Homemade Protein Shake for Dinner

Ingredients to make Homemade Protein Shake for dinner:

  1. 3 boiled egg whites
  2. 250 grams of plain Greek or skimmed yogurt
  3. 1 banana, cambur or ripe plantain
  4. 250 milliliters of skimmed or skimmed milk

How to make Homemade Protein Shake for Dinner:

  • Arrange the ingredients on the work table. Measure all the ingredients and reserve.
  • Denatures the egg whites so you can use them in your homemade protein shake. You can cook them in the microwave until they look consistent or even better if you cook them in a bain-marie until you achieve the desired consistency.
  • Tip: You can also use the egg whites that are sold in supermarkets, already denatured and ready to use.
  • Add all the ingredients to the blender and beat at high speed.
  • Pour the mixture into a glass and… Let’s taste it! This drink will allow you to sleep like a baby and wake up full of energy, as it protects your muscles while you sleep. Do you like this homemade protein shake for dinner? If you prepare it, would you share your experience with us? This drink is not only suitable for dinner, it is also perfect for breakfast, making it a great pre-workout protein shake.

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