetizing.
  6. If you order the minced meat at the butcher (chosen by you), consume it as quickly as possible. It is advisable that you do not spend a week without preparing the hamburger meat. Actually, the ideal would be to consume it a maximum of two days after buying it. If you think it will take longer, you can always freeze it.
  7. If you prepare the ground (minced) meat at home, first cut the meat into medium squares before passing them through the food processor. The important thing here is to shred and cut the muscles, nerves and fat in the mincer.

How to prepare the meat for hamburgers?

Once the meat has been chosen, it is as simple as chopping it in a food processor or asking for it to be ground at the butcher’s. Wondering how to bind meat for hamburgers? Well, when it is already minced, it is advisable to add condiments that enhance the flavor of the meat and help bind it to form the hamburgers. Some of these ingredients can be:

  • Chopped onion
  • Parsley
  • Cilantro
  • Garlic
  • Egg
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Finely chopped vegetables

On the other hand, when it comes to knowing how to make hamburger meat, it is important to highlight that we can mix different types, as we have already been recommending in previous sections. Thus, we can make chicken and turkey burgers, beef and pork burgers, etc. In the following sections, we will see some tricks to obtain the perfect hamburgers, as well as different marinades and recipes.

Tips for making meat for hamburgers

Although we have already reviewed the most important part of preparing hamburger meat (buying the right meat and seasoning it well), we also need to know some tricks when preparing and cooking it. So get to work!

  1. Prepare all hamburger meats the same size. Divide the meat into equal portions; flatten each portion until you get a round patty. This way, it will cook evenly in the pan. Remember to handle the meat as little as possible when shaping the burgers.
  2. Mold discs slightly larger than their diameter. Burgers will shrink a bit when grilled, so it’s a good idea to make them slightly larger than the bun. Once roasted, you will see how they fit perfectly in the hamburger bun.
  3. Create a shallow indentation in the center of the patty. Use your thumb or a spoon to make a shallow indentation (1/2 to 1 inch wide) right in the center of the meat. This also helps it to grill evenly and not puff up in the middle.
  4. Shape the hamburger with 1.3 cm thickness. This is the right height to keep the meat moist, as it ensures internal cooking at a safe temperature, without drying out on the outside. Thus, you get a well-cooked but juicy burger.
  5. Before cooking the hamburgers, they must remain cold but not excessively. If you refrigerated the burgers for a long time, let them rest for about 10 minutes before frying them. Cooking the burgers to near room temperature (but still very cold) prevents the meat from shrinking and getting tough when you put it on the hot skillet. However, it is convenient to keep the hamburgers in the refrigerator until they are ready to be grilled, because by keeping them cold (although not frozen or too cold), the juice they release will be thicker, thus preventing them from overcooking.
  6. Heat the bread or preheat the oven. Heat a frying pan with oil (a splash or lightly impregnated with a piece of paper), 5 minutes before placing the homemade hamburgers. If you want to bake hamburgers, preheat it to 180ºC for 10 minutes. This allows them to seal and brown on the outside, which will enhance their flavor. Remember in both cases to cook the hamburgers on both sides, the same amount of time.
  7. Cook the burgers in batches. This way they will cook almost at the same time, since they will reach more or less the same internal temperature. Separate the burgers so that there is enough space between them. This will help the edges of the burgers brown.
  8. Always grill hamburgers with a spatula. This way you don’t mistreat them and prevent the ground meat from falling apart. Grill the meat over medium-high heat, turning just once. Also, do not prick it or press it with the spatula during the cooking process, as you will cause the juices to drain.
  9. Don’t char the meat. The maximum cooking time is 5 minutes and the shortest is 3, divided by the two sides of the hamburger.
  10. Add the cheese near the end of cooking. If you add the cheese a minute and 30 seconds before the end of cooking, on the last turn (the second and last side to be grilled), it will melt perfectly. If you put it in earlier, it will stick to the pan or melt too much and you’ll hardly be able to tell.
  11. If you prepare them on the charcoal grill, use wood chips. Place a handful of black cherry shavings on the charcoal when it is very hot, this will provide a smoky flavor to the homemade burgers, simply delicious. If you are using a gas grill, place the wood chips on the surface and not in the flame.

Cooking time of the meat for hamburgers

The final detail for our hamburger to be perfect is cooking, which can vary a bit depending on the diner’s tastes. In this sense, the cooking time is decisive for the preparation of the hamburger meat, as it directly influences the presentation and even the final flavor and texture. So here is a very practical guide with the cooking times and temperatures necessary for you to enjoy the perfect burgers:

  1. If you grill the burgers for about 3 1/2 minutes, you will achieve medium doneness.  The internal temperature in this case is 55 to 57 °C (130 to 135 °F).
  2. The perfect point of cooking! Roast them for 4 minutes to get their ideal point. For this, the patties are done when they reach an internal temperature of 135-150°F (57-65°C).
  3. By using 4 minutes or more, you get three-quarter. Here the internal temperature will range from 65 to 74 °C (150 to 165 °F).
  4. Finally, meat is considered well done when its internal temperature is 165 °F (74 °C) or higher.

