How to lose weight with lemon juice

This famous home remedy has always been known lemon juice for weight loss has always been known and although it is not something recommended by doctors, in practice the consumption of this recipe has shown efficient results in the majority of people who consume it, and it can be affirmed that yes, you can lose weight with lemon juice as long as you follow a balanced diet and do not tend to be sedentary.

Lemon is a fruit that has multiple benefits for our body in addition to helping us lose weight: it is an excellent antiseptic, diuretic, antioxidant and alkalizing agent, therefore, this time we will detail what these incredible properties are and we will teach you how to lose weight. Weight with lemon juice properly.

Health benefits of lemon consumption

Thanks to its flavonoid content, you can lose weight with lemon juice due to the role that this compound plays in the blood, eliminating fat and accelerating metabolism.

Due to a fiber called pectin that is found in large quantities inside the lemon, its consumption is excellent to stop and prevent the famous cravings, which are mostly the cause of relapses during diets. Similarly, this fiber helps the alkalization process of our body, making weight loss more effective.

In addition, this fruit helps the production of gastric juices in our stomach, making food break down much faster and thus avoiding problems of heartburn, reflux or a feeling of fullness.

How to lose weight with lemon juice?

Carrying out this popular home remedy is something extremely simple and before doing it, we bring you some recommendations to learn how to lose weight by drinking lemon juice:

  • Consume it on an empty stomach preferably to help your metabolism. It will be excellent to give you energy with a low caloric intake.
  • Make the drink with mineral water and keep in mind that it is at room temperature because it will be much easier for our body to digest it.
  • Avoid adding sugar or any sweetener to avoid adding calories.
  • Use fresh, juicy lemons, so try not to store them in the refrigerator or use spoiled ones.

How to make lemon juice to lose weight?

Preparing water with lemon to lose weight is as simple as following this easy recipe:


  • 1 glass of mineral water at room temperature
  • 1 lemon


  1. Measure out 1 glass or 1 cup of water and warm it up a bit if it was in the fridge.  However, we recommend that you take it out a few minutes before so that its temperature drops and warms up.
  2. Cut the lemon into halves and squeeze both over the water, preventing the seeds/ nuggets from falling.
  3. Mix both liquids and consume the drink at least 30 minutes before breakfast for 1-2 weeks.

How to lose weight with lemon juice and baking soda?

If you have already tried water with lemon on an empty stomach and it has worked for you, this variation is much more effective if you want to lose weight quickly.

The bicarbonate in conjunction with the lemon becomes an excellent alkalizing mixture to help burn fat from food when ingesting it. It is important to emphasize that this mixture must be accompanied by an alkaline or balanced diet as well, since otherwise, it will not have an effect.

Recipe to lose weight with lemon juice and baking soda


  • 1 cup of water
  • Juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


  1. Pour the baking soda into the bottom of a glass and gradually add the cup of water to it.
  2. Stir until completely dissolved and pour in the lemon juice.
  3. Mix both liquids and consume the drink immediately in its entirety.

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