Hose Broth Recipe

Ingredients to make Hose Broth:

  • 1 small Chancho (pork) often (viscera)
  • 1 tripaje (intestines) of Chancho (pork) small
  • 2 cups of pig blood
  • 3 Cups of Raw Rice
  • 1/2 small cabbage cooked and cut into small slices
  • 1/2 small cabbage raw and cut into small slices
  • 1 large red onion
  • 1 large bell pepper
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 tablespoon mint
  • 5 green
  • 5 tablespoons of achiote
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cumin
  • 1 teaspoon of ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate).

How to make Hose Broth:

  1. Wash the pork tripe well with enough water and salt, then rub it with green skins and leave it soaked in lemon, mint and water for 20 minutes, repeat this as many times as necessary until the smell is removed.
  2. Cook the rice so that it is sopudo (spongy) but somewhat raw inside.
  3. Let it cool and mix it with the 1/2 cooked cabbage and with the blood. Apart prepare a rehash, heat the achiote and fry the onion, pepper and crushed garlic, oregano, coriander and mint.
  4. Season with salt, pepper and cumin. Once it is cooked, combine it with the rice.
  5. Fill the intestines with this condumio. Grate 2 greens and mix it with a little rehash, achiote, coriander and pork butter, and fill some intestines with this.
  6. The broth.- In 4 or 5 liters of water put the giblets of the pig, the greens cut into slices and the 1/2 raw cabbage, if there is leftover food after filling the guts, add it too.
  7. Season with salt, pepper, ajinomoto, cumin and 3 garlic seeds.
  8. Cook for one hour or until the viscera are cooked. Then put the stuffed casings but carefully so they do not break, leave it for another hour or until the casings no longer bleed.
  9. How to Serve: Leave the broth in a pot and remove the Hoses (Sausages) on a tray and let cool.
  10. Serve the broth hot in a deep plate. Cut the sausage into 5-10 cm pieces and serve them separately on a flat plate with white onion and chopped parsley on top. Accompany with lemon and chili.
  11. I recommend eating it in the following way: mash the intestines so that part of the condumio comes out, add the skins of the tipas to the broth, add lemon to the condumio, chop the greens and mix it with the condumio, add a little broth.
  12. Eat a little of this condumio with a little broth with gut skin. When you go through the middle, pour the rest of the condumio into the broth.
  13. Mix it up and eat. (MMMMM!!!!!!)
  14. Notes: If you found it too difficult to prepare, visit a recommended place.
  15. This broth is excellent for breakfast on weekends. Remove the chuchaqui (raw). Highly recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
  16. Excellent source of cholesterol (if you’re going to die anyway, you’d better get sick early).

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