Homemade Sweet Potatoes in Syrup Recipe

The versatile sweet potato is always well received, whether in desserts or savory dishes. In Latin America and even in Spain, sweet potato sweets enrich local gastronomy, exposing the ingenuity of the cooks of each region with a wide variety of proposals such as: sweet potato with chocolate, sweet potato and coconut, sweet potato and pineapple, sweet potato preserves, among many other creative alternatives.

In this article we bring you a very simple and cheap dessert, so that you can add it to your collection of favorite recipes, so we teach you how to make sweet potato in syrup. This magnificent sweet is cheap and very simple to prepare, it also has an exquisite flavor, very similar to apple candy. You will be surprised by its taste!

Ingredients to make homemade sweet potatoes in syrup:

  • sweet potato cooking
  • 500 grams of small sweet potatoes
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Syrup
  • 500 grams of sugar (2½ cups)
  • 400 milliliters of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 cloves

How to make homemade sweet potatoes in syrup:

  1. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into an even shape. Immediately immerse the tubers in water, in a bowl with the juice of half a lemon, otherwise they will blacken.
  2. To cook the sweet potatoes, prepare a saucepan with water and a cinnamon stick. Wait until it reaches its boiling point to add the tubers. Cook for approximately 5 minutes, take care that the sweet potatoes are not too tender.
  3. Tip: Parallel to the sweet potato, prepare the syrup.
  4. Drain the tubers very well and reserve.
  5. To cook the syrup, prepare a saucepan with water and add the sugar. Cook until you reach the point of syrup. Flavor with cinnamon and cloves.
  6. Once the point is reached, add the cooked sweet potatoes. Wait until the sweet potatoes are cooked in syrup; you’ll know the candy is ready when the tubers look shiny.
  7. Do you know what this fragrant sweet tastes like? Homemade sweet potato in syrup has a certain resemblance to the flavor of apple candy. This dessert is exquisite accompanied by fresh cheese or to fill a cake, like a banana cake

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