Homemade peach jam recipe

Taking advantage of seasonal fruit is always the best option, and not only because we save money, but because its quality is much higher! Although the best way to do it is to eat whole and natural pieces of fruit, no one can deny that homemade jams are delicious and allow us to enjoy more complete and tasty breakfasts. For this reason, in this article we offer you a simple recipe for peach jam.

Next, we will explain the necessary ingredients to make this recipe, the proportions between them in case you want to make more, and the cooking times for the peach jam. And as if that were not enough, we also explain how to make it without sugar, much lighter and healthier. Keep reading and discover with us how to make peach jam.

Ingredients to make homemade peach jam:

  • 2 peaches
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • ½ lemon

How to make homemade peach jam:

  1. For a sweet peach jam, the recommended proportion is as follows: you must add the same amount of sugar as fruit in grams.
  2. However, if we prefer to opt for a jam with more fruit flavor and, therefore, less sweet, the amount of sugar should be half.
  3. Thus, if we use 1 kilo of peaches, we will need 500 grams of sugar. We use the lemon with two objectives: to preserve the jam for longer and to thicken it. Therefore, the amount can vary a little to taste.
  4. Once the proportion of the ingredients is clarified, we begin! Peel the peaches, chop them and place them in a pot with the sugar.
  5. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar has completely dissolved.
  6. When the sugar has dissolved and begins to boil, we lower the temperature to cook the peach jam over low heat.
  7.  Likewise, we add the lemon juice. To obtain a softer and more liquid jam we can add a glass of water.
  8. Let the jam cook until it acquires the desired texture. In general, the cooking time for peach jam ranges from 40-50 minutes.
  9.  During this time it is important to stir the mixture from time to time to prevent the fruit from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  10. Once ready, we recommend letting it warm up a bit and crushing it slightly so that it is more homogeneous, although if you like to find pieces of fruit you can leave it as it is.
  11. Before the jam cools down, we pack it in previously sterilized glass jars, close them hermetically and leave them upside down overnight.
  12. In this way, we will vacuum pack the jam, obtaining a preserved peach jam, and we will be able to store it for months in our pantry.
  13. Once opened, we will have to consume it in a maximum period of a week or a week and a half. Lemon is a powerful natural preservative, however it is not as effective as artificial preservatives.
  14. Now that you know how to make peach jam, what are you waiting for to try it? You can serve it for breakfast or use it to fill a homemade chocolate cake, for example.


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