Homemade yolk nougat recipe

Do you know the yolk nougat? Surely yes! Although its exact origin is uncertain, it is suspected that it may have emerged in areas of Catalonia and Valencia as a way of making use of leftover egg yolks from desserts and sweet creams around the 15th century. In any case, today it is one of the most popular Christmas nougats due to its exquisite flavor and pleasant texture.

Burnt yolk nougat is very tasty and that is why we do not want it to go unnoticed and we encourage you to try this simple recipe. You will see that preparing a homemade nougat does not cost that much and you will receive thousands of compliments from those who try your delicacy prepared with all the love. Stay in this article and discover how to make homemade yolk nougat, it will surprise you!

Ingredients to make homemade yolk nougat:

  • 250 grams of ground almonds
  • 1 medium lemon (the zest)
  • 40 milliliters of water
  • 30 grams of icing sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
  • 2 egg yolks

How to make homemade yolk nougat:

  1. Beat the egg yolks with the cinnamon.
  2.  Do it gently and avoiding as much as possible adding the white when separating it from the yolk.
  3. You can reserve the whites to prepare homemade meringue or any other recipe. In the refrigerator they last up to 2 days.
  4. Grate the skin of a lemon and add itto the egg yolks, stirring so that it releases its citrus aroma and blends with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Trick: Try not to grate more than the yellow part of the shell because the white part would make the yolk nougat bitter.
  6. Boil water in a saucepan and add the sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon if possible and do not stop stirring to create a glucose syrup but without darkening.
  7. To do this, you must cook the sugar for 5 minutes and check that it has thickened slightly.
  8. Tip: You can put a cup of water near where you cook the sugar and insert the tip of the spoon to check if it forms a thick drop, this indicates that the glucose syrup is ready.
  9. Add the ground almondsto the mixture of the yolks and stir so that everything is mixed well. There must be a thick and malleable paste for the homemade yolk nougat to be perfect.
  10. Carefully, also add the glucose syrup, stirring until it is fully integrated. Afterwards, she takes out this dough and kneads it with her hands.
  11. Once you have worked the yolk nougat dough, you can put it in a moldor lunch box, so that the nougat adopts that characteristic rectangular shape.
  12.  You can crush it with a piece of parchment paper and your hands or leave a carton of milk on top so that it has weight and is very compact.
  13. Cover the container (or leave the weight on top) and store it in the refrigerator for two days, that is, 48 ​​hours, since the resting time is one of the keys to success.
  14. Tip: If you don’t have a mold to make the yolk nougat, cut a carton of milk and use it as a mold.
  15. After the resting time, you have the option of serving an unroasted or toasted yolk nougat. To make the burnt yolk nougat, you simply have to beat an egg yolk with icing or brown sugar and paint the surface of the unmolded nougat.
  16. Then, you can burn it with a blowtorch or put it in the oven with the gratin function for a few minutes.
  17. Another way to make toasted yolk nougat is by heating a spoon over the heat, passing it through icing sugar and then over the surface of the nougat.
  18. In this way, in addition, it will have a sweeter touch.


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