Tip: A meat thermometer allows you to ensure an ideal meat temperature.

How to marinate hamburger meat?

As the meat is the star of the hamburger, to achieve a successful recipe it is not enough to buy excellent meat and process it properly, if we do not marinate or season it correctly we will lose our job. In this sense, the most important thing about marinating is simplicity, because it guarantees to preserve the original flavor of the meat but enhances it. Here you have an excellent selection of marinades and dressings, without a doubt ideal for gourmet and original burger recipes. Enjoy your meal!

1. Marinated burgers with soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce

  • Ingredients: 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce, 3 drops liquid smoke, 3 to 5 drops sesame oil, 2 tablespoons dehydrated garlic, 1 teaspoon salt and fresh ground black pepper (both to taste).
  • Preparation: pour all the ingredients of the marinade into a container and mix them until they are homogeneous, reserve. On the other hand, prepare the hamburgers by taking enough minced meat to form a ball and add 2 tablespoons of the homemade marinade, mix both ingredients very well to finally shape it into a hamburger, repeat this with each one. Then put the burgers on a high tray and pour over the remaining marinade. Cover the tray with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and refrigerate (not in the freezer). When removing the burgers from the fridge, brush or cover them with the marinade that fell on the tray, using a kitchen brush or a spoon, do it just before cooking.
  • Rest time:1 hour in the fridge.

Hamburger meat brings out its flavor cooked over charcoal, instead of using a gas grill.

2. Marinated hamburgers with mustard

  • Ingredients: 1/2 white onion, 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 1 tablespoon of white pepper, 1 clove of garlic, 1 egg (the yolk), parsley at the cook’s discretion (also serves oregano or cilantro), salt and pepper also to taste.
  • Preparation: beat the yolk with salt and pepper, and reserve. When you make hamburgers with egg mixed with the meat, it gives the preparation stickiness. Finely chop the onion and garlic, set aside. Mix the reserved ingredients and the rest of the products in a bowl. Add the ground beef and mustard marinade to mix all the ingredients completely. Now you can prepare the hamburgers and then cook them in the pan, in the oven or on the grill.
  • Standing time: none cook immediately.
  • Yield: 1/2 kilo of ground beef

If you are still wondering how the meat for hamburgers is prepared, you should know that you can add garlic, onion, cheese, sauces, breadcrumbs, egg or just seasoning.

3. Adobo for Mexican hamburgers

  • Ingredients: 1 haji tomato, 1/4 onion, 1 jalapeño, 6 teaspoons of mustard, 1 pinch of garlic and salt to taste.
  • Preparation: first of all, finely chop the tomato, onion, garlic and jalapeño, and set aside. Mix all remaining and reserved marinade ingredients until both are fully incorporated.  Add the meat and knead. Check the seasoning and, if necessary, add more spice, pepper or salt. Finally, if you think the meat lacks consistency, add breadcrumbs.
  • Suggestions: you can combine these burgers with avocado, lettuce, ketchup sauce, mayonnaise, Montego cheese (or Chihuahua cheese).
  • Resting time:30 minutes in the fridge.
  • Yield: 1/2 kilo of ground beef.

If you prepare the meat over charcoal, you will highlight the flavor of your Mexican hamburgers, northern style.

4. Marinated hamburgers with beer

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, ½ unit of onion, 1 branch of parsley, 1 red pepper, and 1 tablet of consommé concentrate and ¾ can of light beer.
  • Preparation: finely chop the onion, parsley, pepper and garlic, and set aside. Crumble the bouillon cube and reserve. Place the meat, the reserved vegetables, the reserved bouillon cube and the pepper in a large and deep container. Finally, pour the beer little by little, while kneading, so you can check if the texture is firm. Knead with your hands or a fork.
  • Suggestions: you can choose between serving the hamburgers without buns and with green avocado salad or in their most popular presentation, with hamburger buns. For this last option, assemble the hamburger with the bread, meat, lettuce, cheese and tomato. Hmm!
  • Standing time: 30 minutes in the fridge.
  • Yield: 1 kilo of ground meat (beef), 10 individual portions.

Garlic is a perfect seasoning to enhance the flavor of ground beef.

How to make American hamburgers?

Of course, after reviewing the different ways of making meat for hamburgers, the American hamburger could not be left out. Yes, the classic, original, the inspiration of countless world variants…, also all exquisite!

