How to cook artichokes

Oh the artichoke! Elegant, delicious, nutritious and slimming, the perfect vegetable for big occasions and to spice up boring diets.

Yes, artichokes are perfect for their texture and flavor, however many people prefer to limit their use because they think they are complicated to prepare and tend to turn black, even before they reach the table.  we teach you all the secrets so that they look almost as fresh as you bought them and prepare them without many complications, so read on to discover how to cook artichokes.

Benefits and properties of artichokes

The artichoke is a very present ingredient in the famous “Mediterranean diet”, it is part of those whims that provide very few calories and provide great health benefits. This “green flower”, among its nutrients, has zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium (beneficial minerals for the nervous system). It also contains a lot of fiber and a large percentage of vitamins B1 and A. On the other hand, it also has small amounts of vitamins C, B3, B5 and B6.

When it comes to health, the artichoke diet is considered a purifying diet, excellent for losing weight. This happens thanks to the diuretic effect of cyanine and the slight laxative effect of magnesium, which favor the elimination of liquids and fats from our body, which is why the metabolism of fats is also favored and liver functions are regulated. In addition, the artichoke has less than 1% fat and few carbohydrates, so the caloric content is very low (approximately 22 calories per 100 grams). However, contributing to weight loss is not the only quality of the artichoke, as it has many other incredible health attributes:

  • Eliminate the fats you eat at the moment but not those accumulated in the body. This happens due to cyanine, a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile and favors the digestion of fats.
  • Reduces blood glucose and improves intestinal transit(avoids constipation), both benefits thanks to the high fiber content of artichokes.
  • Controls the level of cholesterol in the blood, due to the presence of phytosterols, contained in its composition.
  • It protects the body against heart disease, thanks to two flavonoids called quercetin and ruin.
  • Produces fructose instead of glucose, a sugar capable of being assimilated without the need for insulin, making it ideal for diabetics. A carbohydrate called inulin is responsible for forming fructose.

More benefits of artichokes? In the kitchen they give a lot of play due to their great versatility, as they combine with almost any food. They are also easy to prepare and… they taste delicious! The list of dishes where the artichoke is the main ingredient, or the ideal companion, is so extensive that you will never get bored from the menu: artichokes with ham, artichokes stuffed with Spanish sauce, artichokes battered with corn cream, beef rib with fried artichokes, scrambled eggs with artichoke chips, marinara artichoke, among many other recipes with artichokes. This wonderful vegetable will never let you down; you can serve artichokes both in a special dinner or to enjoy a delicious dish.

Why do artichokes turn black?

Why do artichokes brown? Artichokes contain a large amount of phenolic substances, like other vegetables. These substances protect our body from cardiovascular diseases, thanks to their antioxidant properties, while in plants they react as a defense mechanism, which prevents the invasion of foreign organisms. When you cut an artichoke, the phenolic substances are activated by the air (the oxygen contained in it); giving way to certain compounds called Quinone compounds, responsible for the unsightly dark spots (melanoidins) that you see on the vegetable.

How to prevent artichokes from turning black?

To counteract the effects of oxygen on artichokes, two very popular methods are used: citrus fruits and cooking the whole artichoke. Are they really effective? The answer is yes! In this way, if you wonder how to prevent artichokes from turning black, here is the answer.

Both techniques are based on paralyzing the action of the catalyst, the polyphenol oxidase enzyme, which causes stains. On the one hand, the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) contained in the lemon reacts on the enzyme, inactivating it. On the other hand, the method of cooking the artichokes without peeling them works because by not cutting them, the heat enzyme is inactive and, therefore, there is no reaction either. Some thermal treatments also work, oscillating temperatures that go from 70 °C to 90 °C, or are between 0 °C and 4 °C; and methods that include a small dose of salt, sucrose and glucose dissolved in enough water, science at the service of cooking!

Tip: Some phenolic substances are resveratrol from wine or are flavones from soy.

How to choose fresh artichokes?

