How to eat papaya

Papaya is a sweet and very tasty tropical fruit, famous both for its culinary uses and for its medicinal qualities. In the kitchen it is very useful, since it is used to prepare very diverse dishes and even to tenderize meat. On the other hand, in its role as an ally of health, it stands out for a long list of properties, which includes: reduction of gas, stomach inflammation, and acceleration of metabolism, reduction of acidity and strengthening of the immune system, among many others. If we talk about its nutrients, this fruit stands out for its high content of antioxidants (carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids), B complex vitamins, vitamin A, minerals (potassium, magnesium, folic acid and phosphorus) and abundant dietary fiber. In addition, it contains car pain (alkaloid) and papain (enzyme), both compounds responsible for acting on the bile fluid to facilitate the digestion of meats and heavy meals.

Thinking about all its qualities, you may be wondering how to eat papaya to take advantage of all its benefits: can you eat the skin and seeds? How do you eat it to lose weight?  we answer them all and we suggest a few delicious and healthy recipes for you to enjoy this fruit.

How to know if papaya is ripe?

Although green papaya is used to prepare salads and sweets, we almost always use this ripe fruit. Therefore, if you wonder how to know if the papaya is ripe, be guided by the following tips:

  • Its color is between yellow, reddish and orange. Even if the papaya has some green spots, it will work especially well if you need to keep it at home for a few days. Of course, avoid those ripe papayas that have very large dark spots because this indicates that they are overripe or mistreated.
  • Shows a smooth surface. The skin is not battered, wrinkled or sagging.
  • Touching it feels smooth. Press the skin of the papaya with the tip of a finger; if it gives a little, it is almost certain that it is ripe.
  • It smells sweet. If it is at its ideal point of maturity, its aroma will be sweet but not too strong. On the contrary, if you perceive a fermented or unpleasant smell, leave it because it is stale. In the case of green papayas, you will not feel any smell.

Tip: Unripe papaya contains a substance that can cause contractions, so it is not recommended for pregnant women.

Can you eat papaya skin? And the seeds?

Papaya is not wasted, since everything can be used and consumed in various ways: seeds, leaves, skin, root, etc. If it is the skinit can be ingested in slimming infusions or infusions to maintain the tan (in both cases, use ripe or almost ripe papaya). On the other hand, you can also leave the skin on the pulp to consume it in salads. It is interesting to mention that this part of the fruit has many other non-edible uses.

Are papaya seeds eaten?

You already know that papaya seeds can be consumed. However, its use should be moderate, as its full effects are still unknown. However, so far, studies show anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties thanks to its compounds: oleic acid, flavonoids and polyphenols (p-hydroxybenzoic acid and vanillin acid). In addition, it contains papain, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

But, how do you eat papaya seeds? How to combine them? And what are they used for? Papaya seeds can be consumed raw, dried or crushed. If you plan to dry them you can expose them to the sun, put them in the oven or a dehydrator and then consume them crushed or chewed. If you leave it raw, wash them and store them in the fridge to consume them daily (they keep for 7 days).

As for the benefits of papaya seeds, there is a very long list that we summarize below, along with instructions on how to eat papaya seeds:

  • They help eliminate parasites if you consume 1 tablespoon of seeds 2-3 times a day half an hour before eating for a month, combined with water, juice or honey (raw or powdered). You can also eat 8-10 seeds in a smoothie, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast. Of course, depending on the type of parasite, medical treatment will be necessary, so it is important to highlight that remedies such as eating papaya are not a substitute for drugs.
  • They control heartburn. To do this, eat 7 seeds 3 times a day. There are two ways to take them: crushed and dissolved in water or chewing them raw. Do it for 7-15 days before eating.
  • They prevent and fight kidney diseases. They serve as preventive or complementary treatment (never as a replacement for medical treatment). Chew 7 seeds, 7 times a day, for 1 month.
  • They improve intestinal transit. Boil 1 glass of water with 1 tsp. of crushed dry seeds.  Once boiled, if you want sweeten with honey or some sweetener. Consume this infusion 2-3 times a day for 1 month. Divide the time as follows: 15 days of treatment, rest 15 days and finally continue the treatment for 15 more days.
  • They help to lose weight and regulate sugar. Consume 12 seeds on an empty stomach with grapefruit juice or tea for 30 days (15 days of treatment, 15 days off and again 15 days of treatment).
  • Eliminates toxins and cleanses the liver. Eat 5 seeds ground and mixed with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Do it twice a day for 1 month.

We insist that all these remedies do not replace medical treatments; they are complements to the treatments stipulated by the professional. Of course, we also advise that this same professional approves the consumption of these remedies.

Contraindications and side effects

As with most foods, the seeds are not suitable for all people or can cause certain adverse effects:

  • The raw seeds are bitterer than the dried ones and can cause an upset stomach. For this reason, eat 1-2 seeds as a test to see how your body reacts before taking larger doses.
  • It is not recommended in pregnant women.
  • May alter heart rhythm and cause kidney stones if taken in large doses.

How to peel a papaya?

