Homemade syrup recipe

Syrup is one of the most used ingredients in the traditional preparation of biscuits, cakes, fruits, liqueurs and other desserts or recipes. Some people use the syrup from the fruits in syrup to make their desserts, but in this case we are going to show you a homemade syrup recipe that you can use whenever you need it.

The proportion of the syrup will depend on how thick you want to prepare it. This time we have made the lightest syrup, perfect for dipping cakes and other simple desserts. However, later we will show you other variants of the syrup so that you know how much to use depending on the result you want to achieve. With nothing more to say, all you have to do is continue reading and discover how to make homemade syrup together with this article.

Ingredients to make homemade syrup:

  • 200 grams of sugar (1 cup)
  • 200 milliliters of water

How to make homemade syrup:

  1. Pour the water and sugar into a pot or saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Important: do not stop stirring at any time so that the sugar does not caramelize.
  2. Once it starts to boil, leave 5 more minutes and remove. If you leave it longer, the syrup may thicken more than necessary and you may not get the desired result.
  3. Tip: This syrup recipe will work to prepare a medium sponge cake without any problem.
  4. This homemade syrup will be at what is known as light point or yeast point. It will be perfect for most simple recipes.
  5. To make sure that it has reached its ideal point, insert a slotted spoon into it and see if, when removing it, its holes are covered with syrup.
  6. So you know it’s ready to use! You can use it in this simple sponge cake recipe.
  7. Tip: If you are going to use the syrup to cover the cake, use it when it is still hot.


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