Before knowing how to cook artichokes, it is important to learn how to identify the best quality ones. Thus, when preparing any meal it is very important to obtain quality food products (something that does not imply that they are expensive), to obtain a delicious and visually pleasing dish. This is the case of artichokes, since if we buy this food mistreated or not very fresh, when we cook it we will not obtain an appetizing dish. So the first step to perfectly cooked and presentable artichokes starts at the supermarket. Thinking about this, here are some tips to buy good quality artichokes:

Visually you can verify if the artichokes are fresh, taking into account the following aspects:

  1. It should have a light green color, a definitive indication of its freshness.
  2. Its base must be thick, compact, well-formed and closed.
  3. Stem may not look blackened. Otherwise, you can deduce that the artichokes were harvested many days ago or were improperly transported.
  4. Leaves should look tight(chubby), closed at the tip (never open).
  5. Avoid artichokes with very soft and brown leaves(at the base) or that open easily, as they are not fresh.
  6. On the contrary, if the tips of the leaves of the vegetable have some brownish-brown spots, you can buy them. In this case, there is no problem; this does not affect the quality of the product.
  7. The quality of the artichokes does not depend on the size itself, but on the weight-to-size ratio. Thinking about this, choose the widest and heaviest vegetables, in relation to their size.

Auditory you can also certify the freshness of the artichokes, pressing the leaves a little. If you hear a slight crackle, they are still fresh.

How to clean artichokes?

Before cooking artichokes, it is very important to wash them very well, as a lot of dirt and dirt usually falls on them, especially on the tips. For this reason, here are some small tips or advice to know how to wash and clean artichokes:

  1. Soak the artichokes in a bowl of cold water (water and ice preferably).
  2. Gently rub them with your fingers, while you rinse them. Do it one by one, under the tap. Try to remove as much dirt as possible.
  3. Dry it with a non-stick towel and reserve.

How to peel artichokes?

Without a doubt, the first time you cook artichokes, the initial doubt that invades you is how to peel artichokes. This part is very important in any recipe, but especially in artichokes. When cutting this vegetable, after the first cut, time counts, as it begins to oxidize and acquires an unappetizing color. If more, I leave you with the steps:

  • Reserve a bowl with cold water. Have a large bowl ready, with plenty of water, ice and a good bunch of parsley.
  • Remove the outermost leaves with your fingers, if it is very difficult you can cut them with a knife or scissors. The important thing is to reach the tenders leaves, which have a finer and whiter color. Remove the smaller, fibrous leaves, the ones on the bottom, while the outer leaves on the sides can be left on. Try as much as possible to make the base of the artichoke flat, so it will stand up, if you plan to serve them vertically.
  • Cut off the tips of the leaves. Hold the artichoke in one hand and with the other cut 1 inch off the tips of the leaves, using a sharp knife or scissors. This step is optional, however removing the tips ensures that the artichokes are easier to eat and won’t hurt you.
  • Open the leaves of the artichoke. Hit the artichoke on the upper side, against the work table. This way you will get the leaves to open. You can cut the artichokes in half or leave them whole, flower type.
  • Discard the hairs of the heart. Remove the hairs or fluff that is in the heart of the artichoke. Those fluffs are unpleasant to taste. To remove them, cut the artichoke vertically and remove the fibers with a small spoon, do it subtly to avoid mistreating the vegetable.
  • Choose whether to cut the stem or leave it, depending on your preference. Consider that the stem of this vegetable has a tender and appetizing texture; however, it also has some bitterness in its flavor.
  • Select the way in which you will present your artichokes. You can leave them whole, cut them in half, cut them into quarters or chopped, here your taste counts or what the recipe indicates.
  • Submerge the artichokes in ice water and parsley. Have a large bowl ready, with plenty of water, ice, a good bunch of parsley and a pinch of salt.

Tip: Use very thin gloves, so you don’t blacken your hands, or bitter the taste of other foods.

How to cook artichokes without turning black?

Who hasn’t heard of the classic artichoke problem? When chopped, they lose their characteristic greenness and darken. Yes, their color changes, almost instantly after cutting them, something unappetizing for the presentation of a vegetable or vegetable. However, in the kitchen there is no problem without a solution, even more than one solution, for this reason we share a top of the most common corrections for these cases.

