Honey cod recipe

On this occasion we share a recipe for cod with honey to lick your fingers and dip bread, because it is so simple and at the same time so tasty that you will not believe it.

You only need 6 ingredients, almost all of which you will already have at home at hand, such as honey, oil, vinegar, water and flour; so you only have to buy the cod fillets if you don’t already have them frozen. You will always get a honey cod anyway if you use the fresh fish of the day.

Ingredients to make Honey Cod:

  • 8 pieces of salted cod (loins)
  • 50 grams of flour
  • 1 small glass of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 1 glass of olive oil
  • 1 small glass of water

How to make Honey Cod:

  1. I have used salt cod to make this honey cod, but if you prefer you can buy salted cod and desalt it. To do this, leave it to soak and change the water as many times as necessary, testing it until it is at its salt point.
  2. Once we have the cod ready, we put a frying pan on the fire with the oil to heat. Lightly flour the cod and fry it in hot oil until golden on all sides, and set aside.
  3. Next, we remove the oil from the pan, add the vinegar and honey, add a small glass of water and cook everything for a couple of minutes. Finally we pour the sauce over the cod and serve it very hot.

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