How to peel an avocado

There are different ways to peel an avocado depending on what we are going to prepare with it. Some of these techniques are simpler and more effective than others, but we will show them all so that you can review them and choose the one you like the most.

Avocado, also known as avocado, is a tropical fruit with important health properties and benefits. It has healthy fats that favor the circulatory system and improve intestinal transit. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For all these reasons, it is not surprising that it has gained so much popularity in recent years, becoming one of the most favorite foods for making salads, making toast and many more recipes. Now, in order to use its pulp, first, you have to remove the shell. How to do it without damaging the interior? Keep reading to discover with us how to peel an avocado easily.

How to peel an avocado well?

We are going to start the list of ways to peel an avocado with the most basic, simplest and most used technique all over the world. To properly peel an avocado, the first thing you need is a medium-sized, well-sharpened knife. Once achieved, follow these steps:

  1. Take the avocado and remove the small stem with your fingers.
  2. Insert the knife into the hole in the stem and draw a line all the way around the perimeter. To do this, you must stick the knife until you reach the bone and continue taking it as a reference.
  3. Remove the knife and take the avocado with both hands, placing one on each half.
  4. Turn the right half forward and the left half toward you. In this way, they will separate without any difficulty.
  5. To remove the bone, stick the knife in with a sharp, decisive blow, turn it to the side and pull up. If you are not completely sure about this step, use a small spoon to scoop it out.
  6. Take a soup spoon and remove the pulp by inserting it from one of the ends.

That’s how easy it is to peel an avocado! As we say, this is the most used technique because it is fast and effective. However, it is not the only one that exists and in the following sections we will learn more ways.

How to peel an avocado with a glass?

Although the spoon is the best tool to peel an avocado easily, we can also use a glass to remove the entire pulp. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Separate the avocado into two halves as we have explained in the previous section, cutting the perimeter with a knife, turning the halves with your hands and removing the bone.
  2. Take a glass of similar size to the avocado, insert your mouth through the widest end of the fruit and push the glass to the other end.
  3. The pulp will stay inside the glass; you can remove it with a spoon or with your own hands.

How to peel an avocado for salad?

For salads, the most common is to use avocado cut into cubes or slices. To achieve this, there are two very simple ways. First, let’s see how to peel an avocado for salad into cubes:

  1. Separate the avocado into two halves as explained above.
  2. Take one half and cut vertical lines with the knife. The spacing between lines will dictate the thickness of the cubes, so you can cut more or fewer lines depending on how big you want them to be.
  3. Now, cut horizontal lines following the same dynamics as in the previous step.
  4. With a spoon or a glass, remove the pulp.

Clever! You already know how to cut an avocado for salad in the form of cubes. Next, we show how to peel an avocado for salad in rounds or, what is the same, how to cut an avocado in a fan:

  1. Take one of the avocado halves and cut vertical lines for longer slices or horizontal lines for a better fan effect. To get a more striking fan, we recommend cutting rather thin.
  2. With a spoon (in this case it is preferable to the glass), remove the pulp being careful not to damage the slices.
  3. Place the slices in a fan shape on top of the salad and voila.

Another way to cut the avocado in a fan or slices is by removing the pulp without cutting and, once out of the skin slices the fruit into slices of the desired thickness.

How to peel a whole avocado?

If you prefer to peel a whole avocado to cut it later to your liking or present it like this on a salad or as a garnish, you should know that it is also possible thanks to a simple technique. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the stem of the avocado with your fingers.
  2. Cut the perimeter of the shell crosswise, so that you get 4 large segments. When making these cuts, it is very important that you keep in mind that you should not insert the knife at all, since you are only interested in cutting the skin, not the pulp.
  3. With the knife or your fingers, remove the skin from each segment and you will have your peeled avocado intact.

You can also peel the avocado with a knife without having to make the cuts beforehand, although we anticipate that the skin is much better removed this way. If the avocado is not ripe, you will be able to remove the skin with the knife without problems. However, without making the cuts in advance, it is more complicated to peel a ripe avocado without damaging the pulp.

How to peel and cut an avocado?

To peel and cut an avocado at the same time, just follow the techniques described for peeling an avocado for salad. By cutting the pulp of the avocado still in the shell, you can already extract it perfectly split, ready to serve.

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