How to cook tofu – 17 recipes

Tofu is a food of Asian origin that, due to its nutritional properties, serves as a substitute for meat and other animal products. Once prepared, this soy-derived vegetable meat looks very appetizing and tastes amazing if you prepare it correctly.

In addition, tofu makes a lot of sense in the kitchen, as it is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and even desserts. In this article, we tell you everything about tofu, all the ways you can prepare it and the best recipes to enjoy it. Read on and find out how to cook tofu in 17 recipes!

What is tofu and what is it for?

Tofu is a widely used food in Asian cuisine, as well as in vegetarian and vegan diets. This is because this product contains many proteins of high biological value and is very versatile in the kitchen (it is also used for desserts). In this way, it is an excellent substitute for meat and other protein products of animal origin. Also, tofu is low in fat and calories, but high in nutrients (it contains protein, amino acids, iron, and calcium).

But what is tofu actually made of? Tofu (tofu or bean curd) contains soy milk which, after going through a process much like that used to make cheese, coagulates. That is, tofu is nothing more than coagulated vegetable milk (like a cheese).

Types of tofu and their uses

Variations in the process of making tofu and its preservation give rise to many styles of tofu. These differ from each other by their texture, consistency, flavor and uses. Among all the variants, there are two main types of tofu:

  • Silken tofu or soft tofu: in the preparation of this type of tofu, a greater amount of water is used. For this reason, its texture and flavor are smooth. This tofu is a perfect ingredient for desserts (smoothies, biscuits, among others) and purees. Also, it can be used as an egg substitute. You must handle it delicately, because its texture is similar to flan and can be almost liquid.
  • Firm Tofu or Traditional Chinese Tofu: This kind of tofu contains less water, as more of it has been pressed during the drying process. For this reason, its texture is rougher, firmer (sometimes almost rigid) and its flavor is more intense. It can be used for savory dishes and as a substitute for meat (vegetable meat).

A large number of variants arise from these two types of tofu, such as:

  • Extra-firm tofu (comes directly from firm tofu).
  • Extra-soft tofu (comes directly from soft tofu).
  • Seasoned tofu, either firm or soft (with fine herbs, snafuing, seaweed and sesame).

Benefits and properties of tofu

Tofu provides all the benefits of soy, since it is derived from it. The benefits of tofu, this incredible vegetable protein source, are so many that we decided to tell you about the most important ones:

  • High protein content of high biological value. The protein value of soy is not only appreciated for its quantity, but also for its quality. Tofu proteins are very similar to animal protein (meat, milk, fish and eggs). However, although soy protein has all the essential amino acids for human life, it is deficient in cysteine and nation.
  • Facilitates digestion. Since vegetable protein is more digestible, tofu is perfect for people with digestive disorders or sensitive stomachs.
  • Its flavor is neutral. A feature that gives it versatility in the culinary area, as it acquires the flavor of the ingredients you use.
  • Provides unsaturated fats to the body. This type of healthy fat significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Facilitates the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Unsaturated fats also contribute to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K).
  • It contains a large amount of minerals. Among the minerals that stand out the most are calcium and iron.
  • It has a large amount of fiber but few calories. Tofu’s contains a lot of water, which is why it is beneficial for slimming or healthy diets.

How to prepare tofu?

Tofu can be cooked in so many ways, giving you nearly endless culinary options, so you’ll never get bored. Here I propose some alternatives to cook this delicious vegetable meat that gives pleasure:

  • Stir fry
  • Fried
  • Smoked
  • Scrambled
  • Baked
  • Boiled
  • Grilled
  • In salad
  • In desserts
  • Others

In the following sections we will tell you in more detail how to cook tofu and the best recipes to try it.

How to cook firm tofu?

Learning to cook firm tofu (firm, semi-firm, extra-firm) is essential to get started with this vegetable product. The best way to cook it, in principle, is to stir-fry. I assure you that from this recipe, it will be very easy to learn the rest of the alternatives. Here I detail how to do it, step by step.


  • 1 block of firm, solid tofu (good quality)
  • Mild-flavored vegetable oil
  • A pinch of salt


The first step in preparing tofu is to press it and let it rest. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open the package containing the tofu and discard the liquid.
  2. Place the tofu in a colander, pressing gently to drain off excess water.
  3. Put two or three layers of absorbent paper on a surface. Place the tofu on top and wrap it completely in the paper until it is compact. Finally, wrap it in a clean kitchen towel and press down hard.
  4. Place a heavy object on top of the wrapped tofu (a carton of milk, some heavy books, a packet of sugar, etc.). Wait at least 1 hour to unwrap the tofu.
  5. Take all the wrappers off the tofu.
  6. Tip: there are those who do not press the tofu, they simply remove the liquid that comes with it in the package and use it directly. However, this practice generally causes the tofu to become stiff, tough, and unappetizing when cooked.