In this recipe, as is the case in most cases, there are variations within each region and each household in the United States. However, here is an example:

  • Ingredients for the meat: 500 grams of minced meat, ½ onion, 1 egg (yolk), breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch of pepper and a splash of oil.
  • Alternate ingredients you can also add to the meat: 2 tablespoons chili sauce, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce (1 tablespoon Perris or Worcestershire sauce, including soy, also works).
  • Ingredients to assemble the hamburger: 4 slices of cheddar cheese, 2 slices of Swiss cheese, 4 hamburger buns, 1 tomato, lettuce leaves, pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup and American mustard.
  • Preparation of the marinade for the hamburger meat: for the preparation of the American hamburger meat, cut the onion as finely chopped as possible. Then, in a container add the meat, the chopped onion and the rest of the ingredients. Knead until you check that the ingredients have been integrated together. Prepare the burgers: shape, cook, assemble and serve.
  • Assembling the hamburger: wash the lettuce very well, leaf by leaf. Then, cut it into small pieces with your hands (so it doesn’t wither so quickly) and chop the pickle and tomato into very fine slices. It is advisable to cut the vegetables, just when assembling the hamburger, so they will stay fresher, or place them chopped in a bowl with ice and water. Heat the bun a bit while you cook the burgers. Prepare the hamburger by placing a little ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise on the bun, followed by the cucumber slices, cheese, meat, tomato and lettuce.
  • Suggestions: You can add a slice of cheddar cheese (other malty cheese works too) over the meat, for just 1 1/2 minutes before removing from heat. Finally, accompany this burger with a classic…, French fries!
  • Resting time: without rest, directly to the stove.
  • Yield: 500 grams of minced beef.
  • Culinary Interesting Facts: Perris, Worcestershire, Worcestershire, and Soy sauces work to enhance the flavor of the meat, while the mustard balances the flavor of the meat. The salt and pepper meat allows the ingredients to stand out on their own. However, it is all a matter of taste.

Recipes with hamburger meat

Surely if you are a fan of hamburgers, you are always looking for ways to innovate flavors.  Well, rejoice, because here we share a selection of the best gourmet burger recipes. To lick your fingers! In this way, if you are still wondering how to prepare meat for gourmet hamburgers, with these simple recipes you will learn to prepare unique and delicious dishes.

Now, if what you are looking for is to prepare recipes with hamburger meat, without this implying forming the traditional hamburger, the truth is that this type of minced meat can be used to make, for example, macaroni Bolognese, meatloaf or even aborigines stuffed with meat.

1. Beef burgers

A classic, in the best gourmet style! The delicacy of this meat, delicious, juicy and soft, makes it an irresistible bite for any diner. The recipe? Very simple, try and see, you will surely save it among your favorite gourmet burger recipes:


  • ½ pound ground beef
  • 2 slices of Arabic bread
  • 100 grams of breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 leaf of crisp lettuce
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 pinch of thyme
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard


Cut the onion into two parts, one half to cut it into rings and the other to chop it into very fine squares. Once both are ready, book separately. Sauté the finely chopped onion in a pan for 3 minutes. Then, combine the meat with the fried onion, thyme, salt, pepper, mustard and egg. Knead the mixture until all the elements are equally integrated and then add the breadcrumbs. Finally, shape the burgers, grill and serve as you like (alone or with bread).

2. Pork burgers

If you are wondering how to make hamburgers for children, this is a great option. Likewise, pork burgers are ideal for adults and even for adding other meats and preparing mixed burgers. In any case, take note of the recipe:


  • 500 grams of minced pork
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons grated cheese
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 pinch of pepper and salt


Sauté the onion with the garlic cloves in the hot olive oil. Mix the minced meat with the onion, grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste in a bowl. If you want, you can add more spices. Add the egg to bind the mixture and knead. Form the burgers, let them rest for a few minutes and cook.

3. Chicken Burgers

Do you want to know how to make chicken burgers? These are made with this type of meat and, in addition, they are light. Surely when you hear the term “light”, you immediately think of chicken or fish burgers, and vegetarian or vegan when we talk about vegetable meats. Well, certainly, this group of meats is the healthiest for the body and… The best for losing weight!

So, if you want to enjoy a tasty burger but want a lighter, healthier bite, we recommend this chicken burger recipe. In addition, it is a perfect recipe for lunch or dinner for the little ones and the preparation of the hamburger meat is very easy.


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 50 grams of leek
  • 50 grams of red pepper
  • 50 grams of red onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 egg
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper


To make the hamburger meat, grind the seasoned chicken breast at home or have it processed at the butcher shop. Put the ground chicken in a bowl, along with the leek, red pepper, red onion, and garlic (finely chopped or paste). All vegetables must be finely chopped ahead of time. Incorporate the ingredients until you achieve a homogeneous mass, then add the egg and salt and pepper to taste, mix again. You can knead the meat with your hands or a fork. Cover the preparation with plastic wrap and take it to the fridge for 15 minutes before molding the burgers and cooking them.

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