How to Make Homemade Rice Vinegar

Ingredients to make How to make homemade rice vinegar:

For the rice water

  1. 2 cups of mineral or filtered water
  2. 1 cup of white rice
  3. For the rice vinegar
  4. 4 tablespoons of sugar
  5. 2 tablespoons bread yeast
  6. 300 milliliters of rice water

How to make How to make homemade rice vinegar:

  • First, prepare the rice water. To do this, wash the rice very well until the water runs clear. Soak the rice for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Remember that more time soaking implies a better final result. The minimum refrigeration time is 4 hours.
  • Tip: Use mineral or filtered water to soak the rice, never tap water.
  • After 24 hours, let the mixture rest at room temperature. Then drain the rice using a colander. Reserve the rice and water separately.
  • Trick: You can use the rice for any other recipe that you want to prepare.
  • Pour the rice water into a bowl. Add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar for every 300 ml of rice water. Mix the ingredients until they are fully integrated to start preparing the rice vinegar for sushi.
  • Boil the mixture for 15 to 25 minutes in a bain-marie, since experts in the area cook it that way.
  • Wait until it cools down to room temperature. Then, add the yeast, keeping in mind that for every 300 ml of rice water with sugar, you should add two or three tablespoons of yeast. Stir little by little with a wooden spoon. Bottle homemade rice vinegar in a glass bottle (never plastic).
  • Cover the opening with a cloth so that the mixture can breathe and store the bottle in a place that is neither humid nor sunny, at a neutral temperature. Now you must wait for the fermentation to take effect. The minimum time for rice vinegar fermentation is one week, but the ideal would be one month.
  • Tip: You will know that the fermentation has taken effect when the bubbles disappear completely.
  • Strain the obtained rice vinegar. You can use a cloth strainer or a handkerchief.
  • Tip: The more time the vinegar spends fermenting, the higher its acid value will be.
  • Boil the rice vinegar again, for 15 minutes. Then, let it cool down to room temperature. Subsequently, it is packaged in a new bottle.
  • If you have always been curious about how to make rice vinegar at home and you liked this recipe, I invite you to leave your comments. As you can see, this homemade vinegar is perfect for sushi and other preparations, so go ahead and experiment!

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