Once you have pressed the tofu and have it ready to use, pay attention to these instructions to add it to your favorite recipes:

  1. Cut the tofu into pieces (square or rectangular) about 1-2 cm thick. Try to make the pieces about the same size. Dry them again with absorbent paper.
  2. Place a good non-stick griddle or frying pan on the heat (without adding oil). Wait for it to get hot enough and apply medium-high heat.
  3. Add two tablespoons of oil (preferably a neutral flavor) and spread it over the surface of the pan.
  4. Place the tofu pieces without piling them up and leaving space between them. To achieve this, cook the tofu in several batches.
  5. Brown the pieces on both sides for 1-2 minutes each side, up to 15 minutes. If you cut the tofu into cubes, you should cook each side for the same amount of time.
  6. Remove the tofu pieces from the pan after the time is up, or when the edges are slightly crisp.
  7. Prepare the recipe of your choice and add the tofu. Add it at the end of the recipe and, in this way, the tofu will be impregnated with the rest of the ingredients of the preparation without losing its firm texture and crispy exterior.
  8. If you want a more flavorful tofu, you can prepare a sauce and put it on the table for everyone to serve themselves.

If, instead of incorporating it into another recipe, you prefer to prepare the tofu with sauce, just follow these steps:

  1. Wait until the edges of the tofu are slightly browned.
  2. Add about ¼ cup sauce.
  3. Cook the tofu stirring constantly until the sauce is absorbed. Its edges should be caramelized and the outside crispy.
  4. If you want the tofu to have more flavors, you can make a sauce and dip it into it when serving.

Any suggestions for preparing recipes with tofu? Here are some great ones:

  • Step by step homemade tofu
  • Tofu fillets
  • Tofu in teriyaki sauce

How to cook fried tofu?

Another of the most popular and delicious ways to enjoy this vegetable meat is fried. If you want to learn how to cook fried tofu or how to fry tofu, just follow these instructions:

  1. Press firm tofu for 30 minutes and cut into triangles (dicing or slicing also works).
  2. Pour a splash of oil and wait until it heats up. Use medium-high heat.
  3. Incorporate the triangles of tofu and arrange them so that they are not stacked (neither on the side, nor on top).
  4. Cook the tofu for 4-5 minutes or until the bottom is crisp and golden. During that time, do not move or touch it.
  5. Turn the tofu pieces over and repeat the above process. Add salt on the cooked (brown) side.
  6. Previously prepare a tray covered with absorbent paper. Place the tofu triangles on the tray, unseasoned side up. Add salt.
  7. Tip: If you fry cubed tofu, turn it on all sides during the cooking process to ensure crispness.

Some recipes to prepare fried tofu:

  • Fried tofu
  • Fried tofu with soy sauce
  • Tofu with tomato
  • Fried battered tofu

How to cook smoked tofu?

If you are one of those who love smoked flavor and wood-fired foods, you can prepare smoked tofu and impregnate it with all the flavors that we generally associate with meats.  Follow these steps:

  1. Cut the tofu into thick slices and season (with olive oil, salt and pepper).
  2. Cover the inner surface of a pan with aluminum foil; make sure that no piece is exposed to the fire.
  3. Add rice and fine herbs to the lined pan. Cook over low heat.
  4. As soon as it starts to smoke, place a rack over the pan.
  5. Place the slices (slices, slices) on the grid.
  6. Cook for 10 minutes on low heat. The tofu will be just right when it subtly changes color.
  7. Once ready, cut it into cubes and use it in the recipe of your choice.

Here you have recipes to prepare smoked tofu:

  • Smoked tofu
  • Pasta with smoked tofu and mushrooms

Grilled tofu

One of the easiest ways to prepare tofu is grilled. Find out how to do it with this simple recipe:


  • 250g firm tofu
  • 2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 4 tsp. dried parsley
  • 4 tsp. sweet paprika
  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce or tamari


  1. Press the tofu to remove the water and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. Do it in the same way that we indicated in the section on how to prepare firm tofu.
  2. Cut the tofu into sticks or cubes. Add the pieces to a bowl.
  3. If you prefer, you can marinate the chopped tofu with a mixture of spices, extra olive oil and soy sauce. The pieces should be impregnated in the mixture. Thus, the tofu absorbs the flavor of these ingredients. Let it rest for at least 1 hour, the longer the better (you can leave it overnight in the fridge).
  4. Put a good quality griddle or non-stick frying pan (without adding oil) on the fire, wait until it is hot enough. Use medium-high heat.
  5. Incorporate the tofu pieces with their marinade, leaving space between them. Don’t stack them on top of each other.
  6. Stir carefully so you don’t break them. Wait until they turn a golden hue and look crispy.
  7. Once ready, cut it into cubes and use it in the recipe of your choice.

Tofu in salad

A tofu salad is a healthy delight, a taste experience that no one should miss out on. In addition, it is very easy to prepare, here is the procedure:

  1. Cut the tofu into cubes or sticks.
  2. Let the tofu pieces marinate for at least 1 hour with the marinade of your choice.
  3. Cook the tofu pieces however you like (sautéed, grilled, smoked, or baked).
  4. Prepare the salad and add the tofu.

Here you can check this tofu salad recipe, very healthy and delicious!

  • Tofu salad with zucchini jam

Can you eat tofu without cooking?

Yes, tofu can be eaten perfectly without cooking, directly from the container, since it is already ready to eat. However, if you try it like this, you may not like it and feel tasteless, that’s why it is usually cooked. This also depends on the type of tofu, as soft tofu is most commonly eaten raw.

Silken tofu or soft tofu is used in vegan desserts, as it provides a creamy texture, while firm tofu is used more in recipes that use cooking (although you can also eat it raw).

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