How to freeze parsley

Parsley is essential in the kitchen, not only because it enriches the flavor of a large number of dishes, but also because it is very nutritious. The Spanish Nutrition Foundation analyzes that 100 grams of this aromatic herb provides double the vitamin C that we need daily and, in addition, provides almost 50% provitamin A and large amounts of vitamin K. For this reason, adding one or two tablespoons of parsley to your meals incredibly increases micronutrients. The only problem with parsley is that its properties diminish rapidly as it loses freshness, this happens in no more than three days.

Likewise, we explain how to freeze parsley, since it is the most effective method for its conservation, since almost no nutrients are lost in the process.

How to keep parsley fresh in the refrigerator?

At least once, every kitchen lover has wondered how to keep fresh parsley to always have it on hand. Although the method that offers the longest preservation time is freezing, refrigeration works well, as long as it is little parsley or you plan to consume it very quickly. The indications for the cooling process are very simple. Next, we explain how to do it so that you can keep the parsley fresh:

  1. Make sure you get good parsley. It must be fresh and very green.
  2. Wash it under the tap using a strainer, then leave it to drain right there. Once ready, use absorbent kitchen towels and make sure it is completely dry.
  3. Remove the stems by cutting them off, keep the healthiest leaves.
  4. Chop the bunch of leaves to the size you like.
  5. Deposit the final product in a sterilized glass container and close it very well. The lid should make it easy to close hermetically.
  6. Reserve the jar in the fridge, but first label it with the packaging date. Now, it is very important to be clear, in these cases, how long the parsley lasts in the fridge, because that way it will better preserve its properties. When we refrigerate it, it won’t be more than 2 weeks before it starts to show signs of deterioration. Therefore, we recommend you consume it preferably before that time, so you will get the most out of it.

How to preserve whole fresh parsley?

Preserving frozen parsley is the best way to maintain its nutrients, as long as it is done correctly. However, inevitably, its organoleptic properties (smell, taste, texture, etc.) will be lost a little. So, if you are interested in knowing how to spawn parsley, we will explain this technique step by step:

  1. Buy quality parsley. It must be fresh and in good condition, otherwise it will last less time in good condition once thawed.
  2. Wash the parsley and check that there is no dirt or dirt left.
  3. Dry the leaves and stem. Take special care with the leaves and make sure they are completely dry. This step is very important; otherwise its shelf life will be shortened.
  4. Check the condition of the parsley. Discard damaged, darkened, or yellowed leaves.
  5. Parsley can be frozen in three ways: whole, using only the whole leaves, or chopping to taste. This time, we’ll keep it whole.
  6. Put the bouquet in zip bags, special for freezing food. Here you also have several options. First, previously wrap the bouquet in absorbent paper or aluminum foil. Second, add a second bag. In this way, the product will be more protected and there will be less probability that crystals will be produced.
  7. Before closing the bag, remove as much air as possible. Then flatten it little by little until you reach the opening, close it. If you use two bags, apply this procedure to the first one, that is, where you put the parsley, and then, once closed, place the second one following the same procedure. Another interesting option is food sealers to create a good vacuum.
  8. Label the package. The date is very important, because once it expires; this aromatic herb will lose its flavor and texture.
  9. Always place the package or packages on top of other foods in the freezer. If you accommodate them below, they will be mistreated. In this way, parsley can last between 3-6 months, although we recommend you better consume it the first 3 months in order to make the most of its properties.

Tip: When you defrost the whole parsley, you can cut it with scissors.

How to preserve chopped parsley?

When we have to store this food, many of us have not asked if it is better to do it whole or chopped, because in reality it depends a lot on the taste of each person, but it is always more practical to freeze chopped parsley . To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Get a quality product. It will be impossible for you to obtain a good final result if you start with parsley that has already begun to deteriorate noticeably.
  2. Wash the bouquet carefully and dry it very well, but avoid mistreating the leaves. You can rinse it with a little tap water and then submerge it for 2 minutes in a bowl with water and a splash of vinegar or food bleach (never use cleaning bleach to disinfect food, because it is toxic). Remove the bouquet and rinse it again under the tap. Next, let it drain very well and then pass it through absorbent paper until it is free of moisture.
  3. Select the parsley, discarding the leaves that are not green.
  4. On a kitchen board, chop the leaves to the thickness you like. Another very interesting alternative would be to leave them whole.
  5. Deposit the portion you use daily inside absorbent paper or aluminum foil until they are wrapped like an envelope, so you can take out only what you need. Remember, once defrosted, it is not recommended to return it to the freezer, so using portions is ideal.
  6. Put the envelopes inside a zip bag. Depending on the amount of parsley and the size of the wrapper, you can fit between one and three envelopes. Press the air out of the bag, flattening it from the bottom to the opening, and close it. This will prevent crystals from forming on the chopped leaves once the freezing process begins.
  7. Label the package with the packaging date. That way, when you buy more parsley and pack it, you’ll be able to identify the oldest and use it first.
  8. Place them in the freezer on top of other foods. Avoid putting anything on top or they will warp if you leave the leaves whole. The obtained product will expire between 3-6 months, if all the procedure was correct. Once the expiration date is reached, the parsley will transform into a tasteless and dry food.

