Homemade Spanish sangria

Ingredients to make Homemade Spanish Sangria:

  • 1 unit of Apple
  • 1 unit of Peach
  • 1 unit of Pear
  • 1 unit of Orange
  • 1 handful of Grape
  • 1 unit of Lemon
  • 1 cup of Sugar (200 grams)
  • 1 bottle of red wine
  • 1 shot of Brandy
  • 1 glass of Orange Juice

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How to make Homemade Spanish Sangria:

  1. To start preparing the Spanish sangria, wash and cut all the fruit into small pieces, remove seeds and peel when necessary.
  2. Use a wide-mouthed jug with a capacity of more than a liter or a large bowl. Add the sugar and orange and crush with a mortar and pestle.
  3. Then add the wine and stir well with a wooden spoon, trying to dissolve all the sugar. Then add the orange juice, lemon juice, brandy and the rest of the cut fruit. Brandy is options and you can substitute Liquor 43 or Cointreau.
  4. Correct the sweetness and flavor of homemade Spanish sangria by adding more sugar or more orange juice. Let cool and serve with lots of ice. Serve the sangria together with the pieces of fruit and if you want, decorate each glass with lemon and orange slices.

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