Homemade Prosciutto Pizza Recipe

If you like to eat pizza, you will know that there is nothing better than making your own homemade pizza, adding and mixing the ingredients that you like the most.

Follow the recipe step by step and prepare yourself a wonderful pizza for the whole family. In addition, you will see that from Free Recipes we give you options so that you can also prepare the dough and tomato sauce yourself if you have time and want to do everything natural.

Ingredients to make homemade prosciutto pizza:

  1. 1 sheet of pizza dough
  2. 4 slices of York ham
  3. 100 grams of grated cheese
  4. 1 pinch of oregano to taste
  5. 1 boat of natural raw tomato
  6. Mozzarella

How to make Homemade Prosciutto Pizza:

  • In my case, I use fresh, already prepared dough, because it is much faster and in my opinion it tastes great. So, we place the dough on the tray and put a layer of natural raw tomato all over the surface.
  • Next, we add a layer of grated cheese to taste. I usually put almost the whole bag, and I leave a little to put it on top of everything.
  • We also add a generous layer of York ham that you can cut into strips or squares, to your liking. The quantity is also to taste and you can use the typical cooked or braised ham.
  • We just put the grated cheese that we have left and added a little mozzarella. In my case, I use one that comes in small balls, perfect for pizzas.
  • Finally, we season our homemade pizza with oregano to taste and put it in the oven to cook at 180°C with heat up and down for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, all that remains is to remove, chop to taste and enjoy! You can also add other extra ingredients to this homemade prosciutto pizza, such as anchovies or mushrooms.

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