Yes, there are several very widespread tricks to prevent artichokes from turning black, you can try each one (even use two at the same time), so you can see which one is more effective for you. Some of the most widespread are:

Before cooking the artichokes

  • Rub lemon on the artichoke, immediately after chopping it. It also serves with orange (or any citrus), plus its flavor is milder.
  • Submerge the artichokes in a bowl with lemon, water and ice, immediately after cutting them (used when cutting them and after cooking them). In this case, you can also substitute the lemon for any other citrus. The only drawback of this technique is that the original flavor of the recipe can be slightly altered.
  • Sink the artichokes in a bowl with water, ice and a bunch of parsley(rich in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant), as soon as you finish cutting them or after cooking. Thus, firstly, you stop oxidation by cutting and, secondly, you stop cooking the food, preventing it from overcooking once it is removed from the heat. In addition, this technique does not alter the flavor of the preparation. Remember, you must chop the artichokes quickly, otherwise they will still oxidize.
  • As you peel the artichokes, put them in a bowl with cold water and a splash of white vinegar. To avoid a strong vinegar taste, wash them before cooking.

When cooking the artichokes

  • Remove the stem just at the time of cooking it (not before), so the heart of the artichoke is better preserved.
  • Cook the whole artichoke, without cutting anything. Use enough water, for 15 or 20 minutes. As there are no cuts, the artichoke does not release phenolic substances and does not produce black spots.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of flour and a pinch of salt to the water where you are going to boil the artichokes. This trick is not quite perfect because some spots may appear on the artichoke; however, it keeps the flavor unchanged. Estimated time between 10 and 20 minutes, even a little more.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon to the water where you are going to cook the artichokes. This mixture is known as white background and consists of adding the squeezed juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons (level) of flour, heating the water a little and stirring until it dissolves. Then, wait until the water boils before adding the vegetable. The only downside to this hack? The use of lemon can vary the flavor of the recipe. Estimated time between 10 and 20 minutes, up to a little more.
  • Place a saucepan with water, salt (a pinch) and a bunch of parsley(a large bunch). When the water reaches its boiling point, add the peeled artichokes, making sure they don’t float (this applies to all the tips above). If you allow the artichokes to float, the air will still oxidize them. Place a plate, rack or any kitchen utensil that guarantees that they remain fully submerged.
  • Peel the artichokes and immediately cook them. That is, as soon as you peel one, you cook it. You can use this method to fry or roast them.
  • Prepare the whole grilled artichokes. If you use this option, you must remove the outer leaves as they cook. Thus the juice is concentrated inside.

Tip: Citrus foods slow down the browning of many foods.

How to cook whole artichokes?

Perhaps the best trick for cooking artichokes is to cook them whole. Yes, by preparing them like this, you prevent them from oxidizing (darkening), so you don’t need to add lemon (because it alters their flavor), you prevent them from getting ugly, you don’t stain your hands and you also make your job easier by cutting them after cooking them. The procedure is very simple; you do not need to remove anything from them until they are cooked. Plus, they’ll be just as delicious. You will be surprised how easy it is! Next, we show how to cook whole artichokes step by step:

  1. Wash the artichokes very well.
  2. Leave the artichokes whole. Do not peel or remove the outer leaves of the artichoke.
  3. Place them in a pot with enough water. Make sure that the water covers them completely, at least 10 centimeters above the vegetable. Add a teaspoon of salt and voila. If you wish, you can also use one of the antioxidant methods during cooking.
  4. Wait between 10 and 30 minutes, until they are soft. Cooking time varies depending on the thickness and size of the artichoke.
  5. Check to see if the artichokes are tender by poking them with a skewer or knife on the stem. Check every 10 minutes and if they still feel hard, continue cooking. They must be al dente.
  6. Drain them quickly using a strainer.
  7. Submerge them in cold water. Have a large bowl ready with plenty of water, ice and a good bunch of parsley. The cold water will stop the cooking and the parsley (it has a lot of vitamin C) will keep the artichokes green. You can also add a pinch of salt.
  8. Chop the artichokes and leave them in the bowl of cold water. Remove the artichokes one at a time, peel them as usual and return them to the bowl (with water, ice and parsley). Leave them there until you use them in the chosen recipe. Remember to work fast while you cut them, so you mistreat or handle them as little as possible.
  9. Drain them very well. Before serving, dry them gently with absorbent paper.