How to store parsley in ice cubes?

Another very popular way to preserve fresh parsley is by freezing it in ice cubes. Although, this method is the one that we like least, because the parsley is totally exposed to the cold of the freezer and this reduces its properties, it never hurts to know it. What do you think if you take note of the following steps and tell us how it turned out for you?

  1. Buy best parsley. Exclude it if it has darkened, battered or yellowed leaves.
  2. Wash the parsley very well. Make sure there is no dirt left on it.
  3. Dry the leaves and stem. Drain the bouquet well first, and then use absorbent paper to remove any remaining moisture.
  4. Check the condition of the parsley. Discard damaged, darkened, or yellowed leaves.
  5. Cut off the stem and keep only the leaves.
  6. Chop the leaves with the thickness that seems best to you
  7. Deposit the already chopped leaves in a cooler. Distribute them even throughout the container, they should be a little above half.
  8. Pour water or oil until the boxes are completely filled.
  9. Once frozen, take them out of the fridge and unmold them.
  10. Immediately, deposit the ice in special zip bags to freeze. Label the packages with the date of manufacture.
  11. Keep the bags in the freezer. Remember, the flavor will vary a bit depending on whether you use water or oil. Parsley preserved like this can last between 3-6 months.

Tip: Make 4 servings.

How to freeze minced garlic and parsley?

This combination greatly enhances the dishes, without overloading them, but giving them an outstanding taste. A classic of the kitchen! This seasoning is spectacular in recipes with cherry tomatoes, anchovies, grilled bonito, grilled or baked chicken, sautéed shrimp and octopus with Santa Clara-style potatoes. Next, we explain how to freeze chopped garlic and parsley in the easiest way.


  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley.
  • 2 heads of fresh parsley.
  • Olive oil.


  1. Wash the parsley until you see that there are no traces of dirt or dirt. Remove excess water by letting it drain, for 10-20 minutes. Once ready, finish the job by drying it with absorbent kitchen paper, but do it very carefully and reserve. Remember, this part is very important, because water speeds up the process of decomposition of food.
  2. On the other hand, remove the garlic cloves and crush each one with a flat knife.  Perform the entire procedure on a cutting board.
  3. Check the condition of the parsley. First, remove the parsley stems by cutting them off and keep the leaves. Next, select the best leaves and discard those in poor condition.
  4. Chop the leaves to the thickness you like. Do it with scissors, knife (preferably plastic), electric chopper or manually.
  5. Chop the garlic to taste. Using a kitchen appliance or a knife.
  6. Put both ingredients in a container. If you plan to put it in the refrigerator, use a very clean or preferably sterilized glass jar (with a lid). On the other hand, if your destination is the freezer, you need a special container to freeze food.
  7. Cover them with olive oil. Fill the container almost to the brim, leaving only 1-2 millimeters uncovered, and stir the mixture with a new skewer to ensure that there are no air bubbles left that could accelerate the deterioration of the mixture.
  8. Close the container tightly and label it. Put the packaging date and store it immediately.
  9. Parsley can be frozen to last 8-10 days or refrigerated for 2-3 days maximum.

How to defrost parsley?

It is not enough to carry out a good freezing process in order to obtain an optimal product.  It is also necessary to be clear about the techniques of how to thaw parsley; otherwise the decomposition process and the loss of properties once thawed will be accelerated. Fortunately, there are good methods to do it properly:

  • Defrost without advance. Simply scoop out the parsley and use it. In case you have frozen it whole, separate the trunk from the leaves and cut the latter to the thickness you like. It will be very easy because the leaves will be more fragile due to freezing. On the contrary, if it is already chopped, simply add the product directly to the recipe just as it is cooking.
  • Unwrap it in the fridge from the night before. Some experts say that this way you will get a better result, because it preserves more of the original flavor of the parsley. Once thawed, simply use it in your recipe. This method is best applied to parsley packaged in parts, since once thawed, it is not recommended to return it to the freezer.
  • Thaw the parsley cubes in the fridge. Place a strainer on a deep plate and on top of the strainer, place the ice or ice to melt once removed from the mold. Place everything in the fridge the night before and once thawed, it’s ready to use.

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