How to peel a mango quickly and easily

Mangoes are one of the most popular and loved tropical fruits in the world. Although they are not grown or harvested in all countries, they have managed to win the hearts of many with their perfect balance of sweet and acid flavors, ideal for preparing sweets, sauces, smoothies and juices.

Anyone who has tried a mango knows that it can be a bit of work to cut and peel it to enjoy it, whether it is eaten alone or used to make juices or desserts. For this reason, we try 6 tricks to cut mangoes that work. Stay with us and discover how to peel a mango in the easiest and fastest way possible!

How to peel a mango easy?

There are several ways to cut a mango easily, though some of these depend on how ripe it is and what you want to use it for. In any case, you will only need a knife to cut it and a little creativity. Keep in mind that all mangoes have a bone in the middle, it is flat and elongated and you will have to get rid of it when you peel it. Without further ado, here are the easiest and fastest ways to peel it.

Cut the mango into cubes

In addition to being very easy, this method will give the mango a very nice shape, perfect for presenting it in desserts or fruit salads. Follow these steps to achieve it:

  1. Cut the two cheeks of the handle being careful not to touch the bone.
  2. With the knife, make vertical cuts along the entire cheek of the handle. Then make horizontal cuts to make the cube shapes.
  3. Don’t make the cuts too deep or you’ll cut the cubes before you finish the shape.
  4. Grab the cheek by the ends and push it out.
  5. Cut the cubes by passing the knife through the skin of the mango.

Cut slices of mango

This way of cutting mango is ideal if the mango is still very green and you notice that you will not be able to peel it easily. In these cases, always remember to use a very sharp knife and make the cuts very carefully. Follow these steps to slice it:

  1. Cut both cheeks of the mango without touching the bone.
  2. Cut the mango cheek into slices.
  3. You can eat them like this (like a small watermelon) or peel the skin with the knife.
  4. Chop the slices as you prefer.

See the details of our entire mango peeling tricks in the video below.

How to peel a mango for juice?

If you don’t care about the shape of the mango, these methods of peeling it will be perfect for you. It will be ready in no time so you can use it to prepare juices or add it to dessert recipes like this mango mousse.

Peel the cheek of the mango

If the mango is ripe or not very green, this will be one of the easiest and fastest methods for peeling the fruit. You will only need a sharp knife and follow these steps:

  1. Cut the cheeks of the mango without touching the bone.
  2. Make a cut along the entire cheek edge of the mango until it separates from the skin.
  3. Take two ends of the handle and push the cheek out until you can completely separate the pulp.
  4. Cut the mango as you like.

Peel the whole mango

Although this is a very practical way to peel the mango, it may not be the most ideal if you need to cut it for decoration. However, it can be used to cut it faster if you are going to make mango juice. Follow these steps if you prefer to peel the whole mango:

  1. Make a vertical cut from the tip of one mango to the other.
  2. Now make another cut in the direction perpendicular to the first cut.
  3. Hold the mango in the middle and, at the point where the two cuts meet, peel off the skin easily.
  4. Do the same with all sections of the skin and you will have the whole mango?

How to peel a mango with a glass?

Do you have a very, very ripe mango? When the fruit is very ripe, it is very easy to make a mess when peeling or cutting it. It has a lot of juice and the pulp is very soft, so you could get dirty quickly. For those cases, the ideal is to peel the mango with a glass, so you will contain the pulp in one place and you will not have to clean too much. Note that this mango peeling trick will not work if the mango is green.

  1. Cut both cheeks of the mango without touching the bone.
  2. Take a wide and large glass. Bury the glass in the cheek of the handle.
  3. Try, little by little, to extract the pulp of the mango by cutting it with the glass.
  4. When you are finished, right the glass so that the pulp falls into it. Clever!

How to peel a green mango?

Peeling and cutting a green mango is a challenge. The shell is difficult to remove and the above methods may not work as effectively. If this is your case, we would advise you to let the mango ripen to enjoy a sweeter taste. However, if you like the tartness of mangoes, you can easily peel them using this method:

  1. Cut off both ends of the handle to make them flat. In this way, you will be able to rest the handle on a table with stability and without the risk of cutting yourself.
  2. Go cutting the skin of the mango with a sharp knife until you have it completely peeled.
  3. Cut the cheeks and chop the mango as you prefer: in cubes, slices, sheets, etc.

Whichever method you use, you will find that the skin around the bone is more difficult to remove. You can try to cut it up as much as you can, but keep in mind that the closer the fruit is to the stone, the more acidic and less juicy the mango flavor will be.

How to eat a mango?

Do you have the mango ready, cut to your liking? In addition to eating it alone, there are many recipes in which you can use this delicious tropical fruit. You can accompany it with ice cream or use it to make mango ice cream

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