Have you seen how easy this trick is? Yes, this way you will show off magnificent green and blush artichokes in your favorite dish!

Tip: When you pre-cook the artichokes, then you peel them very easily.

How to cook artichokes in the microwave?

Without a doubt, the fastest method that exists to solve culinary problems… the microwave! Here you can do anything, including artichokes, so…, prepare everything that we start now! Take note to know how to cook artichokes in the microwave:

  • Make the dressing for the recipe. Prepare the dressing with which you will cook the artichokes. Booking. Have a large bowl ready with plenty of water, ice and a good bunch of parsley.
  • Cut the artichokes correctly, quickly and carefully. Remember to cut the artichokes one by one and quickly so they don’t brown. In this case, preferably leave it whole, that is, do not divide it but remove everything unnecessary.
  • Submerge the artichokes in cold water. Artichoke that you finish peeling, immediately to the bowl (with water, ice and parsley). Reserve until the moment you put them in the microwave.
  • Place the vegetables in a tall microwaveable container(the kind that uses a lid with an outlet for steam). Remember to leave the steam opening open while the vegetables are cooking. If the tray does not have a lid, use plastic wrap to seal it, you can make some small holes so that the steam escapes.
  • Put the artichokes with the base down and the tips of the leaves up. This prevents the leaves from absorbing all the water while they cook.
  • Dress the artichokes or leave them to dress them later. Add the reserved dressing generously. Additionally, add a splash of water (4 tablespoons of water), inside the container to provide moisture to the artichokes during cooking. This way, when the steam rises, the artichokes will stay juicy. On the contrary, if you decide to leave them plain, add enough water to cover 1.25 cm of the bottom of the pan. Squeeze a lemon, add a pinch of salt to the water and stir until they are integrated with the water.
  • Cook for 5 or 6 minutes, at maximum power. The cooking time varies, depending on the size of the artichokes. If they are large, cook the artichokes in the microwave for 5 or 6 minutes (in some microwaves even between 10 and 15 minutes) and if they are small for 3 to 4 minutes, in both cases at maximum power. The time also depends on the type of artichoke, its quality and the power of the microwave. Remember, the most advisable thing is to cook in batches, test the time, do it 5 by 5, so you check if the artichokes are tender or not and check if you need several more minutes or just one.
  • Make sure the artichokes are tender. Pierce the vegetables with a wooden skewer or knife. Check if they are soft, if not, leave them for another minute
  • Check its texture again. After the time, check them again and observe the appearance of their leaves, which should look somewhat toasted. If not, cook them for an additional 3-4 minutes.
  • Serve to taste.

Tip: The power of each microwave is different; first try an artichoke, until you get the hang of it.

How to steam artichokes?

Steaming vegetables provides exceptional benefits, such as the preservation of most nutrients, a more appetizing presentation and a more authentic flavor.

  • Clean and cut the artichokes.
  • Submerge the artichokes in very cold water, just cut them. Prepare a large bowl, with plenty of water, ice and a good bunch of parsley. Thus, every time you cut an artichoke, you immediately submerge it in water.
  • Place your steamer basket, separate from the water. Have a pot full of water ready; the amount of water should be just below your steamer basket, no more and no less (without wetting the basket). For this reason, the pot must be deep, at least enough to place the steamer and be able to keep it separated from the water.
  • Put the vegetables in the basket. Place the vegetables in the steamer and cover it.
  • Cook between 25 to 40 minutes(even a little more). After the time, add the salt to the water and some aromatic herb of your choice (rosemary or thyme branch) and the parsley. Remember cooking times vary depending on the quality, freshness, size and thickness of the vegetable.
  • Check if the artichokes are soft. Check with a knife or toothpick if the artichokes are tender, every 10 minutes or less. If they are not still hard, continue cooking.

Tip: Artichokes can be eaten hot or cold.

How to cook artichokes in a pressure cooker?

