Honduran Baleadas Recipe

Baleadas are one of the most popular dishes in Honduras. They are eaten for breakfast or dinner, but because of their simplicity they could also get you out of a hurry for lunch. They are made with wheat tortillas folded in half and filled with refried black or red beans, avocado, cheese and sour cream, among other ingredients that we will show below. Also, you can skip the cheese and make them with this Vegan Sour Cream Recipe if you want to make a vegan-friendly version.

Follow the step by step that we show in this article and discover how to make baleadas, the typical ones from

Ingredients to make Honduran Baleadas:

• 4 tortillas of flour

• 2 cups of cooked black beans

• 2 avocados

• 150 grams of grated cheese

• 4 tablespoons sour cream

How to make Honduran Baleadas:

Heat the beans in a frying pan with a splash of oil and flatten them a bit with a wooden spoon if you want them to be refried. You can use the ones that are already cooked to save you the time of preparation, reuse some that you have made previously or cook them. For this last option, you will need to soak the beans overnight. The next day, you should strain them and cook them in a pot with plenty of new water until they are cooked.

Tip: If you cook the beans, reserve a little broth and add it to the pan now. If you use them already cooked, add a little of the broth they bring.

Peel the avocados and cut them into cubes or slices, either way your Honduran baleadas will be delicious. And if you don’t know how to peel avocado, here’s a video. Heat the tortillas on a grill or nonstick skillet and remove them before they are toasted. You can make your own tortillas by following the Flour Tortillas Recipe.

Fill tortillas with beans, avocado, cheese and sour sauce in this order and fold. As there are different versions of Honduran baleadas, there are also those who add fried onions and scrambled eggs.

Serve them up! The recipe for baleadas is really exquisite, simple and economical. In addition, as you have seen, you can make it in different ways and with various ingredients. Serve this typical Honduran food with a very cold drink and, if you want, season the baleadas with lemon juice. You can also serve them with some hot pepper sauce to put a little on them when eating them, you will love them!

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