Believe it or not, peeling a papaya has its own technique. Yes, despite looking like an easy fruit to cut due to its texture, doing it right has its tricks. For this reason, below, we will show you an easy technique, with which pulp is not wasted and the presentation is impeccable:

  1. Wash and dry the papaya. Clean the skin with a solution of baking soda and water and rinse it under the tap. If you plan to consume the skin, it is better to use special chlorine for food (do not use the common one because it is toxic).
  2. Cut the papaya in half making a longitudinal cut.
  3. Keep the half you won’t eat in the fridge. Keep it well by covering it with plastic wrap. If you eat the whole papaya in one sitting, skip to the next step.
  4. Lay one of the halves down.
  5. Remove the skin with a potato peeler or knife. The best option is the potato peeler because it only cuts the skin and the cut is exact. If the end of the papaya is ugly, cut it off.
  6. Cut it into segments lengthwise to better remove the seeds.
  7. Scoop out the seeds and membrane with a regular spoon, ice cream scoop, or knife.  Reserve the seeds if you plan to consume them later.
  8. Cut the papaya as you like.

Clever! You already know how to peel papaya to eat it raw; let’s see below what other ways you can eat papaya.

How to eat papaya: easy recipes

Papaya has 90% water, which favors the hydration of the body and, therefore, it is recommended to eat it raw if we want to take advantage of all its properties. However, papaya is a very versatile fruit, as it is used for both salty and sweet preparations, such as: sauces for meat, seafood and fish, sweet and salty salads, jams, etc. That is why, below, we leave you a small compilation of easy papaya recipes, all very tasty:

  • Papaya and yogurt dessert. You will love this idea because it consists of a fruit canoe built with half a papaya. A creative, simple, refreshing and nutritious recipe, designed for the little ones! You just need half a papaya, yogurt, a couple of fruits (you can vary them), a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Homemade papaya jam. If you want to enjoy papaya all year round, prepare it in jam, you will love its exquisite flavor! In addition, in this presentation you can taste it in puff pastry, as a cake filling (especially chocolate), chocolate filling, cake coverage such as cheesecake, cheese sandwich, appetizers with cheese, croissant, etc.
  • Creamy papaya dessert. Imagine a sweet with the creamy texture of vanilla ice cream and papaya pulp contrasted with crunchy walnuts… a real delight! Best of all?
  • Coconut and papaya smoothie. This refreshing and highly nutritious drink stands out for its exquisite flavor, product of the combination of two exotic fruits and three others: papaya, coconut, banana, carrot and lime.
  • Venezuelan milky candy. This traditional sweet of Venezuelan gastronomy is prepared mainly in December. Its flavor is very similar to jam, but its presentation and texture are different. This magnificent dessert is usually accompanied with the Venezuelan black cake, but it also tastes exquisite with vanilla or chocolate ice cream.
  • Banana and papaya chutney. As we said, this fruit is not only used to make sweet recipes, it is also perfect for making sauces that accompany meat, fish or vegetarian preparations. This is the case of the banana and papaya chutney, which has onions, peppers; turmeric, coriander and other ingredients that make this sauce a gastronomic experience.
  • Green papaya salad. If you are wondering how to eat green papaya, try this amazing Thai salad.

 How to eat papaya to lose weight

If it is about losing weight, the ideal foods are those that stimulate the metabolism by  accelerating its rhythm. In this sense, papaya is emerging as an excellent candidate, it also reduces inflammation and detoxifies. For these reasons, the papaya diet can help you lose a few extra pounds in a healthy way. Of course, you must accompany it with exercise, good lifestyle habits and drinking enough water. In addition, you can additionally consume the seeds and skin of papaya to complement it.

The papaya diet is done 2 days a week for 2-3 months. We recommend that you use papayas that are about to ripen or just ripe, as they contain less sugar. Next, we leave you the menu that will help you eliminate fats and detoxify the body:


  • 1 glass of vegetable milk (soy or oatmeal), combined with 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds or wheat germ.
  • 1 salad prepared with 1/2 small diced papaya.


  • Day 1: 1 brown rice salad cooked in vegetable broth and accompanied by the following ingredients: 1 chopped tomato, 1 bunch of spinach, olives (moderating the amount so as not to add too many calories), 1 finely chopped garlic clove and, as dressing, lemon.  Drink: 1 papaya juice. Another even healthier option is to add pieces of papaya to the salad instead of consuming the juice.
  • Day 2: Small spinach salad dressed with olive oil and beet cubes and accompanied by 1 baked aborigine. Drink: 1 papaya juice. Another option is to cook the papaya in the oven with the eggplant instead of consuming the juice.


  • The juice of 1/2 papaya and 2 slices of pineapple. Instead of the juice, you can also eat the whole fruit.


  • Day 1: 1 cup of homemade broth with celery, onion and lemon juice. As a complement, 1 papaya salad (prepared with 1/2 small chopped papaya).
  • Day 2: a couple of artichokes seasoned with vinegar and salt accompanied by 1 slice of whole meal bread with a little olive oil. As a complement, 1 papaya salad (prepared with 1/2 small chopped papaya).

Besides, you can prepare a papaya skin tea. To do this, cook pineapple peel, papaya skin, half a sliced ​​lemon, and a couple of fresh mint leaves and a sweetener of your choice in 1 liter of water. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Once ready, strain and bottle the liquid in a clean glass bottle. Store the tea in the fridge and drink it in the morning with breakfast for 1 month.

Tip: papaya has more vitamin C than orange and the best way to take advantage of it is to eat the fruit raw.

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