Without a doubt, cooking artichokes in a pressure cooker is one of the fastest and easiest ways to taste this food. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the artichokes following the advice above or leave them whole, whichever you prefer.
  2. Place the artichokes in the pot and cover them with water.
  3. If you have a grid, use it so that the artichokes are better.
  4. Cover the pot and let them cook for 10 minutes.

How to prepare artichokes in the oven?

When you prepare food in the oven, you enhance the flavors, preserve the nutrients and use less fat, without a doubt, advantages to consider for any cook. Can you imagine all the delicious baked recipes you can prepare with artichokes? Here you have the necessary steps to cook this exquisite vegetable in the oven, very simple!

  • Wash and chop the artichokes in the usual way.
  • Place them in a container with very cold water(with ice), salt and parsley, immediately after peeling them. Reserve until baked.
  • Drain the artichokes very well. Let as much water as possible drain off.
  • Place them on a tray and season them. Add a splash of oil (to taste), the aromatic herbs of your choice and a pinch of salt. Also, replace these condiments with others. Additionally, you can add a squeeze of lemon, in order to avoid oxidation, however, remember that this varies the flavor by bit.
  • Bake between 15 to 25 minutes at 200 ºC, even a little more. Wait until the artichokes are tender and golden brown. Prick with a skewer to check. Remember, everything depends on the intensity of the heat of your oven, no home oven is precise. For this reason, the time stipulated here is referential. Yes, you still do not know your honor well; I recommend you try it first.

How to make boiled artichokes?

Boiling the artichokes is one of the most common ways to prepare them, before transforming them into some magnificent dish. This technique only has two points against it: the first, during cooking some nutrients are lost; the second, the taste is also somewhat lost; the third, the color is diluted a little. However, if you use the correct time, these drawbacks almost go unnoticed. Without further ado, we share with you the steps to boil artichokes magnificently:

  • Wash and cut the artichokes as usual.
  • Submerge the artichokes in very cold water, with parsley and salt. Place the vegetables in a bowl, along with the water, ice, parsley and salt. Booking. Reserve up to the amount of frying them.
  • Prepare a pot with water, when it begins to boil add the artichokes. The water should completely cover the vegetables. Add the aromatic herbs of your choice and salt to taste. If you feel like it, apply one of the methods that I mentioned before, to avoid the oxidation of the artichokes.
  • Check if the artichokes are done. When 15 to 20 minutes have elapsed, prick the stem of the artichokes with a toothpick or knife, check if they are soft but firm, and otherwise continue cooking. Remember, cooking time varies, depending on the size, thickness, quality, freshness, and type of artichoke.
  • Return artichokes to cold water. Place the artichokes back in the bowl of water with parsley and set aside, until ready to prepare the selected recipe.
  • Drain the artichokes carefully. Before preparing and serving them, drain the artichokes very well (pass them through a large colander) and dry them with an absorbent paper towel (special for kitchens).

How to make fried artichokes?

Few can resist the charms of fried dishes, but don’t worry; nothing can hurt if you don’t overdo it. So if you are wondering how to fry artichokes, here are all the details:

  • Clean and chop the artichokes. Remember to cut them quickly to prevent them from rusting.
  • In this step you have three options: you can dip the artichokes in very cold water, with parsley and salt. Prepare a large bowl (wide and deep) with water, ice, parsley and salt. The water must completely cover the artichokes, otherwise they will still oxidize.  Reserve until the moment of frying them. In this case, you should drain the artichokes very well before taking them to the pan. Dry them carefully with absorbent paper, each one, so you also add them to the pan.
  • Boil them before frying them. Another widely used option is to boil the artichokes for 15 or 20 minutes before frying them. In this case, it is also advisable to submerge them in cold water with parsley (as in the previous step) to stop the cooking and then dry them very well, without mistreating them. It is also recommended to add an antioxidant to the water (lemon, parsley, flour, etc.).
  • Go directly from peeling them to frying them. If you decide on this option, peel artichokes, fry artichokes (one by one).
  • Prepare a non-stick frying pan and pour a splash of oil(olive oil preferably). Apply medium-low heat. Add the vegetables and sauté for about 5-6 minutes, a little more or less. Take them out as soon as they begin to toast and place them on absorbent paper, thus removing excess fat. Remember, if you prefer lighter artichokes, it is advisable to use a little oil, because they absorb a lot.

