Homemade Tofu Recipe Step by Step

Learn how to prepare tofu with soy beans. Tofu follows the same procedure as fresh cheese, so preparing it is easier than it seems. Cheer up and take care of your diet with this Japanese vegan cheese. Keep reading and discover the recipe for homemade tofu step by step.

Ingredients to make homemade Tofu step by step:

  • 8 cups of water (1920 milliliters)
  • 1 teaspoon of Nigeria (derived from salt to cut milk)
  • 1 cup of yellow soy

How to make homemade Tofu step by step:

1 The first step is to wash the soy beans very well. Leave them to soak overnight as if it were any other legume. After this time, drain and rinse the soy well and remove the skin that protects the beans by rubbing everything with a cloth.

2 Next, grind the soy very well; you can use a meat grinder or any kitchen robot that fulfills the same function. Then, to continue with the preparation of the homemade tofu, put in a pot with all the water until it simmers.

Tip: Keep an eye on the pot constantly, since the preparation will rise like milk once it breaks the boil.

3 Let the soybeans cook for about 10 minutes, then pass everything through a cloth strainer and reserve the milk. Crush well to remove every last drop of soy milk, this remaining solid is called okra.

4 Separately dissolve the niggard in warm water. Add this dissolved product, little by little, to a pot with the soy milk. Go stirring with a wooden spoon until the milk is curdled. This process should not take more than 15 minutes, so if in this time the milk has not curdled you can add a little more niggard.

Tip: If you don’t get niggard you can use lemon juice or sea water to cut the soy.

5 When the soy milk has already been cut, let it rest for half an hour. After this time you will see how the serum is noticeable at the top. Pass the entire mixture through a fine mesh or cloth cheese strainer.

6 Press as much as you can on the mesh to extract as much liquid as possible. Then, place the homemade tofu, inside the same mesh, in a container that can be pressed. You can use two plates or place something heavy on top of the tofu so that it compacts. Let stand under pressure for about two hours, the texture should be that of a fresh cheese.

7 The time of this pressing depends on many factors, such as the type of water, soy, etc. That is why it is important to check the homemade tofu and bathe the rennet in water. This water should be changed every two days and the storage time is approximately one week.

8 After the resting time, you will be able to enjoy homemade and natural tofu that you can eat in preparations such as tofu smoothie, tofu with tomato or smoked tofu. As you can see, the tofu recipe is much simpler than it seems, so go ahead and prepare it!

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