Homemade tangerine jam recipe

Whole tangerine jam is divine on the palate and provides important nutrients to the body. The fruit itself generates good amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid and, specifically, it has less sugar than orange. However, sugar combined with any fruit somewhat diminishes the nutritional capabilities of the latter. Despite this caveat, this homemade tangerine jam recipe that we share in this article continues to be a tasty and very positive nutritious alternative for the body.

Ingredients to make homemade tangerine jam:

  • 500 grams of peeled mandarins
  • ½ lemon
  • 250 grams of sugar (1¼ cups)

How to make homemade tangerine jam:

  1. Start by peeling the tangerines and then remove the white skin from the segments and the seeds.
  2. Tip: If you want a more intense flavor, grate the peel of a tangerine and add it to the mix. Take care not to grate the white part because it will become very bitter.
  3. Place a saucepan with water, wait for it to boil and place the tangerines. Cook for five minutes, remove from heat, strain and discard the water. Do this step 3 times. Booking.
  4. Trick: This process is to reduce the bitterness of the fruit. That is why you should discard the water where you cooked the tangerines.
  5. Place the tangerine segments in the blender until you get a fine paste.
  6. Trick: It is better to blend the tangerine because it is possible that the segments do not completely dissolve during the cooking process. However, it all depends on your preference.
  7. In a saucepan, pour the tangerine juice and the lemon, and stir. Lastly, add the sugar.
  8. Heat the pot over medium heat and stir constantly to prevent the contents from sticking. Wait approximately 30 minutes, before removing the whole tangerine jam from the heat.
  9. Trick: Taste the mixture to see if it is to your liking.
  10. Let the homemade tangerine jam rest for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then, place the contents inside glass containers and refrigerate.
  11. Tip: If you want to keep the jam for a long time, sterilize some jars. Then, close the boats well and proceed to boil in water, placing them upside down for 20 minutes.
  12. This homemade tangerine jam is ideal to eat with whole wheat toast at breakfast, for example. Exquisite! What do you think of combining it with?
  13. It occurs to us to spread it on a whole grain bread with seeds or on top of some fit French toast.

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