Artichoke cooking times

Certainly, a good cooking depends strictly on the time and the method of cooking chosen, the presentation (the type of cut), the size and some other factors. To be sure, improperly cooking artichokes, or any other food, can ruin a recipe entirely. For this reason, it is very helpful to have the following cooking time guide for handy artichokes for reference only:

  • Artichokes in pieces: between 20-25 minutes in boiling water.
  • Whole artichokes: between 15-25 minutes, in boiling water. In this case you must make sure that the vegetable is tender by pricking it with a skewer or knife.
  • Baked artichokes: 30 minutes or more if they are whole and 15 minutes or more if they are chopped. In this case, you should also check the texture of the artichokes, using a skewer.
  • Steamed artichokes: between 25-40 minutes. This will depend on the type of pot you use. In the espresso pot, 10 minutes is enough.
  • Grilled artichokes: in this case, the times depend on whether you prepare them directly after peeling them or boil them first. In the first method apply 30 minutes and in the second up to 1 hour.

Artichoke recipes

Artichokes are very versatile and useful in the kitchen; you can use them both as the main element of dishes, as well as a companion or simply to give a masterful twist to some recipes. Thinking about your gastronomic delight, here are some very appetizing and easy options for you to taste part of the charm of these vegetables:

  • Acalcahof as omelet
  • Rice With Artichokes
  • Artichoke with clams
  • Artichokes stuffed with ham and cheese
  • Artichokes au gratin with ham
  • Microwave artichokes with ham
  • Vegetarian stuffed artichokes
  • Artichoke Dip
  • Artichoke cream spread

Likewise, we share three simple artichoke recipes, with their corresponding ingredients and steps, so that learning to cook artichokes is an even simpler task.

1. Candied artichokes

If you like “culinary aces up your sleeve”, we recommend you try this delicate, elegant and exquisite recipe, perfect to solve any problem or captivate your guests during a very special celebration. If you keep these candied artichokes in jars, you can surprise everyone, at any time, with delicious appetizers such as artichokes with foe, candied artichokes with potato cream or candied artichokes with ham. Without a doubt… an irresistible recipe!


  • 6 artichokes
  • 1 glass of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • pinch of pepper


Making this tasty recipe is very easy and you will love the result.

  1. Prepare a pan with plenty of hot oil.
  2. Clean, cut and immediately put the artichokes in the pan (as soon as you finish peeling one, you add it), until they are submerged in the oil.
  3. Once cooked, you can serve them immediately or keep them in a jar for later consumption.

2. Garlic artichokes

The artichoke is a very healthy and versatile vegetable, which allows you to make a large number of very healthy, delicious and elegant dishes. If you want to impress your guests without trying too hard, we have the perfect recipe for you: artichokes with garlic. How can you accompany this dish? Rejoice, you have many options: meat, rice, potatoes, seafood (for example shrimp), black beans (black beans) among others.


  • 1 artichoke
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 splash of oil


What are the steps of this tasty recipe? Wash the artichokes and boil them whole in water;  peel and cut into quarters; Cook them in a frying pan and season them. Easy peas!

3. Breaded artichokes with ham

This dish is… a delicacy! Well, almost everything prepared with artichokes also turns out that way. This recipe conquers the eyes first and then the palate. If you want a versatile dish, here it is, perfect for a meeting or to convince the little ones to eat vegetables, as it has a masterful touch of crispy Serrano ham and… They love crunchiness!


  • 6 artichokes
  • 2 slices of Serrano ham
  • 1 egg
  • 6 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 lemon
  • 300 milliliters of olive oil


This recipe for artichokes is summarized in boiling the vegetables (previously washed and peeled), preparing the slices of crispy ham (in the oven or microwave) to turn them into shavings, battering the artichokes and serving them.

Finally, when assembling the dish (as they say in the culinary world), arrange the artichokes on a tray or plate, and sprinkle the ham shavings on top (it crushes the ham crispy at the moment, without turning it into dust). And enjoy an exquisite and original recipe…, gourmet artichokes!

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