How to disinfect strawberries

The strawberry is the iconic fruit of world confectionery due to its very aesthetic appearance, exquisite and versatile flavor. But in addition, it is part of almost any healthy diet. It is not for less, since its important contribution in nutrients greatly benefits the body: it controls sugar, facilitates the elimination of uric acid, has alkaline properties, combats anemia, favors the immune system, among many other benefits.

However, if not properly sanitized, it can turn into just the opposite, exposing the body to numerous dangerous pathogens such as cysticercoids, hepatitis A, and others. For this reason, we will share with you how to disinfect strawberries in the correct way, using different natural and homemade antiseptics.

How to disinfect strawberries with vinegar?

White vinegar has well-known antimicrobial properties, excellent for disinfecting fruits, and it is also non-toxic. Most of its antiseptic action comes from its versatile pH, which is acidic but can change to alkaline. In this way, it eliminates or neutralizes many types of microorganisms.

However, it is important to know that its effectiveness is around 80%, since there are microbes that it cannot eliminate or inhibit. To disinfect strawberries with vinegar, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hands very well for 20 seconds.
  2. It sanitizes the work area very well. Disinfects the table, knife, board, etc.
  3. Select the strawberries. Separate the battered ones from the whole ones and sanitize them separately. Do not remove the leaves to wash them. If you do, you open the door to microorganisms and can contaminate the fruit.
  4. Prepare a large container with half water and half vinegar. Let the strawberries sit in the bowl for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rub the liquid over the surface of the strawberries. Use a special brush for this task. Do it carefully so as not to mistreat them, since strawberries are very delicate.
  6. Rinse them very well under the stream.
  7. Pass the strawberries through the strainer and then dry them very well, using paper towels. Strawberries should never be left wet, as these speeds up their deterioration process.

Tip: Strawberries should be washed whole, without removing the stem and leaves.

How to disinfect strawberries with salt?

Sea salt is a natural antiseptic that was already used in ancient times. It is very efficient, but its application can slightly alter the original flavor of the food (it gives it a salty touch).  However, it is an excellent alternative, since we will always have it on hand. To sanitize strawberries using salt, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Clean the work area very well.
  3. Sort the strawberries. Separate the battered ones from the whole ones and disinfect them separately. Leave them both the stem and the leaves.
  4. Pour 1 liter of warm water and a teaspoon of salt into a large bowl. Let them rest for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Clean the strawberries. Scrub them with a soft brush or your hands. Do it taking advantage of the antiseptic water that covers them. Use little force, be subtle or they will be damaged.
  6. Rinse them with plenty of water under running water.
  7. Pass them through a strainer and then dry them carefully, using absorbent kitchen paper.

Disinfecting strawberries and storing them properly will help you keep them longer.  Discover other methods of food preservation by clicking on the link.

Tip: If you combine salt with lemon, you will have another excellent food germicide.

How to disinfect strawberries with baking soda?

Bicarbonate is a water-soluble compound that has a slightly alkaline taste. On exposing this product to a somewhat strong acid, it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. This reaction makes it an effective natural, non-toxic and tasteless disinfectant, perfect for sanitizing food!

  1. Clean your hands and all the necessary elements, for the disinfection of the strawberries.
  2. Choose the strawberries. Do not put the battered ones together with the whole ones and disinfect them separately. Do not remove the stem or leaves.
  3. Pour 1 liter of warm water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda into a large bowl. Wait for 15-20 minutes before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Clean the strawberries. Rub them with your fingers or a special brush, taking advantage of the antiseptic water that covers them.
  5. Rinse them with plenty of water. Let the tap water run over them.
  6. Dry them very well but carefully. Pass them through a strainer and dry them with absorbent paper.

How to disinfect strawberries with lemon?

Lemon is a magnificent natural germicide due to its high level of acidity. This transforms the pH in bacterial cells, developing an acidic environment in which microbes cannot survive. Much is said about its effectiveness, even putting it above vinegar. If you want to use this natural product to clean strawberries, follow these simple steps:

  1. Wash your hands and everything that is necessary to sanitize the strawberries.
  2. Select the strawberries. Separate the battered ones from the whole ones and sanitize them separately. Leave them the stem and leaves.
  3. Wash the lemons very well, rubbing the peel with a brush and rinsing them with plenty of tap water.
  4. Put the strawberries in a large bowl with 1 liter of water and ½ liter of lemon juice.  Let them rest for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Scrub the strawberries with a soft brush. Take advantage of the antiseptic water that covers them while you rub them. Run your fingers to check that there are no traces of dirt or other dirt.
  6. Rinse them with plenty of water. Do it without exerting much force on them.
  7. Dry them very well but without mistreating them. Help yourself with a strainer and use absorbent paper towels.

How to disinfect strawberries without chlorine?

If we do not want to sanitize strawberries with chlorine, there are many other healthier alternatives, but perhaps with less effectiveness. Common hydrogen peroxide, the one sold at the pharmacy, is used to sanitize food, because it is not toxic and eliminates microbes.

Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic properties, capable of eliminating microorganisms by oxidation, since it produces a controlled burning process. Now, how do we disinfect strawberries with this product?

  1. Clean your hands. Every time you sanitize food or work with anything in the kitchen, you should wash your hands for 20 seconds, rubbing them all over.
  2. Sanitize the work surface and all the necessary materials.
  3. Sort the strawberries. Separate the battered ones from the whole ones and disinfect them separately. Do not remove the stem or leaves.
  4. Place in a large bowl with 1 liter of water with ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide(10 volumes, the one for medical use) and follow the same method that we use to disinfect the lettuce: wait for 15-20 minutes until the antiseptic doe’s effect.
  5. Rinse the strawberries with plenty of direct tap water.
  6. Pass them through a strainer and dry them with a paper towel. They must be completely dry. During the process try to treat them very delicately, because they spoil very easily.

Note: if you want to use chlorine, remember to use the correct chlorine. This has indicated on the label that it serves to purify water and disinfect food. Common chlorine is toxic  and should not be used in water or food.

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